The Berrybrook Collection

Berrybrook Steam & Classics welcomes visitors to the ‘Berrybrook Collection’, an assembly of all things steam and motor related. The collection began in the 1970s, with Tony Anthony, then owner of Bridge Motors. Since then, material has been added by various other members of the family and now comprises well over three-thousand items, from books to brochures, and rare petrol cans to enamel signs.

With a history steeped in the southwest of England, we take pride in the fact that Berrybrook’s library includes a selection of unique ephemera providing a glance into the regions motoring past. Most recently, the library has become available to members of the Crashbox and Classic Car Club (CBCCC) and has gratefully received donations from some of its members.

The vast assortment of literature makes for an excellent source collection for enthusiasts, researchers, and clubs. We encourage any interested parties to search the library online and visit our premises in person to browse. We are also constantly looking to expand the collection, so if you are looking to find a new home for your literature please let us know.

Simply search by Title, Author, Type (e.g. manual/book/catalogue), Make, Model or Year, and take note of its location and identifier prior to your visit. This is a complimentary service and we do not ask for payment from visitors to look through our collection. 

Location DDN Title Author Type Category Subcategory Date
BA.01 629.2338 RAN Vintage Motorcycles Illustrated, Revised Edition George Rance Motor History GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1970
BA.01 629.2272 ENF A List of Spare and Replacement Parts for the Royal Enfield Motorcycle 1946-48 Model G The Enfield Cycle Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Royal Enfield 1948
AB.04 629.2291 VIN The Journal of the Vincent H. R. D. Owners Club, May 1962, No. 160 Vincent Owner's Club Club Publications Motorcycles Vincent 1962
AB.03 629.2213 HAY The Book of the B.S.A. Bantam W. C. Haycraft Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1959
AB.03 629.22131 BSA BSA Goldstar 350 c.c./500 c.c. Maintenance Manual BSA Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1955
AB.03 629.22132 BSA BSA Instruction Manual, Models C15, C15T, C15S, C15 SS80, B40, B40 SS90 BSA Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1957
AB.05 629.2333 TEM The Motor Repair Manual for the Owner Driver and Amateur Mechanic, 5th edition Temple Press Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1955
AB.05 629.2401 BER The Amateur Mechanic, vol.III Bernard E. Jones Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics General 1914
AB.05 629.2401 LOU The Motorcycle Practical Handbook Harry Louis Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics General 1959
AB.05 629.2301 PLA An Album of Motor Cars, Second Series John Player and Sons Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1934
AB.04 629.2301 NIC Sports Cars Book Two, 1907-1927 T. R. Nicholson Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1970
BA.01 629.2301 RAL Popular Cars Illustrated The Raleigh Press Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1960
AB.04 629.2301 NIC1 Passenger Cars 1863-1904 T. R. Nicholson Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1970
AB.05 629.2378 WIL "Safety First": An Album to contain a series of Cigarette Cards of National Importance W.D. and H.O. Wills Highway Codes GeneralMotoring Rules and Regulations 1934
AB.05 629.2358 NEA "Raydyot" Motor Specialities, James Neale and Sons ltd., Season 1955-56 James Neale and Sons Ltd. Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1955
BA.01 629.2358 AMA AMAC Catalogue and Hints and Tips, List No. 203 AMAC Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1927
BA.01 629.2301 RAL1 Where's that Car from? Eight edition. The Raleigh Press Indexes GeneralMotoring Cars 1960
AC.03 796.701 COO Rallying to Monte Carlo Mike Cooper Biography Motorsport Rally 1956
AC.04 914.1 BAC Bacon's Reversible Maps, Motor Road Map of Southern England and Wales, No.1 G. W. Bacon and Co. Ltd. Maps Motorsport 1950
BA.01 629.2358 DES Desmo Motor Accessories 1939, Edition No. 20 Desmo Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1939
BA.03 629.2201 AJS Maintenance Manual and Instruction Book for 1951 350 c.c. and 500 c.c. AJS AJS Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles AJS 1951
AC.03 745.101 RAM1 Ramsay's British Diecast Model Toys Catalogue, 13th Edition John Ramsay Sales Guide ToysandModels 2009
BA.03 629.224 JAM James Instruction Book, 150 c.c. Cadet/ 98 c.c. Comet (1955 Models J15 and J11) James Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles James 1955
AA.05 629.2164 BOD The Vintage Years of the Morgan Three-Wheeler W. Boddy Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1970
AB.05 629.2333 WHE The Restoration of Vintage and Thoroughbred Cars R. Wheeler and B. Morgan Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1957
AC.04 796.701 FRA The Le Mans Story Georges Fraichard Books Motorsport Sports 1954
AB.04 629.2301 HIL Fifty Years with Motor Cars (Faber and Faber) A. F. C. Hillstead Biography GeneralMotoring Cars 1960
AC.03 796.701 DAV Rallies and Trials: The Monte Carlo Rally, Alpine Trials, the Rallye Gastronomique, R.A.C. Veteran Car Trials, and other motoring occasions S. C. H. Davis Biography Motorsport Rally 1951
AC.04 796.7011 DAV A Racing Motorist S. C. H. Davis Biography Motorsport Sports 1949
AB.04 629.2301 BLA The Skilful Driver: Motoring as an Art James S. Blair Books GeneralMotoring Cars 1956
AB.05 629.2378 MIN The Highway Code including Motorway Rules Ministry of Transport Highway Codes GeneralMotoring Rules and Regulations 1961
AC.04 914.1 JOH Motoring and Hiking Map Section L (Cornwall) W. & A. K. Johnston Maps MapsandTravel 1946
AA.03 629.2116 SHA The Bond Minicar Mark "F" Instruction Book Sharp's Commercials Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Bond 1957
AB.03 629.2195 WOL Wolseley 6/110 Driver's Handbook Wolseley Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Wolseley 1966
AA.03 629.2142 JAG Jaguar Operating, Maintenance and Service Handbook for 3 1/2 Litre Mark VIII Model Jaguar Cars Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Jaguar n/a
BA.01 629.214201 JAG Jaguar 2.4 Litre Model Operating, Maintenance and Service Handbook Jaguar Cars Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Jaguar n/a
AA.03 629.2142 BEA Jaguar: A Biography (Signed copy) Lord Montagu of Beaulieu Biography Cars Jaguar 1961
AB.05 629.2347 BEA Beaulieu: The Abbey Palace House and Buckler's Hard Lord Montagu of Beaulieu Books GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections 1952
AB.03 629.2206 ARI Ariel: The Modern Motor Cycle Owner's Guide - Single Cylinder Models Ariel Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Ariel 1954
BA.01 629.21161 SHA Bond Minicar Ranger and Estate 250G Instruction Book Sharp's Commercials Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Bond 1963
AB.04 629.2289 BUR Velocette Motor Cycle Maintenance and Repair Series R. W. Burgess Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1952
AB.04 629.2289 VEL Instruction Book for Velocette Mac (350 c.c.) Model Veloce Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1952
AB.04 914.103 AA The Automobile Association Handbook 1933-34 The Automobile Association Manuals/Handbooks MapsandTravel 1933
AC.03 629.2421 TRA Haynes: Automobile Electrical Manual: A Comprehensive Guide Tony Tranter Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Electricals 1983
AA.05 629.2156 CLA Morgan Four: Owners Workshop Manual Autobook 3rd. Ed. Fully Revised R. Clarke Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morgan - 4/4 1973
AC.03 629.2421 JUD The Modern Motor Engineer: Data Sheets and Wiring Diagrams, eleventh edition. Arthur W. Judge Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1963
629.2358 BUL John Bull Cycle and Motor-Cycle Tyres and Accessories John Bull Rubber Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1937
AC.03 629.2465 PAY Payen Guaranteed Gaskets: 1939 Gasket Guide J. Payen Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Gaskets 1939
AA.05 629.2168 BMC Another British Engineering Achievement by BMC: Morris 1800 BMC Corporation Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morris 1966
AA.03 629.2136 HAW The Gregg Book of the Ford "Anglia" (8 h.p.) Ellison Hawks Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1952
BA.03 796.701 HAW Champion Year: My Battle for the Drivers' World Title Mike Hawthorn Biography Motorsport General 1959
AB.03 629.2195 MAR The Book of the Wolseley (4-cylinder models, 1946-59), Pittman's Motorists' Library. Sixth Edition. W. A. Gibson Martin Manuals/Handbooks Cars Wolseley 1959
AB.03 629.22131 HAY The Book of the B.S.A. Bantam W. C. Haycraft Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1955
AC.04 796.7011 MOT Speed and how to obtain it, eighth edition Staff of the Motorcycle Club Publications Motorsport General 1962
AA.05 629.2168 ABB The Book of the Morris Eight and the Morris Minor Staton Abbey Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris 1956
BA.01 629.2378 NSFA The Motorist's Pocket Book for 1928 National Safety First Association Highway Codes GeneralMotoring Rules and Regulations 1928
AB.05 629.2378 MIN1 The Highway Code including Motorway Rules Ministry of Transport Highway Codes GeneralMotoring Rules and Regulations 1961
AA.04 629.2155 MOR Morgan: The History of a famous car Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General 1975
AC.04 914.1 MAF New Popular Edition: One-inch Map of England and Wales - Barnstaple (Sheet 163) Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Maps MapsandTravel 1946
BA.01 629.22133 BSA BSA Motor Cycle Instruction Book 1937 Models BSA Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1937
BA.01 629.22134 BSA BSA Instruction Manual for Models D1 125 c.c. Bantam, D1 125 c.c. Competition, D3 150 c.c. Bantam Major, D3 150 c.c. Competition BSA Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1954
BA.01 629.22133 BSA1 BSA Motor Cycle Instruction Book 1937 Models (750 c.c. O.H.V. Vee Twin Y13 and 1,000 c.c. S.V. Vee Twin G14) BSA Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1937
AC.03 643.11 HEY Hints for Home Decorators: The Decorators Complete Guide (Twenty-third edition) Robert Heys Technical and Restoration Guides CaravansandLiving Home n/a
AA.03 629.2108 ABB The Book of the Austin Staton Abbey Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1955
AA.05 629.217605 REL Reliant Robin 850 Saloon and Van Owner's Handbook Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1975
AA.05 629.2164 WAT The Three Wheeler Story of the Morgan Brian Watts Club Publications Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1971
AC.03 629.2454 SOL1 Self-Starting Solex Carburettor Descriptive Booklet (Models VB. HF. And AH.) Solex Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1954
AC.04 914.1 SHE Shell touring 5 Northern England Shell touring service Maps MapsandTravel 1965
BA.01 629.2401 CAM The Practical Motorist and Motor Cyclist: 50 ways to improve the running of your car or motor cycle F. J. Camm Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics General 1958
AC.04 914.101 JOH Road Map for Motoring, Cycling and Hiking (Section M) W. and A. K. Johnston Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel >1940
BA.01 629.2358 BRO B. & B. Motorcycle Carburettors 1920: Hints and Tips to Motor Cyclists Brown and Barlow Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1920
BA.01 629.2401 CAM1 The Practical Motorist and Motor Cyclist: Trouble Tracer F. J. Camm Club Publications Mechanics General 1957
BA.01 629.2424 GED Gedore "Tools of Fine Quality at Prices which appeal to all", Catalogue No. E 600 N Gedore Sales Guide Mechanics Tools 1936
CB.01 629.2164 MOR Morgan "The World's Leading 3 Wheeler" Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1938
AA.05 629.2176 HAY Haynes: Reliant Owners Manual (covers all UK versions of Regal/Robin and Super Robin/ Robin Saloon/ Kitten) Haynes Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant n/a
AB.05 629.2424 GER 1949 Nett Trade Catalogue: Engineers' Tools Workshop and Garage Accessories Gerald Stains Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Tools 1949
AB.03 629.2201 STE AJS Motor Cycles Catalogue of Spare Parts 1914-23 A. J. Stevens and Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles AJS 1923
AB.04 629.2257 HAY The Book of the Norton (Ninth edition) W. C. Haycraft Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Norton 1963
AB.04 629.2283 HAY The Book of the Sunbeam S7 and S8 W. C. Haycraft Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Sunbeam 1964
AA.05 629.21641 MOR "The Bulletin" The Three-Wheeler Club Magazine The Morgan Three Wheeler Club Club Publications Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1966
BA.01 629.22891 VEL Velocette: Service Manual for Viper, Venom, MSS, 'Clubman' and 'Scrambler' Models Veloce Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1963
AB.04 629.2301 MAN The Observer's Book of Automobiles L. A. Manwaring Books GeneralMotoring Cars 1963
AB.05 629.2333 NEW Fina book of car care Newton and Godin Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance n/a
AC.04 796.754 ACU The World's Championship Road Races 1969: Official Programme and Guide Auto-Cycle Union Club Publications Motorsport Road 1969
BA.01 914.1 LOU The Motorcycle: Touring Guide and Road Maps Harry Louis Maps MapsandTravel <1962
AA.05 629.2168 MOR Operation manual for the G.P.O Morris Minor Morris Minor Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris 1935
AB.03 629.2186 MOT Skoda 100 L Operators Manual Motor Works Manuals/Handbooks Cars Skoda n/a
AA.05 629.217601 REL Reliant Regal Car and 5cwt Van Owner's Handbook The Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1966
AA.05 629.21552 MOR First and Last of the Real Sports Cars Charles Morgan Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1994
Benjamin: Artifical Lighting Catalogue Fourteen Fifty "A" Benjamin Electric Ltd. Sales Guide Other n/a
BA.01 629.2213 BSA BSA Instruction Manual 1938 to 1953 Models C10 250 c.c. S.V. and C11 250 c.c. O.H.V. BSA Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1963
AB.03 629.2201 NEI A.J.S. Motor Cycles: A Practical Guide Covering Models from 1931 F. W. Neill Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles AJS 1949
AC.04 914.1 AA AA Members Handbook 1966/67 The Automobile Association Manuals/Handbooks MapsandTravel 1966
AA.03 629.2136 LAR Zephyr Zodiac Mk.4 Owner's Handbook/Maintenance Manual J. C. Larminie Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1973
AA.05 629.2176 THO The Book of the Reliant: Car Care and Service Manual John Thorpe Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1973
AB.05 629.2301 WHI The Observer's Book of Vintage Cars and Pre-War Classics Mark White Books GeneralMotoring Cars 1982
AB.04 629.2257 FRA Norton Motor Cycle Maintenance and Repair Series E. M. Franks Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Norton 1949
AB.05 629.2333 BAR The Secondhand Car Owner R. Barnard Way and Noel D. Green Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1950
AB.03 629.2191 STA Triumph 2000 Owner's Handbook Standard-Triumph Sales ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Triumph 1963
AB.05 629.2318 BBC The Big Book of Top Gear 2011 BBC Books GeneralMotoring Entertainment 2011
AB.05 629.2318 MPH The Prestige and Performance Motor Show Official Publication Ft. Top Gear Live MPH Magazines GeneralMotoring Entertainment 2011
AB.05 629.2338 CUR Great British Motor Cycles of the Thirties Bob Currie Motor History GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1991
AA.04 629.2157 MOR Morgan Aero Supersports Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2010
AA.04 629.21571 MOR Morgan Aero Supersports (including price list) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2010
AB.03 629.2206 BAC Ariel: The Postwar Models Roy Bacon Books Motorcycles Ariel 1983
AA.03 629.2142 WHY Jaguar: The History of a great British Car Andrew Whyte Books Cars Jaguar 1980
Ollie 101 PIR Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: an inquiry into values Robert M. Pirsig Books Other 2004
BA.01 621.12 DAV Aids to Cropmaster Farming: To help you get the best from your David Brown "Cropmaster" David Brown Tractors Limited Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Tractors 1950
DA.01 621.12 HAL Halservice 1971: Halse of Honiton Halse of Honiton Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Tractors n/a
DA.01 621.12 FOR Instruction Manual of the Fordson Major Tractor Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Tractors 1945
DA,01 621.121 FOR Fordson Major Repair Charge Schedule and Instruction Book Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Tractors 1958
BA.01 621.1 PET Petter Petrol Engines Operators Handbook Petters Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1956
AA.05 629.2176 WAR Haynes: Reliant Regal Owner's Handbook/Maintenance Manual P. Ward Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1973
AA.03 629.214202 JAG Jaguar XK 150 Model Operating, Maintenance and Service Handbook Jaguar Cars Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Jaguar n/a
DA.01 621.12 MAS Ferguson Diesel Tractor Instruction Book Type TE-F Massey-Harris-Ferguson Limited Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Tractors 1952
BA.02 629.2176 BAR Haynes: Reliant Regal, Robin & Kitten Owner's Handbook C. D. Barge Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1978
AA.03 629.2108 LEY Austin Maxi 1750/1500 Handbook British Leyland UK Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1975
BA.02 629.2108 AUS Austin A40 Driver's Handbook The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1959
AA.03 629.2108 ABB2 The Book of the Austin Seven and Eight Staton Abbey Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1959
AA.03 629.2136 FOR Ford Car Owner Handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1981
AB.05 629.2338 ROS Encyclopaedia of Classic Motorcycles Richard Rosenthal Encyclopedia GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 2009
Ollie 629.214 MUI How to Keep your Volkswagen Alive: A manual of step by step procedures for the compleat idiot John Muir Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volkswagen 2017
AB.04 629.2287 WIL Haynes: Triumph T120/T140 Bonneville Steve Wilson Motor History Motorcycles Triumph 2000
DA.01 621.11 CRO Jake's Interesting World of Steam Jake Crocker Biography SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 621.11 FRE Three Counties Steam Tour through 100 miles of East Anglian Heritage Pat Freeman Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1998
AA.04 629.215501 MOG Morgan: The Story of a Famous Car Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1975
CF.01 629.2155 VIV MOG: 100 years of production at Pickersleigh Road (Special Mog Magazine Pullout) Project Viva Ltd. Magazines Cars Morgan - General 2014
DA.01 621.121 DAV The Cropmaster Series Instruction Book David Brown Tractors Limited Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Tractors n/a
DA.01 621.123 FOR Instruction Book for the Super Major Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Tractors 1960
CD.02 629.2494 JEN Abridged Pocket Catalogue of "Britool" Interchangeable Parts, Sockets & Sets Also Socket Wrenches (List No. 94). 1st edition. Jenks Brothers Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Tools 1936
AC.03 629.24941 JEN Britool: Interchangeable Sockets, Handles & Sets Socket Wrenches Jenks Brothers Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Tools 1946
AC.03 629.2494 BTE British Made Britool Socket Wrenches The B. T. & E. Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Tools n/a
BA.01 629.213601 FOR Ford Repair Charges Model "Y" (8 h.p.) Cars Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1933
CA.03 629.2301 GAR Business Aids for the Motor Trade: Price List of The Garage and Motor Agent System Forms, Books, Wall-Notices and Other Publications The Garage and Motor Agent Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Cars n/a
BA.01 643.16 PRA The Pratt 3 cwt. and 6 cwt. Capacity Trailers Type E. K. H. Pratt Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Trailers n/a
AC.03 629.2432 LOD Lodge Spark Plug Information (fourth edition) Lodge Plugs Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine n/a
AA.05 629.217602 REL Regal 3/25 Super Saloon 5cwt Supervan Owner's Handbook Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1968
AA.03 629.213602 FOR Ford Audio Systems Operating Guide Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1995
AA.03 629.213602 FOR1 The Ford Commitment Guide Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1995
AA.03 629.213602 FOR2 Ford Accessories Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1994
AA.03 629.213602 FOR3 A New Service from an Old Hand: Rapid Fit Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1994
AA.03 629.213602 FOR4 The Sign of a Quality Repair: Accident Repair Centre Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1994
BA.01 629.22061 ARI Ariel Square Four 1,000 c.c. 4-Cylinder Model 4G 1951 Owner's Guide Ariel Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Ariel 1951
AC.04 796.721 BEN The Batsford Colour Book of Racing Cars R. Bensted-Smith Books Motorsport Grandprix 1962
AB.05 629.2338 VIN The Official Members' Handbook of The Vintage Motor Cycle Club 1972 The Vintage Motorcycle Club Other GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1972
BA.01 629.214203 JAG Jaguar 3.4 Litre Model Operating, Maintenance and Service Handbook Jaguar Cars Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Jaguar n/a
AA.05 629.2158 TEA Morgan Plus 4 Super Profile John Teague Motor History Cars Morgan - Plus 4 1987
DA.01 621.12 HEN The Illustrated Directory of Tractors Peter Henshaw Encyclopedia SteamandAgricultural Tractors 2004
DA.01 621.11 JOH Steam Traction Engines, Wagons and Rollers in colour Brian Johnson Encyclopedia SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1976
AB.05 629.2309 BER Petroleum Collectables: A Shire book Mike Berry Encyclopedia GeneralMotoring Collectables 2004
Matt 629.2309 STU Classic Motorbikes: The record breaker. 32 Fine Art Postcards Studio Designs Postcards GeneralMotoring Collectables 1994
DA.01 621.12 WIL Great Farm Tractors Michael Williams Motor History SteamandAgricultural Tractors 2012
DA.01 621.121 WIL From 1890 to the Present Day: Farm Tractors Michael Williams Motor History SteamandAgricultural Tractors 2005
AC.04 629.2347 JEN The Schlumpf Obsession: inside a legendary treasure house Denis Jenkinson and Peter Verstappen Books GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections 1977
DA.01 40.06 DER The Great Steam Fair: The Authorised Cinemascope Film Made of the Unique Great Steam Fair Held at Shottesbrooke Park in Berkshire in August 1964 (77 mins.) Derrick Knight VHS SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1996
DA.01 40.05 DUK Man to Man: 1985 TT Races (60 mins) Duke Marketing Ltd. VHS Motorsport Road 1985
DA.01 40.06 STE Giants of Steam (50 mins) Brian Sterling-Vele DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1994
DA.01 40.06 CMS The Great Dorset Steam Fair (30th anniversary) (60 mins) CMS Productions Ltd. VHS SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1998
DA.01 40.06 AVP The Great Dorset Steam Fair Official Video (Blandford Forum 1990) (3 hours) Advanced Video Productions VHS SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1990
DA.01 40.03 VID Crashbox and Classic Car Club Powderham Castle 2000 Video Trax VHS GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 2000
DA.01 40.06 PEG Getting Steamed Up: Fred Dibnah The Great Dorset Steam Fair Traction Engines at Work (170 mins) Pegasus VHS SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2004
DA.01 40.06 BBC The Fred Dibnah Collection: 6 DVD Box Set (17 hours 36 min) BBC DVD SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 2007
DA.01 621.11 HOW Renown: History and Restoration of a Steam Showmans Engine Ian and Gary Howard Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2005
DA.01 621.11 BON Shire Album: Traction Engines Harold Bonnett Encyclopedia SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1985
AC.03 745.1 WRE Wrenn Railways: OO Scale Models (third edition handbook) G & R Wrenn Limited Sales Guide ToysandModels 1977
DA.01 621.11 DIB Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam Fred Dibnah and David Hall Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2003
Ollie 629.2394 BOS Go! Samone Bos, Phil Hunt and Andrea Mills Books GeneralMotoring Transport 2006
DA.01 621.11 WIL The Traction Engine Archive Richard Willcox Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2004
DA.01 621.11 WIL1 The Traction Engine Archive Volume Two Richard Willcox Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2007
DA.01 621.11 WIL2 The Traction Engine Archive Volume Three: The Transitional Years John H. Meredith Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2008
DA.01 621.11 WIL3 The Traction Engine Archive Volume Four Richard Willcox Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2015
AC.03 745.101 RAM British Model Trains Catalogue: The Collectors' Price Guide to Hornby Dublo 1938-1964, Wrenn Railways 1968-1992, Tri-ang Railways 1958-1994 (first edition) John Ramsay Sales Guide ToysandModels 1998
DA.01 621.11 BRI The Power of Steam: An illustrated history of the world's steam age Asa Briggs Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1982
DA.01 621.11 LAN Fred Dibnah MBE Vol II: Untold Stories, Unseen Images Keith Langston Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2006
DA.01 621.11 DON Fred Dibnah Special Gift Issues: 8 Chapters by Fred Dibnah Paul Donoghue Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2007
DA.01 621.11 STR Classic Traction Engines Paul Stratford Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2010
AA.05 629.2176 CHA The Reliant Robin: Britain's Most Bizarre Car Giles Chapman Motor History Cars Reliant 2016
DA.01 621.11 DON1 Fred Dibnah: The Early Days Paul Donoghue Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2009
DA.01 621.11 WES The West of England Steam Engine Society (The WESES Collection - Volume One - A West Country Connection) West of England Steam Engine Society Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2013
AB.03 629.23 HIS Historics Auctioneers 15th May 2021 Ascot Racecourse Historics Auctioneers Auction Catalogues GeneralMotoring Auctions 2021
AC.03 745.101 PRI PECO: The Catalogue (Your Complete Guide to PECO Model Railways) Pritchard Patent Product Co. Ltd. Sales Guide ToysandModels n/a
DA.01 385.1 JON Casey Jones: The True Story of John Luther "Casey" Jones (reprint edition) Casey Jones Books Rail 1940
AA.04 629.2155 MCC Morgan: L'histoire des grandes marques automobiles F. Wilson McComb Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1985
AA.04 629.215501 MOG1 Morgan: The History of a famous car Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General 1975
AA.04 629.2155 BEL A Collector's Guide: Morgans to 1997 Roger Bell Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1997
AA.04 629.2155 HIL The Four-Wheeled Morgan: Volume 1: The Flat-Radiator Models Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1977
AA.04 629.2155 HIL1 The Four-Wheeled Morgan: Volume 1: The Flat-Radiator Models Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1977
AA.04 629.2155 HIL2 The Four-Wheeled Morgan: Volume 2: The Cowled-Radiator Models Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1980
AA.04 629.2155 HIL3 The Four-Wheeled Morgan: Volume 2: The Cowled-Radiator Models Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1980
AA.04 629.2155 HIL4 The Four-Wheeled Morgan: Volume 2: The Cowled-Radiator Models Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1980
AA.04 629.215503 MOG Morgan Centenary 2009: The Year in Photographs Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Photo archive Cars Morgan - General 2009
AA.04 629.2155 CLA Morgan Cars Gold Portfolio 1968-1989 R. M. Clarke Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1989
AA.04 629.2155 PEA Me, My Morgan & The Midlands Michael Pearson Biography Cars Morgan - General 2002
AA.04 629.2155 BEL1 A Collector's Guide: Morgans to 1997 Roger Bell Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1997
AA.05 629.2164 ALD Morgan Sweeps the Board: The Three-wheeler Story Dr. J. D. Alderson and D. M. Rushton Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1978
AA.04 629.2155 BOW Morgan: First and Last of the Real Sports Cars Gregory Houston Bowden Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1972
AA.05 629.2164 HIL Completely Morgan: Three Wheelers 1910 to 1952 Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1995
AC.04 796.701 HIL The Complete Book of Concours: Preparation, Presentation, Judging Ken Hill Books Motorsport General 1987
AA.04 629.2155 QUI The Morgan Car Toon Book Terry Quirk Books Cars Morgan - General 1980
AC.03 643.13 SIM Creda: the Creda Book 1958-59 Simplex Electric Company Limited Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Home 1959
AC.03 796.701 MOT Motor Sport (March 1971, Vol.XLVII, No. 3) Motor Sport Magazines Motorsport General 1971
AA.03 623.801 MOR An introduction to Coastal Navigation: A Seaman's Guide Morgans Technical Books Limited Books BoatsandCruising 1985
BA.03 629.22401 JAM James Instruction Book Superswift 250 Model M25 James Motor Cycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles James 1962
AB.03 629.2227 FRA Francis-Barnett Instruction Book for Cruiser Twin Villiers 2T Francis & Barnett Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Francis Barnett 1965
AB.03 629.221301 BSA BSA Service Sheets (250 OHV Star and 350 OHV Star Models C15, C15T, C15S, C15SS, and B40) B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1965
AB.03 629.2213 CLE Haynes: BSA A7 & A10 Twins Owners Workshop Manual Jeff Clew Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1990
BA.01 629.2394 BRO Brooke Bond Picture Cards: History of the Motor Car Brooke Bond Tea Motor History GeneralMotoring Transport 1968
BA.01 629.2394 BRO1 Brooke Bond Picture Cards: Transport through the ages Brooke Bond Tea Motor History GeneralMotoring Transport 1968
AB.04 629.2301 CLU The Vintage Motor Car Pocketbook Cecil Clutton, Paul Bird and Anthony Harding Encyclopedia GeneralMotoring Cars 1959
AB.05 629.2401 COK1 Motor Engineers Pocket Book Fourth Edition A. J. Coker, G. Hemmings and E. Molloy Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics General 1956
AB.05 629.2401 COK2 Motor Engineers Pocket Book Seventh Edition A. J. Coker and J. N. Seale Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics General 1964
AB.05 629.240101 NEW5 Motor Repair and Overhauling - Charts (List of Data Sheets) Newnes Charts Mechanics General n/a
AA.03 629.2139 HUM The Humber Hawk Marks III, IV, V and VI Workshop Manual Humber Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Humber 1958
AA.04 629.2155 MOR2 Morgan: The History of a famous car Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1975
AA.04 629.2155 TIP Morgan: The Cars and the Factory John Tipler Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1993
AA.05 629.2164 COO The Best of Clarrie: An omnibus edition of technical articles published during the last forty years about Morgan Three Wheelers Clarrie Coombes Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1994
AA.04 629.21551 HIL Illustrated Morgan Buyer's Guide: Three-wheelers and four-wheelers model-by-model analysis from 1909 (signed copy) Ken Hill Buyer's Guide Cars Morgan - General 1989
AA.04 629.2155 BRO Morgan Cars: 1960-1970 (ed. R. M. Clarke) Brooklands Books Magazines Cars Morgan - General n/a
AA.05 629.216 ROB Morgan Plus 8 3.5 litre V8 sports car; 1968 on Graham Robson Books Cars Morgan - Plus 8 1984
AA.04 629.21551 HIL2 Morgan: The Best of British in Old Photographs (signed copy) Ken Hill Photo archive Cars Morgan - General 1997
AA.04 629.21551 HIL3 Morgan: The Art of Selling a Unique Sports Car (signed copy) Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1996
AA.04 629.2155 CLA1 Morgan Plus 4 and Four 4 Gold Portolio 1936-1967 R. M. Clarke Motor History Cars Morgan - General n/a
AA.04 629.21551 HIL5 The Morgan: 75 Years on the Road Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1984
AA.05 629.2164 CLA The Morgan Three-Wheeler Gold Portfolio 1910-1952 R. M. Clarke Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler n/a
AA.04 629.2155 ALD Morgan Sports Cars: The Early Years (signed copy) J. D. Alderson and Chris Chapman Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1997
AA.04 629.2155 BOW1 Morgan: First and Last of the Real Sports Cars (New edition) (signed copy) Gregory Houston Bowden Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1986
AA.04 629.21551 HIL4 Completely Morgan: Four-Wheelers from 1968 Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1994
AA.03 629.21361 FOR Corsair 4 Parts List 1965/- (Including 1963/64 models) Ford Motor Company Limited Parts Catalogues Cars Ford 1965
AA.04 629.2155 MUS Moggie: The Purchase, Maintenance and Enjoyment of Morgan Sports Cars Colin Musgrove Books Cars Morgan - General 1980
AC.03 643.13 BAK Simpson, Baker & Co., Ltd. Electical Accessories, Bells, Domestic Appliances, etc. October 15th, 1935. Simpson, Baker & Co., Ltd. Parts Catalogues CaravansandLiving Home 1935
AB.05 629.2322 MIN "Minimax" The World Renowned Fire Extinguisher with accompanying letter Minimax Limited Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1940
AA.04 629.2155 JEL Pittman's Motorists Library: The Book of the Morgan Harold Jelley Books Cars Morgan - General 1935
DA.01 621.12 INT McCormick-Deering W-4 Tractor Instruction Manual International Harvester Company Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Tractors n/a
CD.01 629.22136 BSA BSA Owner's Club Members Handbook BSAOC Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 2000
BA.01 40.05 STA Sound Stories: Isle of Man Memories TT Race 1962-1963 (script and commentary by Murray Walker/ 45 rpm) Stanley Schofield Productions Limited Vinyl/CD Motorsport Sports 1963
BA.01 40.0501 STA Sound Stories: Sprint Special (script by Charlie Rous and commentary by Peter Arnold/ 45 rpm) Stanley Schofield Productions Limited Vinyl/CD Motorsport Sprint n/a
BA.01 40.0502 STA Sound Stories: Stars of Speed! (Bob McIntyre/ script by Norman Sharpe and commentary by Murray Walker/ 45 rpm) Stanley Schofield Productions Limited Vinyl/CD Motorsport Sports n/a
AA.05 629.2164 WAT1 The Morgan: The Three Wheeler Story Brian Watts Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1986
AA.05 629.2164 MAS The Matchless Engine Instruction Book Maskell for Morgans Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler n/a
AA.05 629.21642 MOR The Morgan Three Wheeler Club Spares and Services Manual The Morgan Three Wheeler Club Parts Catalogues Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 2000
AC.03 745.1 MOR4 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Super Sport Junior Pedal Car Instruction Book Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks ToysandModels n/a
AA.03 629.2108 ABB1 The Book of the Austin Ten Standard Models from 1932 to 1947 Staton Abbey Books Cars Austin 1959
AC.04 914.1 RAC RAC Motor Tours: The Scottish Lochs & Highlands The Royal Automobile Club (RAC) Maps MapsandTravel MapsandTravel 1950s/60s
AA.03 629.21362 FOR The New Anglia Range owner's handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1964
CB.01 629.21951 WOL Accessories for the Wolseley 6/110 Mk.II Wolseley Motors Limited Sales Guide Cars Wolseley 1964
AA.04 629.2146 LAN Lancia Maintenance Manual n/a Manuals/Handbooks Cars Lancia n/a
AA.03 629.21363 FOR Operator's Manual Thames Vans 250/350 KG. Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1964
AC.04 914.1 GB Road Map of Great Britain n/a Maps MapsandTravel MapsandTravel n/a
AC.03 629.2421 LUC Maintenance Instructions for Lucas Electric Lighting and Ignition Equipment with Compensated Voltage Control for motor-cycles Jospeh Lucas Limited Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Electricals n/a
AB.05 629.21945 VOL Volvo 145 Owner's Manual Estate Car AB Volvo Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volvo 1971
DA.01 621.11 NAT Steaming, Vol. 23, No.2, March 1980 Journal of the National Traction Engine Club (NTEC) Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1980
AA.03 629.2109 LEY Austin-Morris 2200 Driver's Handbook British Leyland Motor Corporation Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin-Morris 1973
AC.04 914.1 MAF1 New Popular Edition: One-inch Map of England and Wales - Torquay (Sheet 188) Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Maps MapsandTravel MapsandTravel 1946
AB.05 629.2347 TOT Totnes Motor Museum Guide Totnes Motor Museum Other GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections n/a
AC.04 914.1 ESS Esso Road Map South and West England (Section No. 3) Esso Maps MapsandTravel MapsandTravel 1959
AB.03 629.2194 VOL The Ra Organis Limited Annual Karmann Ghia Instruction Manual Volkswagen Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volkswagen n/a
AA.03 629.2136 CAR Ford Cortina Jack Brabham's car care cards Card Publications Ltd. Other Cars Ford n/a
AB.03 629.2205 HAY The Book of the AMC Singles: Motor-cycle Care and Service Manual W. C. Haycraft Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles AMC 1973
DA.01 745.101 MOD Model Engineer, 21 August 1958, Vol.119, No.2987 Model Engineer Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1958
AC.03 796.701 CAS Castrol Achievements 1964 Castrol Limited Brochures Motorsport General 1964
AA.04 629.21551 HIL6 Shire Album: The Morgan (signed copy) Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1996
AB.03 629.219451 VOL Volvo 66 DL 66 GL owner's manual Volvo Car B.V. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volvo 1975
AA.03 629.21364 FOR Schedule of maximum repair charges new anglia - 1959 onwards Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1962
AA.03 629.21365 FOR Ford Escort Operating Guide Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1980
AA.03 629.2126 DAI The new range of Daimler Luxury Saloon Cars Daimler Cars Brochures Cars Daimler 1974
AA.03 629.21091 LEY Austin-Morris 1300-1100 Mk II Driver's Handbook British Leyland (Austin-Morris) Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin-Morris 1971
BA.02 629.2108 AUS3 Austin A40 (A2S6) Graphoref 10 The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Austin n/a
CF.02 629.2301 PEN Penny Wise Motoring. Saturday 11th, November 1972 Penny Wise Motoring Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1972
AA.03 629.21366 FOR Thames Commercial Vehicle Instruction Book Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1955
AA.03 629.21367 FOR The Consul Instruction Book Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1959
AB.03 629.22131 BSA1 BSA Goldstar 350 c.c./500 c.c. Maintenance Manual BSA Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1955
AA.05 629.21681 MOR Operation Manual for the Morris Ten-Four Series "M" Morris Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris 1936
AA.03 629.21082 AUS The Austin A.40 Mk. II Driver's Handbook The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin n/a
AA.03 629.2138 HIL The Hillman Minx De Luxe Series V Owner's Handbook Hillman Motor Car Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hillman 1964
AA.05 629.218 ROB Pitman's Motorist Library: The Book of the Riley (second edition) J. A. Robson Manuals/Handbooks Cars Riley 1953
AA.03 629.21083 AUS The Austin Twelve List of Spare Parts The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Cars Austin 1934
AA.03 629.21084 AUS Handbook of the Austin Seven The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1929
AA.03 629.21368 FOR Fordson 5 CWT. Van Instruction Book Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1948
AB.03 629.2257 CLE Haynes: Norton Commando Owner's Workshop Manual Jeff Clew Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Norton 1973
AB.05 629.2347 BEA1 The National Motor Museum at Beaulieu National Motor Museum, Beaulieu Brochures GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections 1981
AB.05 629.2347 BEA2 The National Motor Museum at Beaulieu: A pictorial guide to motoring history National Motor Museum, Beaulieu Motor History GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections 1991
AB.04 629.2287 CLA Triumph Bonneville Gold Portfolio 1959-1983 R. M. Clarke Motor History Motorcycles Triumph n/a
AA.04 629.2144 LAG The 12/24 H.P. Lagonda Lagonda Limited Sales Guide Cars Lagonda 1925
AA.05 629.217604 REL Reliant Regal 3/30 Saloon 5 cwt Supervan III Owner's Handbook The Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1970
AC.04 914.1 GEO Torbay Street Atlas (Edition 3) Geographers' A-Z Map Company Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel MapsandTravel 2000
AA.03 629.21369 FOR Ford Transit Operators Manual Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1965
AA.05 629.21683 MOR Operation Manual for the Morris Eight Car (Series "E") 1939 Edition Morris Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris 1939
AA.03 629.2138 HIL1 The Hillman Minx De Luxe Series V Owner's Handbook Hillman Motor Car Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hillman 1963
AA.05 629.2181 BL Rover 2300 (Publication Part No. AKM 3091 Edition 4) BL Cars Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Rover 1979
CA.03 629.2191 TRI Triumph-Gloria Queen of Cars Triumph Company Limited Brochures Cars Triumph n/a
AB.04 629.23 BON Bonhams Motoring Department 2011 Sales Calendar & Catalogue Subscriptions Bonhams Brochures GeneralMotoring Auctions 2011
BA.03 629.2333 CHE Chemico Motor and Cycle Products "Calling all dealers" The County Chemical Co. Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1939
AA.05 629.2156 MOR 4/4 Morgan Owners Handbook Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morgan - 4/4 n/a
AA.05 629.2168 GIL W. Gill Replacement Parts and Accessories for Morris (Minor, Cowley, Oxford, Tonner, 30 CWT.) W. Gill, Birmingham Parts Catalogues Cars Morris n/a
AB.03 629.2243 KAW Kawasaki Parts Catalogue KT 250-A Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Kawasaki 1974
AC.04 914.1 LIV Road Map and Directory of Bed and Breakfast Accommodation in South-West England with Mileage Chart Livingstone-Rich Publications Maps MapsandTravel MapsandTravel 1962
CF.01 629.2155 KEL Practical Classics & Car Restorer: Morgan Restoration & Buying Kelsey Publishing Limited Buyer's Guide Cars Morgan - General 1992
DA.01 623.801 MEL The Motor Cruising Manual John Mellor Manuals/Handbooks BoatsandCruising 1987
AA.05 629.2175 BAL Workshop Manual for the Porsche 356A, B, C, 1957-65 Kenneth Ball Manuals/Handbooks Cars Porsche 1970
AA.03 623.801 HEW Motor Boat and Yachting Manual Dick Hewitt Manuals/Handbooks BoatsandCruising 1982
AA.05 629.2164 ALD1 Morgan Sweeps the Board: The Three-wheeler Story Dr. J. D. Alderson and D. M. Rushton Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1978
AA.04 629.2155 ISA Osprey Classic Marques: Morgan (signed copy) Rowan Isaac Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1994
AB.04 629.2301 GEO The Complete Encyclopaedia of Motorcars 1885-1968 G. N. Georgano Encyclopedia GeneralMotoring Cars 1968
BA.01 629.24211 LUC Lucas: Running Instructions for the Magdyno Lighting and Ignition Set & Separate Dynamo Lighting Set for Motor Cycles The Lucas Electrical Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Electricals n/a
AB.03 629.2245 INN Lambretta 150ld Instruction Manual Innocenti Co. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Lambretta 1961
AB.03 629.2244 KER The Kerry Capitano 2 and 3 Speed Models Riders Handbook Kerry Capitano Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Kerry Capitano n/a
BA.01 629.2215 CAP Capri Scooter 80 c.c. Instruction Book Capri Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Capri 1959
BA.01 629.2215 CAP1 Capri Scooter 80 c.c. Instruction Book Capri Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Capri 1959
CB.01 629.2264 PHI Phillips Gadabout Riders Handbook Phillips Cycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Phillips 1960s
AB.03 629.2245 BRO Lambretta: A Practical Guide to Maintenance and Repair Raymond Broad Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Lambretta 1960
AB.04 629.2287 BRO Pittman's Motor Cyclists Library: The Book of the Triumph (sixth edition) E. T. Brown Books Motorcycles Triumph 1940
AC.03 629.2432 VIL Villiers Type 225T-2 Mark 4T, 4T/SK & 4T/SRK Road-Vehicle Engines illustrated Workshop Manual The Villiers Engineering Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Engine 1964
AC.03 629.2432 VIL1 Villiers Type 225T-2 Mark 4T, 4T/SK & 4T/SRK Road-Vehicle Engines illustrated Workshop Manual The Villiers Engineering Company Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1964
AC.03 629.2432 HAY Pittman's Motor-Cyclists' Library: The Book of the J.A.P. W. C. Haycraft Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1952
BA.03 629.22403 JAM James M16 Francis-Barnett 96 Riders Handbook James Motor Cycles Ltd./ Francis and Barnett Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles James n/a
AC.03 629.24321 VIL Villiers Mark 31A Mark 9E Mark 2L Two-Stroke Engine-Gear Units including Blower-Cooled Models User's Handbook The Villiers Engineering Company Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine n/a
AC.03 629.24942 JEN "Jenbro" and "Britool" Specialities Jenks Brothers Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Tools 1936
AA.04 629.2153 HAY Haynes: Mini (All Models: 1959 to 1975) Owners Workshop Manual J. H. Haynes and B. L. Chalmer-Hunt Manuals/Handbooks Cars Mini 1975
AC.03 629.2505 COM Commer Workshop Manual (1500 and 2500 Series Forward Control Models) Commer Cars Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Commer n/a
AA.05 629.2181 HAY Castrol: Rover 2000 Owner's Workshop Manual (Covers all models SC (1963 onwards) and TC (1966 onwards) J. H. Haynes Manuals/Handbooks Cars Rover 1971
AA.05 629.218 ROL Rolls-Royce Motor Cars - Silver Spirit II Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Brochures Cars Rolls-Royce 1989
AB.03 629.221 BMW Motorcycles R25 R25/2 Workshop Repair Manual BMW Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BMW n/a
CF.01 629.22431 KAW Real Kawasaki Start Guide Summer 1983 Kawasaki Information Service Magazines Motorcycles Kawasaki 1983
CF.02 629.2338 EMA Bike: May 1977 (No. 50) EMAP National Publications Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1977
CF.01 629.2231 HAR The Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories and Genuine Motor Parts Catalog Sportser Harley Davidson Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Harley Davidson 1999
CF.01 629.22311 HAR Harley-Davidson Model Year 2001 Motorcycles Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Harley Davidson 2000
AB.03 629.22312 HAR Harley-Davidson Inc.1992 Motorcycles Harley-Davidson Brochures Motorcycles Harley Davidson 1992
AB.03 629.2234 HON Honda NR (ED Type) Honda Motor Company Brochures Motorcycles Honda n/a
CF.01 629.22341 HON Honda Motor Company 50th Anniversary Motorcycles 1998 Honda Motor Company Brochures Motorcycles Honda 1998
AB.03 629.22342 HON The HUKRC Magazine: Honda Rider, Issue 8, November 1999 Honda Motor Company Magazines Motorcycles Honda 1999
CF.02 629.2338 CLA Classic Bike, April 1982 (No. 27) Classic Bike Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1982
CF.01 796.763 LIN SuperBike, February '78 Link House Magazines Ltd. Magazines Motorsport Sports 1978
AB.04 629.2287 TRI Triumph Workshop Manual for Unit Construction 350 c.c. and 500 c.c. Twins Triumph Engineering Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Triumph 1969
AB.04 629.2287 TMS Triumph and BSA Master Price List: TMS Parts Catalogue TMS Motorcycles Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Triumph 2003
AB.04 629.22871 TRI Triumph Owner's Handbook Unit Construction 30 cu. In. (500 c.c.) Twins Singular and Twin Carburetor Models Triumph Engineering Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Triumph 1970
AB.04 629.2287 TMS1 Spare Parts Suitable for Triumph: TMS Parts Catalogue TMS Motorcycles Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Triumph n/a
AB.04 629.2289 CLE Haynes: Velocette Singles 349 c.c. 499 c.c. 1953-1971 Owners Workshop Manual Jeff Clew Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1975
AB.04 629.22892 VEL Owner's Handbook (Ninth edition) for Velocette Viper 350 c.c., Venom, MSS 500 c.c., Clubman and Endurance Models and Thruxton 500 Veloce Limited Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1966
AB.04 629.22893 VEL Service Manual for Viper, Venom, MSS, 'Clubman', 'Scrambler' Models and Thruxton Supplement Veloce Limited Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1967
BA.01 629.24212 LUC Maintenance Instructions for Lucas Electrical Equipment for Motor-Cycles Joseph Lucas Limited Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Electricals 1960s
AB.04 629.2291 MPH MPH: The Journal of the Vincent Owners Club, October 1964, No. 189 MPH Club Publications Motorcycles Vincent 1964
CF.01 629.22894 VEL Illustrated Service Manual for 1953 MAC (Spring Frame) Model 350 c.c. Velocette (reprint) Veloce Limited Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1953
BA.02 629.2338 MOT The Motorcycle, No. 2095, Vol. 70, Thursday June 3rd, 1943 The Motorcycle Magazine Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1943
BA.02 629.2338 MOT1 The Motorcycle, No. 2419, Vol. 83, 18th August, 1949 The Motorcycle Magazine Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1949
BA.03 914.1 COL R. J. Coley Ltd. Ordnance Works, Queen Elizabeth Road, Kingston-on-Thames R. J. Coley Ltd. Sales Guide MapsandTravel 1931
BA.03 629.241 BUR Burman Gear Boxes Instruction Book, Issued October, 1929 Burman & Sons, Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1929
BA.03 629.241 NOR Klinger Motor Products Price List with enclosed letter from S. Norrish Ltd. S. Norrish Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1935
CE.07 629.21941 VOL Do you like being alone? Volkswagen 1200 Karmann Ghia Coupe/ Convertible Volkswagenwerk AG Brochures Cars Volkswagen 1964
AC.03 643.105 HER Hercules Modern Cycles of Quality The Hercules Cycle & Motor Co. Ltd. Brochures CaravansandLiving Bicycles 1938
AC.03 629.2454 SOL Solex Carburettor Types F. V. and F. H. Fitting and Instruction Booklet Solex Limited Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1940s
BA.03 914.1 COL1 R. J. Coley Ltd. Ordnance Works Price List R. J. Coley Ltd. Sales Guide MapsandTravel 1930s
AB.04 629.2257 NOR Norton motorcycles 750 Commando Parts List Norton Villiers, Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Norton 1971
AA.03 629.21092 LEY Austin Morris Passport to Service (Reg No. MOD 541P) British Leyland Service Log Books Cars Austin-Morris 1976
AA.04 629.2155 BOW2 Morgan: First and Last of the Real Sports Cars (signed paperback) Gregory Houston Bowden Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1974
AA.04 629.2155 HAR Morgan: The Last Survivor Chris Harvey Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1987
AA.05 629.2176 BAL Autobooks: Reliant Regal Owners Workshop Manual (Autobook 825) Kenneth Ball Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1978
AC.04 796.721 FRE Starting Grid to Chequered Flag Paul Frere Biography Motorsport Grandprix 1962
AA.05 629.21805 ROO Workshop Manual Hunter Range Rootes Motors (Parts) Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Rootes n/a
AB.04 629.2301 STE The Great Cars (Special Photography by Tom Burnside) Ralph Stein Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1967
AC.04 796.721 GOO Goodwood Revival Meeting Goodwood Revival Brochures Motorsport Grandprix 2011
AB.03 629.22432 KAW Kawasaki Parts Catalogue KX 400 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Kawasaki 1975
CB.01 629.22571 NOR Superplus! The new Commando 850's Norton Villiers, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Norton n/a
AB.04 629.22572 NOR Norton motorcycles 850 and 750 Commando Workshop Manual Norton Villiers, Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Norton 1970
AB.03 629.22137 BSA BSA Instruction Manual 175 c.c. Bantam Super Model D7, 175 c.c. Bantam Super de Luxe Model D7 B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1965
BA.01 629.22138 BSA BSA Instruction Manual 175 c.c. Silver Bantam Model D7, 175 c.c. Bantam de luxe Model D7 B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1960s
AB.03 629.2213 HAY1 The Book of the B.S.A. Bantam W. C. Haycraft Books Motorcycles BSA 1959
AB.03 629.22139 BSA BSA Owners' Handbook Bantam 175 Bushman 175 B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1969
AB.03 629.221302 BSA BSA Instruction Manual Models D1 125 c.c. Bantam, D7 175 c.c. Bantam Super B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1959
AB.03 629.221303 BSA BSA Instruction Manual Models D1 125 c.c. Bantam, D7 175 c.c. Bantam Super B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1959
AB.03 629.2213 HAY2 The Book of the B.S.A. Bantam W. C. Haycraft Books Motorcycles BSA 1961
AB.03 629.221304 BSA BSA Owners' handbook 250cm (cubed) & 500 cm (cubed) models B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1971
BA.02 629.221305 BSA BSA Instruction Manual 250 OHV Star Model C15, 250 Sportsman Model C15. 350 OHV Star. Model B40 B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1960s
AB.04 629.22872 TRI Norton Triumph Owners' Handbook 1975 Model T160 Trident Norton Triumph Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Triumph 1975
BA.03 629.2496 WIL An Amazing Money Maker Kwick-Kut Tyre Groover Wilcot (Parent) Co., Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Wheels n/a
AB.03 629.22062 ARI Owner's Guide Ariel Leader and Ariel Arrow Ariel Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Ariel 1960
AB.03 629.221306 BSA BSA Instruction Manual Models B31 350 c.c. O.H.V./ B33 500 c.c. O.H.V. B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1965
BA.01 629.22721 ENF Instruction Book for the Royal Enfield 1958-61 "Constellation", "Super Meteor" and "Meteor Minor" de Luxe, 1958-59 "Meteor Minor" Standard and 1960-61 "Meteor Minor Sports" Motorcycles The Enfield Cycle Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Royal Enfield 1960
AB.04 629.2301 MOB The Great Days of Motoring: A Mobil Presentation Album Mobil Oil Company Ltd. Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1966
BA.01 629.2252 MOT Model G. 175 Maintenance Manual and Instructions Book Moto Gilera Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Moto Gilera 1962
BA.02 629.2204 AMB Ambassador Motor Cycles Maintenance Manual and Instruction Book for Models Super 'S' Three Star Special Electra '75' and Sports Machine Ambassador Motor Cycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Ambassador 1959
BA.01 629.2283 MAR Olympia Show Edition: Sunbeam Motor Bicycles The 1920 T. T. Winners John Marston Limited Brochures Motorcycles Sunbeam 1920
BA.01 629.221307 BSA BSA Instruction Manual Models A7 500 c.c. O.H.V. Twin, A7 500 c.c. O.H.V. Shooting Star, A10 650 c.c. O.H.V. Golden Flash, A10 650 c.c. O.H.V. Super Rocket B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1961
AB.05 629.2301 ROB Veteran and Vintage Cars Peter Roberts Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1967
AB.03 629.2191 POS Pearson's Illustrated Car Servicing Series for Owner Drivers: Triumph Herald T. P. Postlethwaite Manuals/Handbooks Cars Triumph 1971
AA.03 629.2142 XK XK Bulletin: April 1975, Vol. 7, No. 4 XK Bulletin Club Publications Cars Jaguar 1975
AC.03 643.11 CAR The Caravan Club Sites Directory and Handbook The Caravan Club Manuals/Handbooks CaravansandLiving Caravans 1974
DA.01 621.11 TAS Catalogue of "Little Giant" Steam Tractors, "Little Giant" Steam Wagons, Light Traction Engine & Road Rollers (reprint) W. Tasker & Sons, Ltd. Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1994
AA.03 629.2114 BMW The New BMW M2 Coupe BMW AG Brochures Cars BMW 2017
BA.01 629.221307 BSA1 BSA Instruction Manual Models A7 500 c.c. O.H.V. Twin, A7 500 c.c. O.H.V. Shooting Star, A10 650 c.c. O.H.V. Golden Flash, A10 650 c.c. O.H.V. Super Rocket B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1964
BA.01 629.221307 BSA2 BSA Instruction Manual Models A7 500 c.c. O.H.V. Twin, A7 500 c.c. O.H.V. Shooting Star, A10 650 c.c. O.H.V. Golden Flash, A10 650 c.c. O.H.V. Super Rocket B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1959
BA.01 629.221308 BSA The Book of the B.S.A. Twins W. C. Haycraft Books Motorcycles BSA 1963
BA.01 629.22573 NOR Maintenance Manual & Instruction Book for the unapproachable Norton Jubilee 250 & Navigator Models Norton Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Norton 1930s
AB.04 629.22892 VEL1 Owner's Handbook (Ninth edition) for Velocette Viper 350 c.c., Venom, MSS 500 c.c., Clubman and Endurance Models and Thruxton 500 Veloce Limited Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1966
BA.01 629.2289 VEL1 Instruction Book for Velocette Mac (350 c.c.) Model Veloce Limited Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1961
AC.03 629.2421 LUC1 Instructions for Lucas Electric Lighting and Ignition Equipment with Compensated Voltage Dynamo Control Joseph Lucas Limited Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Electricals n/a
BA.01 629.2454 AUT Autovac Vacuum Petrol Feed Apparatus Car Owner's Handbook The Autovac Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1920s
BA.01 629.22063 ARI The Modern Ariel Motor Cycle Supplement to the 1939-46 Single Cylinder Owners' Guide Ariel Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Ariel 1946
BA.01 629.2318 REA Morgan Mania: Fifty Morgan Cartoons Bryan Reading Other GeneralMotoring Entertainment 1993
CF.02 796.721 GOO1 Goodwood Revival 13-15th September 2019 First Race Friday 6.35pm Official Programme British Automobile Racing Club Club Publications Motorsport Grandprix 2019
AC.04 796.721 GOO2 Goodwood Electric Revival Meeting 2019 Goodwood Revival Brochures Motorsport Grandprix 2019
AA.05 629.21641 CLA Brooklands Books: Morgan 3-wheeler 1930-1952 R. M. Clarke Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler n/a
629.2358 BUL1 John Bull Cycle and Motor-Cycle Tyres and Accessories John Bull Rubber Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1937
AB.04 629.2274 RUD Instructions for the Care & Maintenance of Rudge Motor Cycles Rudge-Whitworth Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Rudge 1932
AB.04 629.2301 MAT History of the Motor Car Marco Matteucci Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1971
BA.02 643.13 BRO Seasonal Selling Lines (Catalogue No.458) Brown Brothers Limited Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Home 1939
AC.04 629.217606 REL Reliant Scimitar Sabre Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Reliant 1994
AB.05 629.2358 WIL WB Automobile accessories and spares Wilmot Breeden Limited Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1955
AB.05 629.241 SMA Don Friction Fabrics: Brake Liners and Clutch Facings Small & Parkes Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1931
AB.03 629.221309 BSA Provisional Spare Parts Catalogue for BSA B40 Military Model Motor Cycle B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
AC.04 796.721 NEW Motor Racing with Mercedes-Benz George Newnes Limited Biography Motorsport Grandprix 1938
AB.03 629.2192 MUR Service Manual Standard Vanguard 1949-1952 The K. G. Murray Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Vanguard 1954
CF.02 796.705 AUT A.C.U Official Race Guide Isle of Man TT '92 Auto-Cycle Union Club Publications Motorsport Circuit 1992
AA.03 629.213607 FOR Workshop Manual New Cortina Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1966
AA.03 629.2108 FRA Pearson's Illustrated Car Servicing Series for Owner Drivers: Austin Cambridge A60 & Morris Oxford VI D. V. W. Francis Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin n/a
AA.03 629.2136 AUT Autodata: Ford Fiesta 2 Autodata Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1990
AB.03 629.219452 VOL Owner's Manual Volvo 142/144/145 AB Volvo Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volvo 1972
AB.03 629.22433 KAW Shop Manual Kawasaki G Series Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
CF.01 629.2142 XK1 XK Engineering: Service and Parts Catalogue (XK/E-Type/XJ &XJS) (Issue No. 3) XK Engineering Parts Catalogues Cars Jaguar n/a
AC.03 643.105 DUN Dunlop Accessories Saddles and Garage Equipment Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd. Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Bicycles n/a
AC.03 643.105 BUL John Bull Accessories 1939-1940 John Bull Rubber Co. Ltd. Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Bicycles 1939
629.2358 BUL2 John Bull Motor Tyres and Accessories 1937 John Bull Rubber Co. Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1937
AC.04 796.721 SMI Forumla 1 Grand Prix - Season 1995 Bruce Smith and Mark Eames Books Motorsport Grandprix 1995
BA.01 629.24213 LUC Lucas Magnetos Running Instructions for Single & Twin Cylinder Types Joseph Lucas Limited Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Electricals 1937
AA.03 629.213604 FOR1 Ford Fiesta Owner's Handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1993
AC.03 629.25 FOR Instruction Book Thames 30 cwt 2, 3 & 4 ton Models with 4 cylinder O.H.V. engines Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Lister 1956
AA.04 629.2153 LEY 850 & 1000 Mini Handbook British Leyland UK Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Mini 1975
AC.03 629.24322 VIL Operating Instructions and Spare Parts List for the Villiers Motor-Cycle Engines Mk.10D and Mk.6E. The Villiers Engineering Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Engine 1950
AB.03 629.22064 ARI Ariel Owner's Guide Model 350 c.c. O.H.V. NH. Hunter, 500 c.c. O.H.V VH. Hunter, 600 c.c. S.V. VB. Single Cylinder Models (except LH COLT) Ariel Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Ariel 1960
AB.03 629.2213 MAI BSA Motorcycles 1935 to 1940 - All roadster models (149 c.c. to 986 c.c.) Bruce Main-Smith & Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1974
AB.04 629.2301 HOU A History of the World's Sports Cars Richard Hough Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1961
CF.01 629.2174 PIA Piaggio Professional Service Station Manual - Vespacar TM P Piaggio & C. S.p.A Manuals/Handbooks Cars Piaggio n/a
CF.01 629.2101 AIX Aixam Crossover: Your Route to the Open Road Aixam Mega Ltd. Brochures Cars Aixam 2012
AA.04 629.21551 MOR Morgan Est. 1909 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General n/a
AA.03 629.2525 LIS Lister Air Cooled Diesel Engines Types LD & SL 1-2-3 Cylinders Instruction Book and Parts List R. A. Lister & Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Lister 1980
BA.01 629.2497 MIC Michelin Recommended Resale Prices: Retail and User, 1st May 1969 Michelin Tyre Company Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1969
AB.04 629.2289 MAI Velocette Motorcycles 1925 to 1952 Complete Workshop Manual for all single-cylinder K-M-GTP roadsters plus 148 and 192 LE Twins Bruce Main-Smith & Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1974
BA.01 629.2494 WAK Castrol Lubrequipment C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Tools n/a
BA.01 629.2432 BAR List of Engine Valves, July 1st, 1929 W. J. Barkus Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1929
BA.03 629.2322 SER The Service Station: The Recognised Journal for Service Equipment (vol.XVI. No.2), February 1940 The Service Station Magazines GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1940
CF.01 629.2389 MOT The International Bike Show Official Souvenir Catalogue Olympia London Oct. 26 - Nov. 3 The Motor Cycle Association of Great Britain Limited Club Publications GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1985
AA.05 629.2168 WAR Durable Car Ownership: A new approach to low cost motoring Charles Ware Books Cars Morris 1982
AC.03 629.249625 DUN Forethought: A Dunlop Publication Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd. Books Mechanics Wheels n/a
BA.03 629.249701 MIC Fitment Table for Michelin 'X' Car Tyres and "Airstop" Tubes, March 1963 Michelin Tyre Company Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1963
BA.03 629.249701 MIC1 Michelin 'X' Tyres and 'Airstop' Tubes, March 1963 Michelin Tyre Company Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1963
BA.03 629.249702 MIC Michelin Tyre Fitments Chart Michelin Tyre Company Charts Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1961
BA.03 629.249703 MIC Michelin Tyres Trade Price List, 1st June, 1965 Michelin Tyre Company Sales Guide Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1965
BA.03 629.249704 MIC All You Want to Know About: Michelin 'X' Trader's Handbook Michelin Tyre Company Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1959
BA.03 629.249704 MIC1 Trader's Handbook: All you want to know about Michelin 'X' Car Tyres Michelin Tyre Company Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Wheels - Michelin n/a
BA.03 629.249705 MIC Technical Data: Michelin Michelin Tyre Company Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1960
CB.01 629.249725 PIR Pirelli Car, Giant & Scooter Tyres Retail Price List No.223 B, Effective: 1st April, 1958 Pirelli Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Wheels - Pirelli 1958
629.249675 GOO Goodyear Trade Price List, 27th May, 1965 The Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels - Goodyear 1965
BA.01 629.24965 FIR Firestone Trade Price List, 21st January, 1963 Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels - Firestone 1963
AA.03 629.21141 BMW BMW 635CSi BMW AG Brochures Cars BMW 1988
CE.01 629.21081 LEY Austin Allegro British Leyland UK Limited Brochures Cars Austin 1978
CE.01 629.2168 LEY Morris Marina 2 British Leyland UK Limited Brochures Cars Morris 1978
AB.04 629.22574 NOR Norton: Offer for Subscription The Norton Villiers Triumph Group PLC Other Motorcycles Norton 1987
DA.01 621.11 CAM Camborne Trevithick Day 25th Anniversary, Saturday 26 April 2006, Souvenir Brochure 25th Camborne Trevithick Day Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2008
AA.03 629.2138 GIB Pitman's Motorist Library: The Second Hillman Minx Handbook W. A. Gibson Martin Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hillman >1959
AB.03 629.2213 CLE1 Haynes: BSA A7 & A10 Twins Owners Workshop Manual Jeff Clew Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1973
CA.01 629.2232 HES Hesketh V1000 Hesketh Motorcycles Limited Brochures Motorcycles Hesketh 1981
CF.02 796.705 MOR DeWALT/RSS Morgan Aero 8 24 Heures Du Mans 15-16 Juin 2002 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. VHS/DVD Motorsport Circuit 2002
CF.02 796.705 MOR1 DeWALT/RSS Morgan Aero 8 24 Heures Du Mans 15-16 Juin 2002 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. VHS/DVD Motorsport Circuit 2002
AB.03 629.221311 BSA BSA Replacement Parts List - B44 Shooting Star B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA 1970
629.221312 BSA BSA Spares Bantam Super Models D7 and D7 de luxe B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA 1966
CF.01 629.2145 SIM Simonnites Parts Price List Revised - July 1986 Simonnites 4 Wheeler Dealers Parts Catalogues Cars Land Rover 1986
AA.05 629.2176 PAY The Reliant Three-Wheeler 1973-2002 Elvis Payne and Stuart Cyphus Motor History Cars Reliant 2012
CF.01 629.2145 LRC Land-Rover Centre (FMW) Parts List Land-Rover Centre (FMW) Parts Catalogues Cars Land Rover n/a
CF.01 629.2145 SIM1 Simonnites Parts Catalogue Simonnites 4 Wheeler Dealers Parts Catalogues Cars Land Rover n/a
BA.01 629.2338 RAN1 Vintage Motorcycles Illustrated George Rance Motor History GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1970
BA.01 629.2338 RAN2 Vintage Motorcycles Illustrated, Revised Edition George Rance Motor History GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1970
AB.03 629.221313 BSA BSA Spares 250 Series Models B25 and C25 B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA 1967
AB.03 629.221314 BSA Catalogue of Genuine BSA Spares for Models D10 3 Speed Bantam Supreme, D10 3 Speed Bantam Silver B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
AB.03 629.221309 BSA1 Provisional Spare Parts Catalogue for BSA B40 Military Model Motor Cycle B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
BA.03 629.23381 MOT Tip-Top Tips: Famous Riders Pass on the Gen You Need to Get The Best from Your Bike (Free with Motor Cycle Magazine) Motor Cycle Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles n/a
CF.01 629.21421 JAG Jaguar XJ Series Jaguar Cars Limited Brochures Cars Jaguar 1980
CF.01 629.217606 REL1 Reliant Scimitar Sabre Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Reliant 1994
AA.03 629.211 BEN Bentley Eight/ Mulsanne S/ Turbo R/ Continental Bentley Motors Limited Brochures Cars Bentley 1988
CF.01 629.21422 JAG Jaguar XJ/ XK Series Jaguar Cars Limited Sales Guide Cars Jaguar 1984
CF.01 629.21421 JAG1 Jaguar: The Legend Grows (XJ Series) Jaguar Cars Limited Brochures Cars Jaguar 1985
AA.03 629.2126 JAG Daimler Jaguar Cars Limited Brochures Cars Daimler 1984
CF.01 629.22343 HON Honda: More sense, more style. Honda UK Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Honda 1990s
AA.03 629.213604 FOR Ford Service: '95 Model Year Vehicles Service Guide Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1993
CA.01 629.21643 MOR The Morgan 3 Wheeler Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 2012
CB.01 629.21381 HIL Hillman Fabric Flexible Couplings J. & A. Hillman Parts Catalogues Cars Hillman n/a
CF.01 629.23 BON1 Bonhams: ignition, Issue 18, Winter/Spring 2011 Bonhams Magazines GeneralMotoring Auctions 2011
AB.05 629.2401 TIM Timken Bearing Service 1945-1963 (No. EX 263) The Timken Roller Bearing Company Parts Catalogues Mechanics General n/a
629.241 TEL Telamite Brake and Clutch Linings for Cars and Commercial Vehicles Telamite Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1960
BA.01 621.12 FER The Ferguson System: Plough Instruction Book Harvey Ferguson Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Tractors n/a
CB.01 629.2145 LEY Land-Rover Station Wagons British Leyland UK Limited Brochures Cars Land Rover 1972
AA.03 629.2126 LEY Daimler Sovereign Series 2 Operating, Maintenance and Service Handbook British Leyland UK Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Daimler 1973
AC.03 629.2424 GER1 1939 Catalogue Engineers' Tools Workshop and Garage Accessories and Equipment Gerald Stains Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Tools 1939
AB.03 629.2181 ROV Rover 3 Litre Workshop Manual (second edition) The Rover Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Rover 1960
629.2322 DUN Everything for the Motorist Dunhills Limited Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1929
AA.05 629.21681 BMC Morris Minor Workshop Manual (Series MM, Series II, and 1000) B.M.C. Service Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris 1955
AC.04 629.2454 AMA Description of and tuning instructions for Amal GP.2 Racing Carburetter (Series 516) AMAL Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1971
AA.05 629.21682 MOR The Morris Oxford (Series "MO") Workshop Manual Morris Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris 1954
AA.03 629.2101 AIX1 Aixam Crossover: Your Route to the Open Road Aixam Mega Ltd. Brochures Cars Aixam 2012
AB.03 629.22434 KAW Kawasaki 88 Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1988
CD.01 629.2358 ERR Remax Precision Fit Components 1937-1938 Erredges Ltd. Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1937
CF.02 796.705 AUT1 Isle of Man TT Official Souvenir Programme 1989 (including tribute poster to Honda) Auto-Cycle Union Club Publications Motorsport Circuit 1989
CD.01 629.221315 BSA BSA Service Sheet No. 701 B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Motorcycles BSA 1953
AC.03 629.2432 HEP "Hepolite" Additions to 1939 Catalogue (December, 1942) Hepworth & Grandage, LTd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1942
AB.04 629.2272 ROY The Gun: The magazine of the Royal Enfield Owners Club (Issue No.275/ Feb/Mar 2020) Royal Enfield Owners Club Club Publications Motorcycles Royal Enfield 2020
DA.01 621.11 SAC Steam Apprentice Club: Raising Steam (Volume 28, Number 3 - July 2014) SAC Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2014
AB.04 629.2272 ROY1 The Gun: The magazine of the Royal Enfield Owners Club (Issue No.269/ Feb/March 2019) Royal Enfield Owners Club Club Publications Motorcycles Royal Enfield 2019
AB.04 629.2272 ROY2 The Gun: The magazine of the Royal Enfield Owners Club (Issue No.273/ Oct/Nov 2019) Royal Enfield Owners Club Club Publications Motorcycles Royal Enfield 2019
CA.03 629.241 NEW Girling Brakes: Safety Encircles the World New Hudson Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1939
AC.03 629.2432 MER Merico Valves The Meriden Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1933
629.241 TEL1 Telamite 1961 Supplement Brake & Clutch Linings for Cars and Commerical Vehicles Telamite Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1961
629.241 TEL2 Telamite Brake and Clutch Linings for Cars and Commercial Vehicles Telamite Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1960
629.2432 TEL Telamite Fan Belts Telamite Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1961
CF.01 629.21531 LEY Welcome to the best Mini yet (850 & 1000; Clubman Saloon; Clubman Estate; 1275 GT Leyland Cars Brochures Cars Mini 1977
CF.01 629.2389 MOT1 The International Motor Cycle Show 1980 Official Souvenir Catalogue The Motor Cycle Association of Great Britain Limited Club Publications GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1980
CF.01 629.2389 MOT2 The Motor Cycle Show '77 Official Souvenir Catalogue 27th August-3rd September The Motor Cycle Association of Great Britain Limited Club Publications GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1977
AB.03 629.221316 BSA BSA Spares B40 Star, B40 Sports Star B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
AB.05 629.2347 NAT National Motorcycle Museum: Britain's Motorcycling Heritage The National Motorcycle Museum Books GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections 1985
CB.01 629.21761 REL The Reliant 'Regal' Four Seater Instruction Book The Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1950s
AB.05 629.2358 MOT The Motorist's Nation-Wider Guide: Spare Parts Wherever YOU may be Motor Vehicle Dismantlers Association Indexes GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1965
CB.01 629.22065 ARI The Modern Ariel Motor Cycle 1939 Owners' Guide Single Cylinder Models Ariel Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Ariel 1939
AB.03 629.2213 LUP Pitman: The Book of the 250 c.c. B.S.A. Motor-cycle Care and Service Manual Arthur Lupton Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1971
AA.04 629.2153 BAL Autobook: Workshop Manual for the Mini 850, 1000, Clubman, Countryman, Traveller, 1275GT, Riley Elf, Wolseley Hornet, 1959-71 Kenneth Ball Manuals/Handbooks Cars Mini 1971
BA.03 745.1 MOR Morgan Supersport Junior Pedal Car Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures ToysandModels 2012
BA.03 745.1 MOR1 Morgan Supersport Junior Pedal Car Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures ToysandModels 2012
BA.03 745.1 MOR2 Morgan Supersport Junior Pedal Car Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures ToysandModels 2012
BA.03 745.1 MOR3 Morgan Supersport Junior Pedal Car Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures ToysandModels 2012
CF.01 629.215501 MOR Morgan Classic Range Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General 2015
BA.01 40.05 SUR Sound Stories present Stars of Speed! (45 rpm) John Surtees and Geoff Duke Vinyl/CD Motorsport Sports 1957
AC.04 914.1 DUN The Dunlop Guide: The British Road Book The Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd. Books MapsandTravel n/a
BA.01 629.2432 AUT Autopart Engineering Co., Autopoart Regrinds Plus Aerolite Pistons Autopart Engineering Co. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1938
AB.05 629.2358 LUC Lucas: Useful Accessories Joseph Lucas Limited Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1938
AC.03 629.2421 TUN Tungstone Catalogue with Tunstone Batteries Price List Tungstone Products Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Electricals n/a
BA.03 629.2421 MAR Marchal: The Light Fantastic (5th. Edition - Oct. 1955) with attached letter Marchal Distributors Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Electricals 1956
AC.03 629.2432 HEP1 "Hepolite" Additions to 1939 Catalogue (April, 1944) Hepworth & Grandage, Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1944
AB.03 629.221317 BSA The Gold Star Book (BSA) Bruce Main-Smith & Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA 1974
AB.05 629.2358 SUR Holdtite Surridge's Patches and Specialities for the Discerning Motorist (Catalogue No. 34) Surridges Patents Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
AB.03 629.221318 BSA BSA Spares 4 Speed Models D10 Sports and 175cc Sportsman (U.S.A.) B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
629.221312 BSA1 BSA Spares Bantam Super Models D7 and D7 de luxe B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
AB.03 629.221319 BSA BSA Spares Model B44 Shooting Star, Model B55 Victor Roadster B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
629.221312 BSA2 BSA Spares Bantam Super Models D7 and D7 de luxe B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
AA.04 629.2155 MOR1 Morgan Motor Company Information Pack Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Other Cars Morgan - General n/a
CF.01 629.2155 RET Retro Viseur - Dossier Morgan (Mensuel No. 82 - Juin 1995) (French) RetroViseur Magazines Cars Morgan - General 1995
AA.04 629.215504 MOR Morgan: No Compromise (with enclosed letter) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General n/a
AA.03 629.210975 AUT Repair Manual: Passenger Car Model "Wartburg 312 and 353" (Edition 1966) Veb Automobilwerk Eisenach Manuals/Handbooks Cars Automobilwerk Eisenach 1966
AB.03 629.224301 KAW Kawasaki Shop Manual: A Series Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Kawasaki 1975
CF.01 623.801 TRI 74 West Country Boat Show Catalogue and Guide (September 28 - October 5) Trident Publicity Ltd. Club Publications BoatsandCruising 1974
CF.01 629.2322 MOT Motor Cycle Dealer (Distributed Free Only to Registered Dealers) Motor Cycle Dealer Magazines GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1993
BA.01 629.2432 AC AC Service Book AC-Sphinx Sparking Plug Co. Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine n/a
AA.03 629.2108 HAY 1800 & 18/85 De Luxe/ S Model/ 1789cc Owner's Workshop Manual J. H. Haynes Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1971
AA.05 629.2164 WAL The Motorist's Library: The Book of the Morgan G. T. Walton Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1932
AC.04 629.2333 AUT AA: Money-Saving Motoring Automobile Association Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1974
DA.01 621.11 CAM1 Camborne Celebrates Trevithick Day (Saturday 28th April 2001) Camborne Trevithick Day Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2001
AA.05 629.2164 ANT Morgan Super Sports Three's Company: The Story Behind ARB 770 Sean Anthony Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler n/a
BA.03 629.2401 HAR Hardy Spicer: Type "IG" Universal Joints Hardy Spicer & Co. Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Brake and Transmission n/a
AC.04 914.1 BAR The Motorist's Touring Maps and Gazetteer John Bartholomew & Son Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel 1975
AA.05 629.2164 WAT2 The Three Wheeler story of the Morgan Brian Watts Club Publications Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1970
AB.03 629.221 ULI Ulis Motorradladen GmbH: BMW Motorcycles Catalogue Winter 2004/2005 (BMW R24 to R69S - 1949 to 1969) Ulis Motorradladen GmbH Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BMW 2004
AC.04 796.705 MCI Motor Cycling Today: All the sport-machines, riders and racing technique - from one of the world's greatest racing motor cyclists Bob McIntyre Biography Motorsport Circuit 1963
CA.01 629.22313 HAR AMF Harley-Davidson 1979 V-Twin Motorcycles Harley-Davidson Brochures Motorcycles Harley Davidson 1979
CF.01 629.2333 MAR On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Part 1) Marshall Cavendish Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1979
CF.01 796.761 MAU Ivan Mauger: 30 year World Jubilee Series (including Programme Rate Card) Ivan Mauger Club Publications Motorsport Speedway 1985
629.221312 BSA3 BSA Spares Bantam Super Models D7 and D7 de luxe B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
AB.03 629.221320 BSA BSA Spares Model B44 Victor Special B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA 1968
AB.03 629.221314 BSA1 BSA Spares Bantam Silver Model D.10 3-Speed, Bantam Supreme Model D.10 3-Speed B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA 1967
AB.03 629.221321 BSA BSA Spares 250 c.c. Model B25 Starfire B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA 1968
629.221312 BSA4 BSA Spares Bantam Super Models D7 and D7 de luxe B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA n/a
BA.03 629.2322 SER1 The Service Station: The Recognised Journal for Service Equipment (Vol.XV. No. 12), December 1939 The Service Station Magazines GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1939
Ollie 914.1 MIN Ordnance Survey of England and Wales - Diagram of Sheets of the Map (Sheet 138/ Devonshire) Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Maps MapsandTravel n/a
DA.01 745.1 STU Stuart Models Stuart Turner Ltd. Books ToysandModels 1985
DA.01 745.1 GRE The Layman's Guide to Mamod Steam Engines William Green Manuals/Handbooks ToysandModels 2014
CF.02 629.2338 MER Motorcycle, Scooter & Three-Wheeler Mechanics: The Illustrated How-To-Do-It Mercury House Publications Ltd. Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1965
AB.05 629.2403 AER Aerograph DeVilbiss: Spray Painting and Finishing Equipment (including letter) The Aerograph Co. Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Body Repair 1938
AC.03 629.2421 REM Remax Auto Electrical Components (List No. EL351/2) Remax Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Electricals n/a
AC.03 629.2432 REM Remax Gates Fan Belts for British, American & Continental Cars & Trucks Remax Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine n/a
BA.03 629.2401 HAR1 Service Instructions on Hardy Spicer Needle Bearing (KR open Type) Universal Joints Hardy Spicer & Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission n/a
BA.01 629.2338 MOT2 The Motor Cycle (13 March, 1952) The Motorcycle Magazine Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1952
CF.02 629.2443 SER Servais For Silent Power Catalogue (October 1961) Servais Silencers Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Exhaust and Silencers 1961
CF.02 629.2358 TUD Tudor Guaranteed Accessories For Cars and Commercial Vehicles Tudor Accessories Limited Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
CF.02 629.2415 BER Viton Motor Car Colours 1957-1964 Berger Paints Sales Guide Mechanics Colours and Paints 1964
BA.03 629.2185 SIN C5 Accessories: How to get even more from your Sinclair C5! Sinclair Vehicles Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Sinclair n/a
AC.03 643.13 EAD R. Cadisch & Sons Radio Receiving Sets, Components and Accessories (Season 1932-33) R. Eadisch & Sons Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Home 1932
CF.01 629.2333 DUC Save money on motoring: A DUCKHAMS book on Economy Motoring by the Technical Editor of 'Motor' Magazine Duckham Oils Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1975
CA.01 629.21644 MOR The Morgan 3 Wheeler Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 2013
CA.01 629.21644 MOR1 The Morgan 3 Wheeler Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 2013
DA.01 621.111 LAN Fred Dibnah MBE Remembered: The Life & Times of a Great Briton 1938-2004 Keith Langston Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2004
AB.03 629.2194 BAL Volkswagen Beetle 1954-67 Autobook: Workshop Manual for all Volkswagen 1200, 1300, 1500 models of the Beetle and Karmann-Ghia, 1954-67 Kenneth Ball Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volkswagen 1971
AB.03 629.21811 ROV Rover Workshop Manual 1950 onwards The Rover Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Rover 1960
AB.05 629.2301 WIL Ultimate Sports Car: The most exciting classic sports cars in the world Quentin Willson Encyclopedia GeneralMotoring Cars 2002
BA.03 629.2421 CRY Crypton Battery Chargers and Battery Testers (with various brochures and posters) Crypton Equipment Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Electricals 1961
BA.03 629.2421 CRY1 Crypton: The New Crypton "Speedtester" Battery Tester Crypton Equipment Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Electricals 1961
AC.03 629.2432 HEP2 Hepolite July 1939 Hepworth & Grandage, Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1939
AB.05 629.2301 ROB1 Veteran and Vintage Cars Peter Roberts Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1974
BA.01 629.21645 MOR The Morgan Three Wheeler Instruction Book: issued free with new models (signed copy) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1920s/1930s
AB.04 629.22433 KAW1 Shop Manual Kawasaki G Series Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Kawasaki 1975
AB.03 629.22435 KAW Parts Catalogue Kawasaki KX 250 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Kawasaki 1973
AB.03 629.22436 KAW Parts Catalogue Kawasaki KX 125 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Kawasaki 1973
AC.03 643.13 BRO1 Electrical Catalogue (Catalogue No. 459) Brown Brothers Limited Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Home 1938
AA.03 629.213608 FOR Ford Granada Ignition and Electrical Systems: Tehnicians Information Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1977
629.21423 JAG Jaguar Driver (January 1938, No. 270) Jaguar Drivers Club Ltd. Magazines Cars Jaguar 1983
BA.03 629.218501 SIN C5 Driver: The Official Magazine for the Sinclair C5 Vehicle (January 1985) Sinclair Vehicles Ltd. Magazines Motorcycles Sinclair 1985
AA.04 629.2145 LAN Range Rover 1990 Model Year Workshop Manual Supplement LSM180WS5A Technical Publications Department of Land Rover Manuals/Handbooks Cars Land Rover 1990
AA.05 629.2176 REL Reliant Parts Retail Price List Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Parts Catalogues Cars Reliant 1995
AB.03 629.2194 HAY Haynes: VW Beetle 1303, 1303S & GT Owners Workshop Manual J. H. Haynes and K. F. Kinchin Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volkswagen 1989
AA.05 629.2176 HAY1 Haynes: Reliant Robin & Kitten 1973 to 1983 Owners Workshop Manual J. H. Haynes and Bruce Gilmour Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1984
AA.05 629.21642 CLA The Book of the Three-Wheeler: Matchless, Blackburne, Ford, J.A.P., Anzani R. M. Clarke Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1954
BA.02 629.21642 CLA1 The Book of the Three-Wheeler: Matchless, Blackburne, Ford, J.A.P., Anzani R. M. Clarke Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1954
AC.03 629.2432 PRE The J.A.P. Book J. A. Prestwich & Co., Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1925
BA.01 629.24321 PRE J.A.P. Reference Book J. A. Prestwich & Co., Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1920s
DA.01 621.11 LIV Live Steam Models: Designed and Manufactured by Engineers Live Steam Models Serial Number Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 621.11 PLA Plastow Traction Engines Plastow Traction Engines Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 385.11 DON Don Your Designs: Model Engineering Catalogue (Issue 2, 1984) Don Your Designs Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1984
DA.01 621.11 NAT1 Steaming, Vol. 63, No.1 Winter 2019/20 Journal of the National Traction Engine Trust Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2019
DA.01 621.11 LAW The Steam Engine: A Science Museum Booklet R. J. Law Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1965
DA.01 385.1 DON1 Locomotives Large & Small: The Quarterly Magazine for the Steam Enthusiast (August, 1991, No.48) Don Young Magazines Rail 1991
DA.01 385.1 DON Locomotives Large & Small: The Quarterly Magazine for the Steam Enthusiast (February, 1991, No.46) Don Young Magazines Rail 1991
AA.04 629.2155 MSCC Morgan Sports Car Club 2005 MSCC Calendars Cars Morgan - General 2005
AA.04 629.2155 MSCC1 Morgan Sports Car Club 2006 MSCC Calendars Cars Morgan - General 2006
AA.04 629.2155 MSCC2 Morgan Sports Car Club 2007 MSCC Calendars Cars Morgan - General 2007
AA.04 629.2155 MSCC3 Morgan Sports Car Club 2019 MSCC Calendars Cars Morgan - General 2019
AA.04 629.2155 MOG MOG 2013 Calendar MOG Calendars Cars Morgan - General 2013
CF.01 629.215502 MOR Morgan Motor Company Calendar 2020 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Calendars Cars Morgan - General 2020
AB.05 629.2322 PHO Phoenix Windscreens Ltd. Calendar 2020 Phoenix Windscreens Ltd. Calendars GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 2020
DA.01 621.11 MID The Examination & Testing of Miniature Steam Boilers (Revised Edition 2012) The Midland Federation of Model Engineers Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2012
DA.01 621.11 BON1 History in Camera: Farming with Steam Harold Bonnett Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1976
DA.01 621.11 HAM Memories of Steam Rallying Jack Hampshire Biography SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2014
DA.01 621.11 PLA1 H. R. Plastow "The Iron Maiden" H. R. Plastow Precision Engineers Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 621.11 PLA2 H. R. Plastow "The Iron Maiden" H. R. Plastow Precision Engineers Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 621.11 PLA3 "The Burrell Builders Book of Pictures" H. R. Plastow Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1980
DA.01 621.11 PLA4 The Building and Running of Steam Traction Engine and Roller Models H. R. Plastow Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1971
DA.01 621.11 HUG Building the Allchin: Modelling Royal Chester - a 1 1/2" general purpose traction engine W. J. Hughes Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1979
DA.01 621.11 HUG1 Building the Allchin W. J. Hughes Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1979
DA.01 621.11 MAS Scale Model Traction Engine Building featuring minnie L. C. Mason Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1977
DA.01 385.1 DON2 Locomotives Large & Small: The Quarterly Magazine for the Steam Enthusiast (May, 1991, No.47) Don Young Magazines Rail 1991
DA.01 621.11 MID1 The Examination & Testing of Miniature Steam Boilers (New Edition 2006) Midlands Federation of Model Engineering Societies Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2006
DA.01 621.11 SAW Traction Engines in Close-Up E. H. Sawford Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1980
DA.01 621.11 TRU Traction Engine Register John B. True Indexes SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1992
DA.01 621.11 LEE The European Traction Engine Register Leeds and District Traction Engine Club Indexes SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2015
CF.01 629.2164 BRU The Morgan Three-Wheeler Instruction Book (copy) Bruce Main-Smith & Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1991
BA.01 629.21572 MOR Aero Supersports (including UK Price List Effective from 2010 & Aero Supersports Price List) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2010
AA.05 629.21572 MOR1 Aero Supersports Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2010
AB.03 629.224302 KAW Kawasaki Cruisers: Ride the Feeling (VN1500 Classic; VN800 Classic; VN800; EN500) Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1999
CF.01 629.2296 YAM Yamaha Full Line-Up 99 Yamaha Motor (UK) Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Yamaha 1999
CA.01 629.2296 YAM1 Yamaha Accessories Brochure (including Drag Star 1100 poster) Yamaha Motor (UK) Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Yamaha 1999
CB.01 629.228701 TRI Triumph (Sport, Touring, Classic) Triumph Motorcycles Limited Posters Motorcycles Triumph 1999
CB.01 629.228702 TRI Triumph Model Range Triumph Motorcycles Limited Posters Motorcycles Triumph 1999
CA.01 629.2253 THR Moto Guzzi La Forza Della Personalit� Three Cross Motor Cycles Limited Brochures Motorcycles Moto Guzzi 1999
CA.01 629.2265 PIA Piaggio 1998 Range Brochure Piaggio Limited Brochures Motorcycles Piaggio 1998
CA.01 629.2284 SUZ Scooters The Suzuki Range 1999 Suzuki GB PLC Brochures Motorcycles Suzuki 1999
CB.01 629.228702 TRI1 Triumph Model Range Triumph Motorcycles Limited Posters Motorcycles Triumph 1999
BA.01 629.2228 PIA Gilera (1998 Authorised Dealers; July 1998 Price List; 1998 Price List; 1998 Range Brochure) Piaggio Limited Brochures Motorcycles Gilera 1999
BA.01 629.224303 KAW Kawasaki 1999 - The - Range Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1999
CB.01 629.2284 SUZ1 Motorcycles: The Suzuki Range 1999 Suzuki GB PLC Brochures Motorcycles Suzuki 1999
CB.01 629.223401 HON Honda Varadero Honda UK Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Honda 1999
BA.01 629.223402 HON Honda Pan-European ST1100 Honda UK Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Honda 1999
BA.01 629.224303 KAW1 Kawasaki 1999 - Dealers & Price List Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1999
BA.01 629.2222 MOT Ducati 1999 Moto Cinelli Posters Motorcycles Ducati 1999
BA.01 629.223101 HAR Harley-Davidson 1999 Motorcycles Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Brochures Motorcycles Harley Davidson 1999
CA.01 629.2263 PEU Peugeot Scooters 2000-1 Peugeot Motorcycles Brochures Motorcycles Peugeot 1999
BA.01 629.217607 REL The Reliant Range of Hatches, Estates and Vans Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Reliant n/a
BA.01 629.221322 BSA BSA Instruction Book (Scrambles, Racing and Clubman) [note: missing first four pages and cover] B.S.A Motorcycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles BSA n/a
AA.05 629.216801 MOR Operation Manual for the Morris Ten-Four and Twelve Four (Series II) Morris Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris 1935
AA.03 629.2124 CHR Chrysler 2 Litres 180/ 160 Chrysler France Manuals/Handbooks Cars Chrysler n/a
BA.02 629.2108 AUS2 Austin "Fourteen" List of Spare Parts The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin n/a
BA.02 629.2108 AUS1 Austin A55 Saloon Half-Ton Van and Pick-up Running and Maintenance Instructions The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1958
BA.01 629.21865 STA Standard Cars Twelve Instruction Book 1936 The Standard Motor Co., Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Standard 1936
BA.01 629.218651 STA Standard Car 1933 Instruction "Book" 'Big Twelve' The Standard Motor Co., Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Standard 1933
BA.01 629.22841 SUZ Motorcycles/Scooters The Range 2000 (with 'Check Out Suzuki's Aftercare') Suzuki GB PLC Brochures Motorcycles Suzuki 2000
CF.01 629.22961 YAM Yamaha Full Range 2000 (with price list) Yamaha Motor (UK) Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Yamaha 2000
CB.01 629.223102 HAR Harley-Davidson Motorcycles (Model Year 2000) Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Harley Davidson 2000
CB.01 629.22311 HAR1 Harley-Davidson Model Year 2001 Motorcycles Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Harley Davidson 2000
CB.01 629.228703 TRI Triumph TT600 Triumph Motorcycles Limited Brochures Motorcycles Triumph 1999
AB.04 629.228702 TRI2 Triumph (Sport, Touring, Classic) Triumph Motorcycles Limited Posters Motorcycles Triumph 1999
AB.04 629.2272 ROY3 The Gun: The Magazine of the Royal Enfield Owners Club (No. 276, Apr/May 2020) Royal Enfield Owners Club Club Publications Motorcycles Royal Enfield 2020
BA.01 629.2159 MOR Morgan: Dealer Pocket Guide (All New Morgan Plus Six) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - Plus 6 2020
BA.01 629.215701 MOR Morgan Aero 8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2000
BA.01 629.215701 MOR1 Morgan Aero 8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2000
BA.01 629.215701 MOR2 Morgan Aero 8 (Testing and Development - laminated sheet) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2000
BA.01 629.2159 MOR1 Morgan Plus Six Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 6 2020
BA.02 629.21553 MOR Morgan Motor Company LIFECar (concept car) - four copies in total Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General 2009
BA.01 629.215505 MOR The Morgan (including Model "F" 4-Seater, Super Sports, Sports 2-Seater, Model "F" 2-Seater) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General 1930s
CA.01 629.21561 MOR Morgan 4/4 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - 4/4 n/a
CB.01 621.12 FER1 The Ferguson System: Price List (Ferguson Tractor and Implements) Harry Ferguson Ltd. Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Tractors n/a
CB.01 629.2301 PRE 1911 10 h.p. Stanley Steam Car Model 62 Prescott-Pickup & Co. Ltd. Postcards GeneralMotoring Cars 1981
CB.01 629.2301 PRE1 1912 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost Prescott-Pickup & Co. Ltd. Postcards GeneralMotoring Cars 1981
CB.01 629.2301 PRE2 1910 20 h.p. Model T Ford Prescott-Pickup & Co. Ltd. Postcards GeneralMotoring Cars 1981
BA.01 629.24321 HEP Quality Hepolite Products: Invar-Strutt Pistons Hepworth & Grandage, Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Engine n/a
BA.01 629.24321 HEP1 No Running In Necessary! Hepolite RS Pistons Hepworth & Grandage, Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine n/a
BA.01 629.24321 HEP2 Silver Greys: Prices of Hepolite Silvery Grey Piston Rings Hepworth & Grandage, Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine n/a
CB.01 745.101 MEC Meccano: Engineering for Boys Price List 1955/6 Meccano Ltd. Sales Guide ToysandModels 1955
BA.01 629.21855 SIN Maintenance of the 1925/6/7 10 H.P. Singer and 1928/9/30 "Senior" Singer Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Singer 1930s
AB.04 629.2301 BAI The Estate We're In Nicola Baird Books GeneralMotoring Cars 1998
DA.01 745.1 BAR Mamod's Steam Power Alexander Barrie Books ToysandModels 1977
AB.05 629.2347 MON The Montagu Motor Museum: Catalogue 2/6 (Catalogue of Exhibits 1961) Lord Montagu of Beaulieu Indexes GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections 1961
AB.05 629.23581 BRO Motor Catalogue: Accessories, Motor Tyres, Clothing, Metals, Tools, Garage Equipment (Catalogue No.255, Issued March, 1928) Brown Brothers Limited Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1928
CB.01 629.2158 MOR Introducing the All-New Morgan Plus Four: Engaging, Honest and Handcrafted Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 4 2019
CA.01 629.21561 MOR1 Morgan 4/4 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - 4/4 n/a
AA.04 629.215504 MOR1 Morgan: No Compromise Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General n/a
CB.01 629.215506 MOR Morgan: First of the Real Sports Cars (4'4, +8, 4'4 Four Seat Specifications) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General n/a
CB.01 629.21525 MIC Microcar M.GO Microcar UK Brochures Cars Microcar n/a
CB.01 629.21525 MIC1 Microcar M.GO Series 11 Microcar UK Brochures Cars Microcar n/a
CA.01 629.216 MOR Morgan +8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 8 1994
CA.01 629.216 MOR1 Morgan +8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 8 1994
BA.01 629.21573 MOR Morgan Aero 8. Life is good. Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2004
BA.01 629.21573 MOR1 Morgan Aero 8. Life is good. Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero 2004
CB.01 629.215507 MOR Morgan Catalogue Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General n/a
BA.01 629.21601 MOR Morgan +8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 8 n/a
BA.01 629.21601 MOR1 Morgan +8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 8 n/a
CB.01 629.21562 MOR Morgan 4/4 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - 4/4 n/a
CB.01 629.21562 MOR1 Morgan 4/4 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - 4/4 n/a
CB.01 629.21602 MOR Morgan +8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 8 n/a
CB.01 629.215508 MOR Morgan Motor Company Limited Recommended Price List from September 1st 2001 Production Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Parts Catalogues Cars Morgan - General 2001
BA.01 629.213605 FOR The New Thames 5 CWT. Van Instruction Book Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1955
AA.03 629.213606 FOR Operator's Manual for Thames 10-12 15 CWT Range Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1964
BA.01 629.213609 FOR Owner's Handbook Consul Cortina with Supplementary Owner's Handbook (October 1964 onwards) Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1964
AA.03 629.2136 OLY Ford Consul Mark II/375 Zephyr Zodiac: a Sunday Times series Piet Olyslager Msia Msae Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1967
AA.03 629.213611 FOR Ford Escort Owner's Handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1990
BA.01 629.213612 FOR Owner's Handbook Consul 375 Zephyr Zodiac Mk II Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1964
AA.03 629.213613 FOR Ford Motorists Guide Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1982
AA.03 629.213614 FOR Instruction Book for Thames 10.12.15 CWT models Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1959
AA.03 629.213615 FOR Cortina 1600E Owner Handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1967
AA.03 629.213616 FOR Anglia & Prefect 1953 to 1959 Instruction Book Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1960
AA.03 629.213617 FOR 5 cwt & 7 cwt Thames vans Instruction Book Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1959
AA.03 629.213618 FOR Ford Car Owner Handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1981
AA.03 629.213619 FOR Ford Fiesta (Assortment of five manuals) Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1986
AA.03 629.2107 BEA Aston Martin: Behind the Wheel of a Motoring Icon Mitchell Beazley Motor History Cars Aston Martin 2017
DA.01 621.111 WHI Kaleidoscope of Traction Engines R. A. Whitehead Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1980
DA.01 621.11 BON2 Saga of the Steam Plough Harold Bonnett Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1965
DA.01 621.11 TOW Showmen's Engines at War: Threshing, Haulage and Demolition Kay Townsend Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2009
DA.01 621.112 LAN The Story of the Steam Plough Works Michael R Lane Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1980
DA.01 621.13 CRO Shire Album: Beam Engines T. E. Crowley Books SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1992
DA.01 621.13 TAM Lifelines1: Isambard Kingdom Brunel Richard Tames Biography SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1995
DA.01 621.111 BUR The "Burrell" Gold Medal Steam Tractor (Reprint published by the Road Locomotive Society) Charles Burrell & Sons Ltd. Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1976
DA.01 621.11 MIL A Source Book of Traction Engines Denis Miller Indexes SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2008
DA.01 621.11 MOO Michael Oliver MBE: King of Steam (signed copy) Brian Moore Biography SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2013
DA.01 621.11 HAI The "Countryman's Steam" Manual John Haining Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1996
DA.01 621.111 HUG A Century of Traction Engines W. J. Hughes Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1959
DA.01 621.11 BON3 Saga of the Steam Plough Harold Bonnett Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1972
DA.01 621.11 CUS Steam at Thursford George Cushing with Ian Starsmore Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1982
DA.01 621.112 LAN2 Burrell Showmans Road Locomotives Michael R Lane Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1971
DA.01 621.11 PEA The History of J. and H. McLaren of Leeds: Steam & Diesel Engine Makers John Pease Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2003
AC.04 796.701 CLE Francis Beart - a single purpose Jeff Clew Biography Motorsport General 1978
AB.04 629.2272 BAC Royal Enfield: The Postwar Models Roy Bacon Books Motorcycles Royal Enfield 1989
AB.04 629.2257 FRA1 Norton Motor Cycles: A Practical Guide Covering All Models From 1932 E. M. Franks Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Norton 1952
AB.03 629.2287 NEL Bonnie: The Development History of the Triumph Bonneville J. R. Nelson Motor History Motorcycles Triumph 1984
DA.01 745.1 ROO Shire Album: Toy Steam Accessories Marcus Rooks Books ToysandModels 1996
DA.01 745.1 GOR Toy Steam Engines Bob Gordon Books ToysandModels 2009
DA.01 745.1 MAL Mamod: The story of Malins Models P. S. Malins Books ToysandModels 1996
AB.04 629.2301 BUR Automobile Archaeology David Burgess-Wise Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1981
AC.04 796.711 HAM Formula 1: The Pursuit of Speed Maurice Hamilton Motor History Motorsport Formula 2017
CB.01 629.229601 YAM Yamaha Retail Price List Effective from Jan 14th 1997 Yamaha Motor (UK) Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Yamaha 1997
AB.03 629.224304 KAW Kawasaki Motorcycle Range 1997 Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Kawasaki 1997
CB.01 629.228704 TRI Triumph Price List 1997 Triumph Motorcycles Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Triumph 1997
CA.01 629.223403 HON Honda 1997 Collection Honda (UK) Sales Guide Motorcycles Honda 1997
BA.01 629.223403 HON1 Honda 1997 Complete Collection Honda (UK) Sales Guide Motorcycles Honda 1997
CA.01 629.229602 YAM 97 Yamaha: The Power to Satisfy Yamaha Motor (UK) Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Yamaha 1997
CA.01 629.228401 SUZ Suzuki Range 1997 Suzuki GB PLC Sales Guide Motorcycles Suzuki 1997
AB.05 629.2358 WAR Morgan + Christopher Ward: The Chronometer Collection Christopher Ward Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories >2015
CA.01 629.224305 KAW Kawasaki Year 2000 Models On Show Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Kawasaki 2000
CB.01 629.2254 MV MV Agusta F4 MV Agusta Motor Brochures Motorcycles MV Agusta 2000
CB.01 629.228705 TRI Triumph TT600 Triumph Motorcycles Limited Brochures Motorcycles Triumph 2000
CA.01 629.2216 CCM The CCM Champions Stable: Technical & Specification Information Sheets CCM Motorcycles Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles CCM 2000
BA.01 629.22221 MOT Ducati 2000 (Carl Fogarty Laguna Seca 1999) and 1999 Model Year Recommended Retail Price List Moto Cinelli Posters Motorcycles Ducati 2000
BA.02 629.24011 HAR Speed and how to obtain it J. E. G. Harwood Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1925
AB.04 629.2257 HAY1 The Book of the Norton W. C. Haycraft Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Norton 1930
AC.04 914.11 BAR Bartholomew's Revised "Half-Inch" Contoured Maps: Great Britain, Sheet 13 Wye Valley John Bartholomew & Son Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel 1947
AC.04 914.11 BAR1 Bartholomew's Revised "Half-Inch" Contoured Maps: Great Britain, Sheet 17 Cardigan John Bartholomew & Son Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel 1947
AB.05 629.2358 VIN The Vintage Motor Cycle Club: Vintage Selection 2010/2011 Issue 6 The Vintage Motorcycle Club Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 2010
AB.05 629.2272 EVE Eversure Auto Agency: Classic Bikes & Spares 2008-2009 Price List Eversure Auto Agency Sales Guide Motorcycles Royal Enfield 2008
CF.02 629.2401 MER Motor Cycle Mechanics (May 1974) Mercury House Publications Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1974
CF.02 629.2338 CBG Classic Bike Guide (November 1998) CBG Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1998
CF.02 629.2338 TRA British Bike (March 1996) Traplet Publications Ltd. Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1996
AB.05 629.2338 HOL British Bike (June 1994) Tim Holmes and Rebecca Smith Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1994
AB.05 629.2338 HOL1 British Bike (Jan 1993) Tim Holmes and Rebecca Smith Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1993
AC.03 629.2358 WAS Classic British Motorcycle Parts 2005 Wassell Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 2005
AC.03 629.2454 AMA1 AMAL Reference Catalogue 1940 On AMAL Genuine Parts Catalogues Mechanics Fuel and Induction 2009
DA.01 385.1 DOR LMS Album C. C. Dorman Books Rail 1968
DA.01 621.11 EDM A Wager for Ale: The story of Arthur Napper and the origins of the steam traction engine movement Chris Edmonds Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1985
DA.01 621.11 RAY Traction Engines and other steam road engines Derek Rayner Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2002
DA.01 621.11 CLA Steam-Engine Builders of Lincolnshire Ronald H. Clark Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1955
DA.01 Steaming On: Engines & Wagons from the Golden Age of Steam Power Eric Sawford Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1998
DA.01 621.11 BON4 Discovering Traction Engines Harold Bonnett Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
AC.04 914.1 WES Leisure Map: Devon West Country Tourist Board Maps MapsandTravel 1982
AA.03 629.2135 MET Haynes Fiat 132 & Argenta Owners Workshop Manual P M Methuen Manuals/Handbooks Cars Fiat 1986
CB.01 629.2347 MOR Motor Museum: The C. M. Booth Collection of Historic Vehicles, with emphasis on Morgan 3 wheeled cars Morgan Museum Brochures GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections n/a
CB.01 629.215509 MOR The Morgan Motor Company Range 2011 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General 2011
CC.01 629.215509 MOR1 The Morgan Motor Company Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General 2011
CA.01 629.215511 MOR Classic Morgan Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General >2015
CC.01 629.21644 MOR4 The Morgan 3 Wheeler Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 2011
CC.01 629.216404 MOR Bespoke Specification Options Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 2011
CC.01 629.216405 MOR The Morgan 3 Wheeler Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 2011
CA.01 629.215801 MOR Return of the Classic Plus 4 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 4 >2010
CA.01 629.2161 MOR A Modern Tradition: The New Morgan Roadster Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Roadster n/a
CA.01 629.2161 MOR1 The New Roadster: Start! Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Roadster n/a
CC.01 629.215512 MOR Press Release - 28th March 2003: Anniversary Special Edition from Morgan Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Other Cars Morgan - General 2003
CC.01 629.216101 MOR Race Ready' Roadster Lightweight from Morgan Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Other Cars Morgan - Roadster 2004
CC.01 629.215702 MOR Morgan Aero Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero n/a
AC.04 796.786 BEE The Mick Andrews Book of Trials Tom Beesley Books Motorsport Trials 1976
AB.04 629.2257 REY Pictorial History of Norton Motorcycles Jim Reynolds Photo archive Motorcycles Norton 1985
AC.03 796.701 CAR Motor Cycle Racing Peter Carrick Motor History Motorsport General 1969
AB.05 629.2338 COL Cycles & Motor Cycles Collins Motor History GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1976
914.1 AA1 AA Members Handbook 1997/98 The Automobile Association Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1997
629.2111 BEN An Illustrated History of the Bentley Car W. O. Bentley Motor History Cars Bentley 1964
629.218 SCH The story of the best car in the world: Rolls Royce Schmol & Co. AG Motor History Cars Rolls-Royce 1981
629.218 BEA Rolls of Rolls-Royce Lord Montagu of Beaulieu Motor History Cars Rolls-Royce 1966
BA.01 796.736 WAD Super Top Trumps Speedway/Motocross Waddingtons Other Motorsport Motocross 1991
CB.01 629.228706 TRI Triumph The Best Motorcycle in the World Triumph Engineering Company Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Triumph 1954
914.11 AA AA Greater London Street Atlas The Automobile Association Maps MapsandTravel 1978
914.101 AA The Automobile Association Handbook 1939-40 The Automobile Association Manuals/Handbooks MapsandTravel 1939
914.101 AA1 Members Handbook England and Wales 1951-52 The Automobile Association Manuals/Handbooks MapsandTravel 1951
914.101 AA2 AA Members' Handbook 1982/3 The Automobile Association Manuals/Handbooks MapsandTravel 1982
914.101 AA3 AA Members' Handbook 1984/85 The Automobile Association Manuals/Handbooks MapsandTravel 1984
914.101 AA4 AA Members' Handbook 1997/1998 The Automobile Association Manuals/Handbooks MapsandTravel 1997
914.1 MIC 1956 Guide Michelin France Services de Tourisme Michelin Maps MapsandTravel 1956
914.1 MIC1 1970 Michelin France Services de Tourisme Michelin Maps MapsandTravel 1970
914.1 MIC2 1977 Michelin France Services de Tourisme Michelin Maps MapsandTravel 1977
914.1 MIC3 Guide du Pneu Michelin Alpes Savoie Dauphine Services de Tourisme Michelin Maps MapsandTravel 1959
914.102 AA The Reader's Digest: AA Book of the Road The Reader's Digest Association Limited Books MapsandTravel 1972
914.1 INF Along Highway and Byway in N. Rhodesia The Information Department Brochures MapsandTravel 1953
914.1 ABC The ABC Railway Guide and Hotel Guide A.B.C. World Airways Guide Indexes MapsandTravel 1964
629.2138 OLY Hillman Minx Saloons Convertibles and Estate Cars P. Olyslager Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hillman 1969
BA.01 629.21391 HUM Humber 16/50 H.P. Car Instruction Book Humber Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Humber 1932
643.1 CAM Motors and Motor-Generators James R. Cameron Books CaravansandLiving Home 1946
629.2301 COO This Motoring: Being the Romantic Story of the Automobile Association Stenson Cooke Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1935
DA.01 623.801 THO Reed's Engineers' Handbook W. H. Thorn Manuals/Handbooks BoatsandCruising 1894
DA.01 621.11 CRA Steam Wagons in Focus John Crawley Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1984
DA.01 385.1 MOR Little Book of British Steam Charlie Morgan Books Rail 2008
DA.01 621.11 WHI1 Age of the Traction Engine Robert A. Whitehead Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1970
DA.01 621.11 BRO British Road Steam Vehicles Kenneth Brown, R. C. Riley & Alan Thomas Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1999
DA.01 621.11 GLA Steam on the Road David Gladwin Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1988
DA.01 621.111 HUG1 A Century of Traction Engines W. J. Hughes Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1959
DA.01 385.1 LBSC The Live Steam Book L.B.S.C. Books Rail 1990
DA.01 621.111 DIB Foundries and Rolling Mills: Memories of Industrial Britain Fred Dibnah and David Hall Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2010
DA.01 621.11 HAL Fred: The Definitive Biography of Fred Dibnah David Hall Biography SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2006
DA.01 621.11 BEA Traction Engines and Steam Vehicles in Pictures Anthony Beaumont Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1969
DA.01 621.11 GIL Charles Burrell & Sons Ltd: Steam Engine Builders of Thetford G. F. A. Gilbert and D. J. Osbourne Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1998
DA.01 621.111 BUR1 Traction Engine Two Centuries of Steam Power Anthony Burton Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2000
DA.01 621.111 NAT Engine Owner's Codes of Practice National Traction Engine Trust Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2007
629.2278 VEL Solex S3800 Repair Operations Manual Velocruz Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Solex n/a
DA.01 621.105 HOW Steamboats and modern steam launches, Volume 1 Howell-North Books Magazines SteamandAgricultural Steam Boats/ Launches 1961
DA.01 621.105 HOW1 Steamboats and modern steam launches, Volume 2 Howell-North Books Magazines SteamandAgricultural Steam Boats/ Launches 1962
DA.01 621.105 HOW2 Steamboats and modern steam launches, Volume 3 Howell-North Books Magazines SteamandAgricultural Steam Boats/ Launches 1963
DA.01 629.2129 WAL Doble Steam Cars, Buses, Lorries and Railcars J. N. Walton Books Cars Doble 1959
DA.01 629.2301 DER The Modern Steam Car and its background Thomas S. Derr Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1952
DA.01 629.2301 CLY Floyd Clymer's Steam Car Edition, Vol. 1 Floyd Clymer Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1945
DA.01 621.11 LEA 50 Golden Years of West of England Steam: The History of the West of England Steam Engine Society, 1955-2005 Kevin Lean Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2005
DA.01 621.1101 HUG Fowler Steam Road Vehicles: Catalogues and Working Instructions W. J. Hughes Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1970
DA.01 621.11 BLO Steam Engines at Bressingham Alan Bloom Biography SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1976
DA.01 385.1 BUR Richard Trevithick: Giant of Steam Anthony Burton Books Rail 2000
DA.01 621.11 MOR Traction Engines Andrew Morland Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1988
DA.01 385.1 WHI Narrow Gauge Album P. B. Whitehouse Books Rail 1961
DA.01 385.1 WHI1 On the Narrow Gauge P. B. Whitehouse Books Rail 1964
DA.01 385.1 MID Encyclopaedia of Narrow Gauge Railways of Great Britain and Ireland Thomas Middlemass Encyclopedia Rail 1991
DA.01 621.11 DUN J. & H. McLaren Traction Engines, Traction Wagons, Steam Road Rollers &c., &c. (Catalogue No. 32) Michael Dunkley Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1974
DA.01 745.1 EVA Evening Star Building a 3 1/2 Gauge B.R. 2.10.0. Locomotive Martin Evans Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1980
DA.01 621.111 CLA A Traction Engine Miscellany Ronald H. Clark Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1975
DA.01 621.1101 CLA The Steam Engine Builders of Norfolk Ronald H. Clark Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1988
DA.01 621.1101 LAN The Story of the Wellington Foundry Lincoln: A History of William Foster & Co. Ltd. (signed copy) Michael R. Lane Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1997
DA.01 621.1102 LAN Pride of the Road: The Pictorial Story of Traction Engines Michael R. Lane Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1976
DA.01 385.1 LAM Settle to Carlisle: A Pictorial Guide to the most dramatic train journey in England Anthony Lambert Photo archive Rail 1997
DA.01 621.11 BLE The Steam Scene, Volume Two R. J. Blenkinsop Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1976
DA.01 621.11 BLE1 The Steam Scene, Volume Four R. J. Blenkinsop Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1977
DA.01 745.1 EVA1 Manual of Model Steam Locomotive Construction Martin Evans Manuals/Handbooks ToysandModels 1960
DA.01 629.2494 BAI Oxy-Acetylene Welding (Repair) Manual C. G. Bainbridge and F. Clarke Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Tools 1956
DA.01 745.1 TEE Engineering in Miniature (Volume 1, Issue Number 1), April 1979 T. E. E. Publishing Magazines ToysandModels 1979
DA.01 745.1 TEE1 Engineering in Miniature (Volume 2) T. E. E. Publishing Magazines ToysandModels 1980
DA.01 745.1 TEE2 Engineering in Miniature (Volume 5) T. E. E. Publishing Magazines ToysandModels 1984
DA.01 745.1 MAR Models Steamers and Motor Boats: How to Build & Run Them Percival Marshall Books ToysandModels n/a
DA.01 629.2494 WES The "M.E." Lathe Manual Edgar T. Westbury Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Tools 1951
DA.01 629.2494 DUP The Novice's Workshop Duplex Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Tools 1967
DA.01 629.2494 BOW The Book of the Lathe C. T. Bower and A. M. I. Prod. E. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Tools 1962
DA.01 629.2494 SPA The Amateur's Lathe Lawrence H. Sparey Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Tools 1954
DA.01 629.2494 TUR Soldering and Brazing A. R. Turpin Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Tools 1955
DA.01 629.2494 ASP Foundrywork for the Amateur B. Terry Aspin Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Tools 1957
DA.01 745.1 HAI Model Boilers For Road and Ploughing Engines John Haining Books ToysandModels 1974
DA.01 621.11 APP Old Glory The Collectors Series: Traction Engines (Part One) Paul Appleton Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2020
DA.01 621.11 APP1 Old Glory The Collectors Series: Traction Engines (Part Two) Paul Appleton Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2020
DA.01 621.11 APP2 Old Glory The Collectors Series: Traction Engines (Part Three) Paul Appleton Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2020
CB.01 629.21525 MIC2 Microcar M.Go Microcar UK Brochures Cars Microcar n/a
CB.01 629.215201 MIC Microcar M-8 Microcar UK Brochures Cars Microcar n/a
CB.01 629.215513 MOR Morgan Motor Company Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General 2018<
CA.01 629.21603 MOR Plus 8 35th Anniversary Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 8 2003
CB.01 629.215802 MOR Morgan +4 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 4 n/a
CB.01 629.215202 MIC M.GO by Microcar Microcar UK Brochures Cars Microcar n/a
CB.01 629.21011 AIX Aixam Crossover: Your Route to the Open Road/ Aixam Crossline: Explore the wide open spaces Aixam Mega Ltd. Brochures Cars Aixam n/a
CB.01 629.215514 MOR Morgan Motor Co. Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General n/a
CC.01 629.215515 MOR Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Recommended Factory Route Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General n/a
CC.01 629.215512 MOR1 Press Release - 28th March 2003: Anniversary Special Edition from Morgan Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Other Cars Morgan - General 2003
CC.01 629.215516 MOR Malvern Link Issue No. 2 (1999) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Magazines Cars Morgan - General 1999
CC.01 629.215516 MOR1 Malvern Link Issue No. 3 (2000) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Magazines Cars Morgan - General 2000
CC.01 629.215516 MOR2 Malvern Link Issue No. 5 (2001) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Magazines Cars Morgan - General 2001
CC.01 629.215516 MOR3 Malvern Link 09.02 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Magazines Cars Morgan - General 2002
CB.01 629.217608 REL Reliant Rialto All Models Owner's Handbook (Part Number 29168) Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Reliant 1992
CB.01 629.210803 AUS Austin 4 Wheel Drive Gipsy The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Brochures Cars Austin 1958
CE.03 629.21604 MOR Morgan +8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 8 n/a
DA.01 629.2432 CRE All About Engines Edward Cressy Books Mechanics Engine 1930
796.721 CLU The Racing Car Development and Design Cecil Clutton, Cyril Posthumus, Denis Jenkinson Books Motorsport Grandprix 1956
629.2152 POR Guide to Purchase & D.I.Y. Restoration of the MGB with Suppplementary Information on MGC & MGB V8 Lindsay Porter Technical and Restoration Guides Cars MG 1988
CE.03 629.215703 MOR Morgan Aero 8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero n/a
629.2309 GAR Automobilia of Europe Reference and Price Guide Gordon Gardiner and Alistair Morris Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Collectables 1992
CF.01 629.23011 WHI Which? Car Buying Guide 1986 Which Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1986
CF.01 629.213621 FOR Cars Ford Motor Company Limited Buyer's Guide Cars Ford 1986
CF.01 629.2301 DAI Daily Mail Motor Show Review 1964 Daily Mail Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1964
CF.01 629.2301 DAI1 Motor Show Review 1973 Daily Mail Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1973
CF.01 629.2301 DAI2 Daily Mail Motor Show 32-page Guide to the Event of the Year Daily Mail Newspapers GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1994
CF.01 629.2301 DAI3 Daily Mail Motor Show Review 1981 Daily Mail Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1981
CF.01 629.23011 DAI Daily Express Review of the 1966 Motor Show Daily Express Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1966
CF.01 629.23011 DAI1 Daily Express Motor Show Review 1968 Daily Express Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1968
CF.01 629.23011 DAI2 Daily Express Motor Show Review 1971 Daily Express Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1971
CF.01 629.23011 DAI3 Daily Express Guide to 1981 World Cars (27th year book/ motor show edition) Daily Express Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1981
CF.01 629.23011 DAI4 Daily Express Guide to World Cars 1980 Daily Express Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1980
CF.01 629.2301 CAR Car Catalogue International 1980 Car Catalogue International Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1980
CF.01 629.2301 CAR1 Car Catalogue International 1981 Car Catalogue International Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 1981
CF.01 629.2301 IPC Motor IPC Specialist & Professional Press Ltd. Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1978
CE.07 629.219401 VOL The VW 412 LE. Volkswagen Brochures Cars Volkswagen 1972
CE.07 629.219402 VOL The VW 1600. Volkswagen Brochures Cars Volkswagen 1972
CE.07 629.219403 VOL Scirocco 1984 Volkswagen Brochures Cars Volkswagen 1983
CE.07 629.219403 VOL1 Scirocco Volkswagen Brochures Cars Volkswagen 1979
CE.07 629.219403 VOL2 The Scirocco. (with Specification and Equipment 1991 model year Volkswagen Brochures Cars Volkswagen 1991
CE.07 629.219404 VOL The Passat Saloon 1999 Model Year Volkswagen Brochures Cars Volkswagen 1998
629.219405 VOL All about the Volkswagen 1500 Volkswagenwerk AG Brochures Cars Volkswagen 1963
CE.08 629.2195 BRI The Wolseley 1300 British Leyland (Austin-Morris) Limited Brochures Cars Wolseley 1972
CE.08 629.219501 BRI The new Wolseley Six British Leyland (Austin-Morris) Limited Brochures Cars Wolseley 1973
CE.08 629.2194501 VOL Volvo 480 ES Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1988
CE.08 629.2194502 VOL The Volvo 140 Series Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1970
CE.08 629.2194503 VOL Volvo 340 Series Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1981
CE.08 629.2194504 VOL Volvo 144 Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1966
CE.08 629.2194504 VOL1 Volvo 244 Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1976
CE.08 629.2194504 VOL2 Volvo 244 Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1980
CE.08 629.2194504 VOL3 Volvo 264 Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1981
CE.08 629.2194505 VOL Volvo 245 265 Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1982
CE.08 629.2194506 VOL Volvo 66 Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1977
CE.08 629.2194507 VOL Volvo 164E Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1974
629.2194508 VOL Volvo 164/164E Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1973
629.2194508 VOL1 Volvo 140 Series Volvo Brochures Cars Volvo 1972
CE.07 629.2192 BRI Vanden Plas 1500 British Leyland UK Limited Brochures Cars Vanden Plas 1976
CE.07 629.2192 BRI1 Vanden Plas Princess 1300 British Leyland (Austin-Morris) Limited Brochures Cars Vanden Plas 1972
CE.06 629.2193 VAU Vauxhall Viva Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1972
CE.06 629.219301 VAU Sleek, scorchy new Victor Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1967
CE.06 629.219302 VAU Vauxhall Carlton 1990 Models. Edition No. 2. Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1990
CE.06 629.219303 VAU Vauxhall Estates. Viva and Victor. Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1972
CE.06 629.219304 VAU Vauxhall Belmont. A more elegant way to travel. Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1985
CE.06 629.219305 VAU Vauxhall 1966 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1966
CE.06 629.219306 VAU Vauxhall Victor VX4/90 Velox and Cresta Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1962
CE.06 629.219306 VAU1 Vauxhall Victor Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1970
CE.06 629.219307 VAU Vauxhall VXR/90 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1972
CE.06 629.219308 VAU Vauxhall Viscount Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1971
CE.06 629.219309 VAU Vauxhall Ventora Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1973
CE.06 629.219309 VAU1 Vauxhall Ventora Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1974
CE.07 629.21931 VAU Vauxhall Victor Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1974
CE.07 629.219311 VAU Viva Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1970
CE.07 629.219312 VAU New Vauxhall Victor series 101 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1964
CE.07 629.219313 VAU Cresta by Vauxhall Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1968
CE.07 629.219314 VAU Viva Goes Estate Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1967
CE.07 629.219315 VAU The VX Series Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1976
CE.07 629.219316 VAU Go Vauxhall '67 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1967
CE.07 629.219317 VAU Vauxhall Velox Cresta 6 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1963
CE.07 629.219318 VAU Viva!...vauxhall viva Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1963
CE.07 629.219319 VAU Chevette It's whatever you want it to be. Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1975
CE.07 629.21932 VAU Chevette 2-door saloons. 4-door saloons. 3-door hatchbacks. Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1976
CE.07 629.219321 VAU Cavalier Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1976
CE.07 629.219322 VAU Vauxhall All model catalogue September-December 1979 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Vauxhall 1979
CE.07 629.219322 VAU1 Vauxhall All model catalogue - Summer 1980 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Vauxhall 1980
CF.01 629.219323 VAU Vauxhall-Opel Range Review September-October 1983 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Vauxhall 1983
CF.01 629.219323 VAU1 Vauxhall-Opel Range Motor Show 84 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Vauxhall 1984
629.219324 VAU Vauxhall's Stylish Breed for '69 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1969
CE.06 629.2191 BRI Triumph 1500 British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1971
CE.06 629.21911 BRI Triumph Toledo British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1972
CE.06 629.21911 BRI1 Triumph Toledo British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1974
CE.06 629.219102 BRI Triumph 1500 TC British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1973
CE.06 629.219102 BRI1 Triumph 1500 TC British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1975
CE.06 629.219101 BRI The Dolomites�one of Europe's great ranges British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1978
CE.06 629.219103 BRI Triumph Dolomite 1300 1500 & 1500 HL British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1976
CE.06 629.219104 BRI The Triumph Dolomite Sprint is a nice, quiet, luxurious, utterly civilised car. And laps M.I.R.A. at 116mph British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1973
CE.06 629.219105 BRI Triumph Herald 1200 and 12/50 Series British Leyland (Triumph) Brochures Cars Triumph 1966
CE.06 629.21911 STA New Skylight Triumph Herald 12/50 Standard Triumph Brochures Cars Triumph 1963
CE.05 629.21885 TOY Toyota Worauf Sie sich verlassen k�nnen. Vous pouvez nous faire confiance. (Swiss) Toyota AG Brochures Cars Toyota 1978
CE.05 629.21886 TOY New Starlet Range Toyota (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Toyota 1980
CE.05 629.218852 TOY The new Celica Liftback by Toyota Toyota (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Toyota 1978
CE.05 629.218853 TOY The Celica Coup� by Toyota Toyota (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Toyota 1979
CE.05 629.218853 TOY1 The Celica Coup� by Toyota. Toyota (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Toyota 1970s
CE.05 629.218854 TOY One of The Toyota Collection Toyota Corolla 1200 Estate Toyota (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Toyota 1972
CE.05 629.218855 TOY The Corolla Liftback by Toyota. Toyota (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Toyota 1977
CE.05 629.218856 TOY Toyota Cressida Toyota Australian Motor Industries Ltd. Brochures Cars Toyota 1978
CE.05 629.218857 TOY Toyota Corona Mk II One of the Toyota Collection (2000 Mk II De Luxe Saloon. 2000 Mk II Estate.) Toyota (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Toyota 1972
CE.05 629.218858 TOY The Toyota Crown Collection Toyota (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Toyota 1972
CE.05 629.218859 TOY Toyota Corona Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Brochures Cars Toyota 1970s
CE.05 629.218851 TOY Toyota Car Range 1982 Motor Show Edition Toyota (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars Toyota 1982
CE.05 629.218861 TOY The Carina Range Toyota (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars Toyota 1981
CE.05 629.218862 TOY New Corolla Range Toyota (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars Toyota 1980
CE.05 629.218863 TOY The complete works of Toyota Toyota Motor Sales, USA., Inc. Brochures Cars Toyota 1971
CE.05 629.2188 TAL Talbot Cars 1982 Models Sept./Oct. Talbot Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Talbot 1982
CE.05 629.218801 TAL Talbot Avenger Talbot Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Talbot 1980
BA.02 629.2187 SUN The Exhilirating New Sunbeam Rapier Sunbeam-Talbot Limited Brochures Cars Sunbeam 1960s
CE.05 629.21871 SUN for the fast ones Sunbeam Rootes Brochures Cars Sunbeam 1968
CE.05 629.2184 SIM Simca 1000 Simca Brochures Cars Simca 1965
CE.05 629.2183 SAA Saab 99 1971 Saab-Scania Automotive Group Brochures Cars Saab n/a
CE.05 629.218401 SIM Our surprising Simca 1000LS 1000GLS 1000 Special 1000Rallye1 Simca Brochures Cars Simca 1973
CE.05 629.218401 SIM1 Our surprising Simca 1100LS 1100GLS 1100 Special Estate Simca Brochures Cars Simca 1973
CE.05 629.218401 SIM2 Our surprising Simca 1301 Special 1501 Special Estates Simca Brochures Cars Simca 1973
CE.05 629.218402 SIM Simca '75 Simca Brochures Cars Simca 1975
CE.05 629.218404 SIM The '74 Simca van photographed down Petticoat Lane Simca Brochures Cars Simca 1974
CE.05 629.2186 SKO Skoda 110R Skoda Motor Works Brochures Cars Skoda 1976
CE.05 629.218601 SKO Skoda 100L Skoda Motor Works Brochures Cars Skoda 1973
CE.05 629.218602 SKO Skoda 105S Super Estelle Skoda Motor Works Brochures Cars Skoda 1978
CE.05 629.21835 SEA SEAT 124 D Lujo (Spanish Edition) Seat Brochures Cars Seat 1972
BA.02 629.218301 SAA Saab 95 96 V4 Saab-Scania Automotive Group Brochures Cars Saab 1974
BA.02 629.218302 SAA Saab 99L, 1972/73 Saab-Scania Automotive Group Brochures Cars Saab 1972
BA.02 629.218303 SAA Saab 95/96, 1972/73 Saab-Scania Automotive Group Brochures Cars Saab 1972
CE.05 629.218304 SAA Saab 96 Saab-Scania Automotive Group Brochures Cars Saab 1974
CF.01 629.218306 SAA Saab 99 Saab-Scania Automotive Group Brochures Cars Saab n/a
CE.05 629.218305 SAA Saab 99GL/99L Saab-Scania Automotive Group Brochures Cars Saab 1977
CE.04 629.2181 BRI Tomorrow, today. The new Rover 3500 British Leyland UK Limited Brochures Cars Rover 1976
CF.01 629.218101 ROV Rover 80 and 100 Models The Rover Company Limited Brochures Cars Rover 1960s
CE.04 629.2179 BRI Make for the cars that make sense The British Motor Corporation Limited Sales Guide Cars Riley 1968
CE.04 629.2178 REN Renault 12 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1972
CE.04 629.217801 REN Renault 6 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1969
CE.04 629.217801 REN1 Renault 6 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1973
CE.04 629.217803 REN Renault 8 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1967
CE.04 629.217804 REN Renault 16 Renault 1100 Renault 4 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1965
CE.04 629.217805 REN Renault 16TX Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1974
CE.04 629.217806 REN Renault 18 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1978
CE.04 629.217807 REN Renault 5 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1985
CE.04 629.217808 REN Renault 1100 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1966
CE.04 629.217809 REN Renault 4 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1968
CE.04 629.21781 REN Renault 20 & 30 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1977
CE.04 629.217811 REN Renault 10 8 8S Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1969
BA.02 629.217812 REN Renault 18 Saloon and Estate Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1983
CF.01 629.217812 REN1 Renault 18 Estate Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1979
BA.02 629.217812 REN2 Renault 18 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1982
CF.01 629.217813 REN Renault 19 16 Valve Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1991
CE.04 629.217802 REN Renault 16 Renault Limited Brochures Cars Renault 1975
CE.04 629.217609 REL Scimitar GTE The Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Reliant 1972
DA.01 629.230101 AA AA Book of the Car AA Books GeneralMotoring Cars n/a
DA.01 621.1 SIE A history of Hot Air and Caloric Engines Robert Sier Books SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1987
CE.04 629.2173 PEU 204 Peugeot saloon and estate Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1965
CE.04 629.217301 PEU berlines grand tourisme et super-luxe 404 Peugeot 1967 (French) Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1966
CE.04 629.217302 PEU 204 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1967
CE.04 629.217303 PEU 304 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1970
CE.04 629.217304 PEU 504 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1971
CE.04 629.217305 PEU 404 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1973
CE.04 629.217305 PEU1 304 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1973
CE.04 629.217305 PEU2 504 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1973
CE.04 629.217305 PEU3 204 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1973
CE.04 629.217305 PEU4 504 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1973
CE.04 629.217306 PEU 204 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1976
CE.04 629.217306 PEU1 504 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1976
CE.04 629.217307 PEU 304 Peugeot (French) Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1977
CE.04 629.217308 PEU 504 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1978
CE.04 629.217308 PEU1 304 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1978
CE.04 629.217309 PEU 104 Peugeot Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1979
CE.04 629.217309 PEU1 304 Peugeot (Estate) Peugeot Brochures Cars Peugeot 1979
CE.03 629.2172 GEN Ascona and Manta by Opel General Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Opel 1976
CE.03 629.217201 GEN Manta Berlinetta General Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Opel 1973
CE.03 629.217201 GEN1 Manta General Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Opel 1982
CE.03 629.2171 NSU Nsu-Prinz 4 (with price list) NSU (Great Britain) Ltd. Brochures Cars NSU 1962
CE.03 629.2168 AUS Morris Ital Austin Morris Brochures Cars Morris 1980
CE.03 629.2168 BRI Morris 1300 Traveller British Leyland (Austin-Morris) Limited Brochures Cars Morris 1972
CE.03 629.216801 BRI The new 1.3 Estate Morris Marina 2 British Leyland UK Limited Brochures Cars Morris 1976
CE.03 629.216801 AUS Marina You just can't beat it. Austin Morris Group Brochures Cars Morris 1973
CE.03 629.216802 AUS Morris Marina Austin Morris Brochures Cars Morris 1979
CE.03 629.216802 BRI Morris 440 575 Vans & Pick-up Austin Rover Group Brochures Cars Morris 1984
CE.03 629.216803 BRI The big addition to the Marina range British Leyland (Austin-Morris) Limited Brochures Cars Morris 1972
CE.03 629.216803 AUS Small car action�Big car comfort Austin Morris Group Brochures Cars Morris 1973
CE.03 629.216802 MOR Presenting the Series III Morris Oxford Morris Motors Limited Brochures Cars Morris 1957
CE.03 629.2152 MG The most advanced MG of all time - The MG. 1100 The M.G. Car Company Limited Brochures Cars MG 1964
CE.03 629.2151 MER Mercedes-Benz 250 TD, 200 T, 230 TE, 300 TE, 300 TE 4MATIC Mercedes-Benz Brochures Cars Mercedes 1988
CE.03 629.215101 MER The new sixteen-valve model with the new 2.5 litre engine (190 E 2.5-16) Mercedes-Benz Brochures Cars Mercedes 1988
CF.01 629.215102 MER The New E-Class Estates From Merecedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz Brochures Cars Mercedes 1998
CF.01 629.215102 MER1 The C-Class Estate Mercedes-Benz Brochures Cars Mercedes 1994
CF.01 629.215102 MER2 The E-Class Saloons Mercedes-Benz Brochures Cars Mercedes 1998
CF.01 629.2149 MAZ Mazda 818 Station Wagon Mazda Brochures Cars Mazda 1971
629.214901 MAZ Mazda B2000 Pickups The more you look, the more you like. Mazda Brochures Cars Mazda 1960s
629.214902 MAZ Mazda B1600 Pickup You can carry your cargo safely, quickly and economically. Mazda Brochures Cars Mazda 1973
CE.03 629.214903 MAZ The Mazda 929 (1769cc) Saloon Coupe & Estate Mazda Brochures Cars Mazda 1976
CE.03 629.214904 MAZ Mazda Advance Information 1400 Estate Mazda Car Imports (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars Mazda 1978
CE.03 629.214905 MAZ Mazda 323 Hatchback Mazda Car Imports (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars Mazda 1977
CE.02 629.21425 SAT The Lada 1200. Only its price will need an introduction. Satra Motors Limited Brochures Cars Lada 1974
CE.02 629.214251 SAT Lada 1500 ES Estate Satra Motors Limited Brochures Cars Lada 1978
CE.02 629.214251 SAT1 Lada 1500 Estate Satra Motors Limited Brochures Cars Lada 1978
CE.02 629.214252 SAT Lada 1200 Estate Satra Motors Limited Brochures Cars Lada 1978
CE.02 629.214252 SAT1 Lada 1200 Saloon Satra Motors Limited Brochures Cars Lada 1978
CE.02 629.214252 SAT2 Lada 1200 Saloon and Estate. Satra Motors Limited Brochures Cars Lada 1976
CE.02 629.214253 SAT Lada 1300 ES Saloon Satra Motors Limited Brochures Cars Lada 1978
CE.01 629.210976 AUT Wartburg Knight Saloon & Estate Cars Mark 3 (Limousine, De Luxe, Tourist) Automobilwerk Eisenach Brochures Cars Automobilwerk Eisenach 1970?
CE.02 629.214205 JAG The Jaguar Four-Door Saloon Car Range XJ 3.4, 4.2 and 5.3 Jaguar Cars Brochures Cars Jaguar 1977
629.214204 JAG The Jaguar XJ Series III Jaguar Cars Brochures Cars Jaguar 1977
CE.02 629.21385 HON Honda Accord The New Generation Accords Honda UK Ltd. Brochures Cars Honda 1984
BA.02 80.01 COM The Morgan Runabout London-Exeter Reproduction Greetings Card De Walden Press Postcards LocalHistory n/a
BA.02 80.01 COM1 Velosolex Garantie 1an Velosolex Postcards LocalHistory n/a
BA.02 80.01 COM2 50 miles to the Gallon - and 50 miles an hour! The Morgan Runabout De Walden Press Postcards LocalHistory n/a
BA.02 80.01 COM3 The Age of Steam Stamps Royal Mail Other LocalHistory n/a
CB.01 629.215518 MOR One-Hundred Years of Morgan A Driving Passion 2009 Centenary Decal (2x) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Other Cars Morgan - General 2009
CE.02 629.213851 HON Honda Quintet The Quintessential Car for the 80s Honda (UK) Ltd. Brochures Cars Honda 1980
CE.02 629.213852 HON Honda Civic The New Generation Civics Honda (UK) Ltd. Brochures Cars Honda 1987
629.213901 HUM Humber Sceptre Humber Chrysler United Kingdom Brochures Cars Humber 1971
CE.02 629.213801 HIL Start the good life today with the Avenger Hillman Chrysler United Kingdom Brochures Cars Hillman 1972
629.213802 HIL more car in your hands - New Hillman Avenger Hillman Rootes Brochures Cars Hillman 1970
629.213803 HIL The New Hillman Hunters ride the Hunter range Hillman Chrysler United Kingdom Brochures Cars Hillman 1971
CF.01 629.213622 FOR introducing the 1982 Ford Fiesta Models Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1982
CF.01 629.213623 FOR Ford Cars All Model Catalogue August 1977 Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1977
CF.01 629.213623 FOR1 Ford Cars All Model Catalogue November/December 1979 Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1979
CF.01 629.213623 FOR2 Ford Cars All Model Catalogue June 1981 Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1981
CF.01 629.213623 FOR3 Ford Cars 1982 Model Catalogue November 1981 Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1981
CF.01 629.213623 FOR4 Ford Cars All Model Catalogue September 1982 Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1982
CE.02 629.213624 FOR The New Ford Cortina A car that's built for reliability Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1979
CF.01 629.213625 FOR Cars Edition Two 1990 Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1990
CE.02 629.213626 FOR The Ford Light Van Range Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1981
CE.02 629.213627 FOR Ford Fiesta (Dutch) Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1977
CE.02 629.213628 FOR Ford Transit Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1980
CE.02 629.213629 FOR The New Ford Fiesta, Oh what a beautiful baby! Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1976
629.213631 FOR Zephyr: Zephyr De Luxe Zephyr V6: Zephyr V6 De Luxe Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1968
CE.02 629.213632 FOR Corsair Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1968
CE.02 629.213633 FOR The New Ford Fiesta Firefly Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1986
CE.02 629.213634 FOR The New Ford Cortina 2000E Estate Car. Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1974
CE.02 629.213635 FOR Ford leads the way in excitement! New Ford 17 M and Ford 20 M. Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1969
CE.02 629.213636 FOR Ford Taunus (Danish) Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford 1979
CB.01 629.2338 TAX Set of 1965-68 Tax Discs for Ariel Bicycle MTT 438 Tax Discs Other GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1966
629.2338 TAX1 Tax Disc for Ariel 706 CTE Tax Discs Other GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1969
CE.02 629.2135 FIA Fiat 128 Range Fiat (England) Ltd. Brochures Cars Fiat 1974
CE.02 629.2135 POL The Polski Fiat 125p Range Saloon and Estate Polski Car Imports (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars Fiat 1979
CE.02 629.213501 FIA Fiat 124 Saloon/ Station Wagon/ Special/ Special T Fiat Publicity Brochures Cars Fiat 1972
CE.02 629.2135 POL1 The Polonez Polski Car Imports (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars Fiat 1978
CE.02 629.213502 FIA Fiat 127 Range 2 & 3 Door Fiat (England) Ltd. Brochures Cars Fiat 1974
CF.01 629.213503 FIA Supermirafiori Fiat Auto Brochures Cars Fiat 1978
CE.02 629.213 CHR Dodge 1100 Light Vans Chrysler United Kingdom Brochures Cars Dodge 1976
CE.02 629.213 CHR1 Dodge 1100 Light Vans Chrysler United Kingdom Brochures Cars Dodge 1977
CE.02 629.21301 CHR Dodge Half-Ton Van Range Chrysler United Kingdom Brochures Cars Dodge 1978
CE.02 629.2131 DS DS Automobiles Where Savoir-Faire Meets Advanced Technology DS Automobiles Brochures Cars DS Automobiles 2018
CE.03 629.217 NIS Nissan Bluebird Nissan UK Ltd. Brochures Cars Nissan 1987
CF.01 629.21701 NIS Nissan Primera Series II Nissan Motor (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Nissan 1993
CE.03 629.21702 NIS Nissan Micra Nissan Motor (GB) Limited Brochures Cars Nissan 1992
CE.03 629.214906 MAZ The Mazda Range Mazda Car Imports (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars Mazda 1980
CE.03 629.21703 NIS Nissan Stanza Nissan UK Ltd. Brochures Cars Nissan 1984
CE.02 629.2127 DAT Datsun 120Y range Saloon Coupe Estate Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1973
CE.02 629.212701 DAT Datsun E20 Panel Van Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1979
CE.02 629.212702 DAT Datsun Cherry Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1980
CE.02 629.212703 DAT Datsun 280C Saloon Estate Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1978
CE.02 629.212704 DAT Datsun 260C Estate Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1976
CE.02 629.212705 DAT Nissan Sunny Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Nissan-Datsun 1982
CE.02 629.212706 DAT Nissan Datsun Commercial Vehicle Range 1983 Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Nissan-Datsun 1983
CE.02 629.212707 DAT Nissan Datsun Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Nissan-Datsun 1982
CE.02 629.212708 DAT Datsun 2.4 Litre Laurel Six Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1980
CE.02 629.212709 DAT Datsun New Sunny Saloons Coupe Estate Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1978
CE.02 629.21271 DAT Datsun New Sunny Saloons, Coupe and Estates Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1981
CE.02 629.212711 DAT The New Datsun Bluebird Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1981
CE.02 629.212712 DAT Datsun Bluebird 180B estate Mk.II Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1977
CE.02 629.212713 DAT Datsun Violet 140J/160J Mark III Range Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1978
CE.02 629.212714 DAT Datsun Sunny 120Y estate Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1978
CE.02 629.212715 DAT Datsun 1 ton Pick-Up Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1977
CE.02 629.212716 DAT Datsun New Sunny 1.4 litre Fastback Estate Datsun U.K. Limited Brochures Cars Datsun 1979
CE.01 629.2125 DAF DAF 66 1300 Marathon DAF Motors (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars DAF 1973
CE.01 629.212501 DAF Saloon DAF 44 DAF Motors (GB) Ltd. Brochures Cars DAF 1973
CE.01 629.212475 COL The Colt 1400 GLX Five Door Hatchback The Colt Car Co. Ltd. Brochures Cars Colt 1979
CE.01 629.212475 MIT Colt Galant Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Brochures Cars Colt 1975
CE.01 629.212476 MIT A tough new breed of car. Colt Sigma. The excitement of excellence. Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Brochures Cars Colt 1975
CE.01 629.212477 MIT Colt Lancer 1600 SL 2-Door Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Brochures Cars Colt 1975
CE.01 629.21245 CIT Ami Super/ Ami 8 Citroen Brochures Cars Citroen 1973
CE.01 629.212401 CHR Chrysler Light Van, Walk-Thru & Bantam Models Chrysler United Kingdom Brochures Cars Chrysler 1975
CE.01 629.212402 CHR Chrysler Show Time Chrysler United Kingdom Limited Sales Guide Cars Chrysler 1973
CE.01 629.212403 CHR Chrysler '76 Chrysler United Kingdom Limited Sales Guide Cars Chrysler 1976
CE.01 629.212404 CHR The Chrysler World of Motoring '77 Chrysler Hillman Sales Guide Cars Chrysler 1977
CE.01 629.212405 CHR Chrysler Alpine Chrysler United Kingdom Limited Brochures Cars Chrysler 1978
CE.01 629.212405 CHR1 Chrysler Avenger Chrysler United Kingdom Limited Brochures Cars Chrysler 1978
CE.01 629.212405 CHR2 Chrysler Hunter Chrysler United Kingdom Limtied Brochures Cars Chrysler 1978
CE.01 629.212406 CHR The rather exclusive Chrysler 180 Chrysler United Kindom Brochures Cars Chrysler 1980
CE.08 629.2503 BED Bedford Means To Save You Money On Vans In '84 Bedford Commercial Vehicles Sales Guide Commercial Bedford 1983
CE.08 629.250301 BED Bedford Van Range Bedford Commercial Vehicles Sales Guide Commercial Bedford 1980
CE.01 629.210804 AUS Austin 1100, 1300, 1300 GT and countryman - still no competition! Austin Morris Group Brochures Cars Austin 1972
CE.01 629.2108 BRI 1100 Mk2 and Austin 1300 De Luxe Saloon, Super De Luxe Saloon, Countryman British Leyland Brochures Cars Austin 1968
CE.01 629.210801 BRI The new Austin 2200 & 1800 British Leyland (Austin-Morris) Limited Brochures Cars Austin 1972
CE.01 629.210805 AUS Maxi 1500, 1750 & the new HL Austin Morris Group Brochures Cars Austin 1973
CE.03 629.215301 LEY Mini van & pick up Leyland Cars Brochures Cars Mini 1976
CE.01 629.210806 AUS Austin Vans Austin Rover Sales Guide Cars Austin 1984
CE.01 629.2109 AUS Maxi 2 - loads better! Austin Morris Brochures Cars Austin 1979
CE.01 629.210901 AUS Supervroom Allegro Austin Morris Brochures Cars Austin 1979
CE.01 629.210902 AUS Princess - better than average. Austin Morris Brochures Cars Austin 1979
CE.01 629.210902 AUS1 the new Princess 1800-1800 HL 2200 HL 2200 HLS Leyland Cars Brochures Cars Austin 1976
CE.01 629.210802 BRI The Austin Maxi 1750 & 1500: A good idea made better British Leyland Brochures Cars Austin 1971
CE.01 629.210803 BRI Make for the cars that make sense Austin British Leyland Sales Guide Cars Austin 1969
CF.01 629.21005 ABA Abarth Performance Is A State Of Mind Abarth Sales Guide Cars Abarth 2015
CF.01 796.736 WES RHL Weston Beach Race Weston Super Mare 2015 Weston Beach Race Club Publications Motorsport Motocross 2015
CF.01 796.736 WES1 hydrogarden Weston Beach Race 2016 Weston Beach Race Club Publications Motorsport Motocross 2016
745.101 GRE Scalextric The Story of the World's Favourite Model Racing Cars Rod Green Books ToysandModels 2001
BA.02 629.2432 MOT Motor Cycle Engines Famous British Power Units Analysed by "The Motor Cycle" Staff in Words and Drawings (First Series) The Motorcycle Magazine Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1953
BA.02 745.101 SCA Scalextric 7th issue Race for Real Scalextric Brochures ToysandModels 2003
BA.02 745.101 SCA1 Scalextric 2010 The future of slot racing today! Scalextric Brochures ToysandModels 2010
BA.02 745.101 SCA2 Scalextric 2008 James Bond 007 Scalextric Brochures ToysandModels 2008
BA.02 745.101 SCA3 Scalextric 1:32 scale 33rd Edition Hornby Hobbies Brochures ToysandModels 1992
BA.02 745.101 SCA4 Fly Stock Guide Fly Car Model Sales Guide ToysandModels n/a
CF.01 745.1 HOR Scalextric Race for Real Edition 45 2004 Hornby PLC Sales Guide ToysandModels 2004
CF.01 745.1 HOR1 Scalextric 31st Edition 1:32 Scale Hornby Hobbies Sales Guide ToysandModels 1990
BA.02 745.101 MIN 101 Circuits for Scalextric Drivers Minimodels Limited Other ToysandModels 1960s
CF.01 629.2301 TEL The Daily Telegraph Fabulous Sports Cars An A-Z of the Best Models Ever Made Telegraph Group Ltd. Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1997
629.2301 HAM On the Edge: My Story Richard Hammond Biography GeneralMotoring Cars 2008
629.2301 CLA Motorworld Clarkson Jeremy Clarkson Biography GeneralMotoring Cars 2004
CA.01 629.215704 MOR Aero 8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Aero n/a
DA.01 621.104 JAM The Bicton Gardens Countryside Museum N. D. G. James Souvenir Guide SteamandAgricultural Museums and Collections n/a
629.223404 HON Motorcycle Safety The Gold Wing Way Honda Honda (U.K.) Limited Other Motorcycles Honda n/a
745.1 ROV Hornby Railways 1825-1975 Stephenson Edition 150 years of railways Rovex Ltd. Magazines ToysandModels 1975
CE.05 629.2286 TRI Triking Triking Cyclecars Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Triking 1995
CE.05 629.2286 TRI1 Triking Price List February 1995 (and other pieces) Triking Cyclecars Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Triking 1995
CB.01 629.233801 CLA Twenty Best Buys Classic Bike Magazine A Guide to selecting a classic motorcycle Classic Bike Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1984
DA.01 621.13 DER Cyclopedia of Engineering A Complete Manual of Steam and Machine Practice (Part I) Louis Derr Encyclopedia SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1903
DA.01 621.13 DER1 Cyclopedia of Engineering A Complete Manual of Steam and Machine Practice (Part II) Louis Derr Encyclopedia SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1903
DA.01 621.13 DER2 Cyclopedia of Engineering A Complete Manual of Steam and Machine Practice (Part III) Louis Derr Encyclopedia SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1903
DA.01 621.13 DER3 Cyclopedia of Engineering A Complete Manual of Steam and Machine Practice (Part IV) Louis Derr Encyclopedia SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1903
CB.01 629.243201 VIL Maintenance Handbook & Spare Parts List for The Villiers "Junior-de-luxe" Engine For Motorised Bicycles The Villiers Engineering Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Engine 1946
DA.01 40.06 GDSF The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 Official DVD (150 mins) GDSF VHS SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2013
DA.01 40.09 TEN Miniature Railways of Yesteryear (56 mins) Tennets Trains Productions DVD Rail n/a
DA.01 40.06 HER Fowlers of Leeds Part 1: The Glory Years (115 mins) Heritage Media digital productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 ECK The West of England Steam Engine Society 50th Anniversary Rally 2005 (2 hours) Jonathan Eckardt DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2005
DA.01 40.06 ECK1 Michael Oliver's "Roller" (45 mins) Jonathan Eckardt DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2004
DA.01 40.06 GDSF1 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2014 The Official DVD Special World War One Commemorative Display (120 mins) GDSF DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2014
DA.01 40.06 PEG1 Traction Engines at Work The Workhorse of British Agriculture and Industry (55 mins) Pegasus DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2004
DA.01 40.09 MAR Narrow Gauge Review Number 15 Jon Marsh Cine Film and Video Services DVD Rail 2007
DA.01 40.06 HER1 Burrells of Thetford (110 mins) Heritage Media digital productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 TRA The Steam Road Locomotive Produced in Conjunction with Old Glory (85 mins) On Track Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 HER2 Dedicated to Garretts Builder Profile Series (65 mins) Heritage Media digital productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.09 IRO Moors Valley Railway Summer Gala 2007 An Iron Horse Production DVD Rail n/a
DA.01 40.09 BUR 7 1/4" Gauge Society 2008 AGM Comrie Railroad (1:45 hours) Graham Burhouse DVD Rail 2008
DA.01 40.06 DEL Steam Lorries Experience the Finest Steam Haulage Vehicles in Preservation in the UK Today (60 mins) Delta Music Group DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2011
DA.01 40.06 INS Volume One Traction Engines The Millers Trail (51 mins) InstantVision Ltd. DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2004
DA.01 40.06 INS1 Volume Two Traction Engines The Millers Trail (44 mins) InstantVision Ltd. DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2004
DA.01 40.06 YES The Great Dorset Steam Fair The Glory Years A Nostalgic Look at The Great Dorset Steam Fair A Yesteryear Production DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades n/a
DA.01 40.06 TRE The Moon and the Sledgehammer A film about a real family (65 mins) Philip Trevelyan DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1971
DA.01 40.06 ECK2 Abbey Hill Steam Rally 2008 (60 mins) Jonathan Eckardt DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2008
DA.01 40.06 HER3 Steam Power (Double DVD Set - 165 mins) Heritage Media digital productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 AVA Len's Legacy' (90 mins) Avalon Video Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2015
DA.01 40.06 KAN A Day Out to:- Whissendine Miniature Steam Rally (30 mins) KandS Video Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2009
DA.01 40.09 BEL Rheilffordd Talyllyn Railway (66 mins) Belhurst Productions DVD Rail 2006
DA.01 40.06 GDSF2 The Great Dorset Steam Fair All the Fun of the Fair (55 mins) GDSF DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2010
DA.01 40.06 ART The Greatest Tractor Show on Earth Ever! (68 mins) Artsmagic Limited DVD SteamandAgricultural Tractors 2013
DA.01 40.06 CEN The Great Dorset Steam Fair Volume One (61 mins) 23rd Century DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades n/a
DA.01 40.06 ECK3 Burrell Millenium Special at The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2000 (120 mins) Jonathan Eckardt DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2000
DA.01 40.06 ECK4 The Sentinel Horseshoe Pass Road Run 2002 (50 mins) Jonathan Eckardt DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2002
DA.01 40.06 HER4 Fodens of Sandbach Part 1 - The Steam Era (70 mins) Heritage Media digital productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 DON Fred Dibnah Memories of a Steeplejack (95 mins) Paul Donoghue DVD SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering n/a
DA.01 40.06 BAR Masham Steam Engine & Fair Organ Rally (120 mins) Mike Barrett Productions Ltd. DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2008
DA.01 40.06 AVA1 The Welland Steam and Country Rally Official Souvenir DVD (90 mins) Avalon Video Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2012
DA.01 40.06 ROG The Iron Maiden (88 mins) Peter Rogers VHS SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2002
DA.01 40.06 DIB All Steamed Up (55 mins) Fred Dibnah VHS SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1994
DA.01 40.06 ALL The Beautiful World of Traction Engines The Sussex Steam Rally (60 mins) all our yesteryears DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades n/a
DA.01 40.09 MID British Railways Vol. 5 British Narrow Gauge Miscellany (90 mins) Midland Publishing DVD Rail n/a
DA.01 40.09 WHI The Welsh Highland Railway Graham Whistler and Gordon Rushton DVD Rail 2004
DA.01 40.06 ECK5 Pickering Traction Engine Rally 2004 (120 mins) Jonathan Eckardt DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2004
DA.01 40.06 BAR1 Pickering Traction Engine Rally 2009 (103 mins) Mike Barrett Productions Ltd. DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2009
DA.01 40.06 GDSF4 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2007 The Official DVD (120 mins) GDSF DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2007
DA.01 40.06 GDSF5 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2011 The Official DVD (180 mins) GDSF DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2011
DA.01 40.06 GDSF6 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 The Official DVD (120 mins) GDSF DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2012
DA.01 40.06 ECK6 11th Official Video Film of The Great Dorset Steam Fair 1996 (120 mins) Jonathan Eckardt DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1996
DA.01 40.09 SPO Centenary at Central Station Spoken Image DVD Rail 2011
DA.01 40.06 HER5 Fosters of Lincoln (70 mins) Heritage Media digital productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 AVA2 The 40th Gloucestershire and Vintage Extravaganza South Cerney 2014 (90 mins) Avalon Video Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2014
DA.01 40.09 LOG Snowdon Mountain Railway then and now (30 mins plus photo archive) A Logan Video DVD Rail 2000
DA.01 40.09 ROB Train Mountain Triennial 2009 Robinson & Associates and Camden Miniature Steam Services DVD Rail 2010
DA.01 40.09 BOU The Dutch Steam Fair Boulevard Entertainment DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2005
DA.01 40.06 ANT Powderham 92, Yeovil Festival of Transport [home-video] Sean Anthony VHS SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1992
DA.01 40.06 VIE Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam (174 mins) The View from the North DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2005
DA.01 40.06 WIL Chris Dalquen Travels the Moors on his half size traction engine (60 minutes) Paul Wilson DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2009
DA.01 40.06 YES1 Traction Engines of Yesteryear A Nostalgic Look at Traction Engines from Days Gone By A Yesteryear Production DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 EAT The East Anglian Traction Engine Society Presents The Steve Neville Film Archive (107 mins) EATES DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 ECK7 John Fowler & Co. (Leeds) Ltd. The Fowlers at the Great Dorset Steam Fair (70 mins) Jonathan Eckardt DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1996
DA.01 40.06 AVA3 The Welland Steam and Country Rally 2012 Official Souvenir DVD (90 mins) Avalon Video Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2012
DA.01 40.06 TRA1 The Steam Traction Engine (85 mins) On Track Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 AVA4 Shrewsbury Steam Rally Celebrating 50 years 1961-2011 Official Souvenir DVD (90 mins) Avalon Video Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2011
DA.01 40.06 TRA2 Marshalls of Gainsborough (100 mins) On Track Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines n/a
DA.01 40.06 HER6 Life in the Playpen Action from the Haulage Arena at the 2004 Great Dorset Steam Fair Heritage Media digital productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades n/a
CA.03 796.761 EXE Exeter Speedway Meeting Number 1: Bridge falcons v Poole Wildcats Monday April 8th, 1985 11.00 a.m. Exeter Speedway Club Publications Motorsport Speedway 1985
629.23 CHR Christie's Collectors' Cars and Motorcycles at the Cunard International Hotel London In Association with Lord Montagu of Beaulieu Christie's Auction Catalogues GeneralMotoring Auctions 1980
CE.05 629.218375 SEB TMX Sebring Motor Company Sebring Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Sebring n/a
40.06 GDSF8 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2010 The Official DVD (210 mins) GDSF DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2010
40.06 DEL1 Steam Rollers (60 mins) Delta Music Group DVD SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2011
40.06 GDSF7 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2009 The Official DVD (180 mins) GDSF DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2009
40.06 GDSF3 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2008 The Official DVD (242 mins) GDSF DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2008
40.06 RAL The Great Dorset Steam Fair (Narrated by Michael Oliver) (2hr 30mins) Rallyscene Video Productions DVD SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades n/a
40.09 WHI1 Vale of Rheidol & Brecon Mountain Railways Graham JR Whistler DVD Rail 2007
745.1 ARG Collecting Scale Models For the Discerning Collector Full Steam Ahead with Mamod! (November 1990) Argus Specialist Publication Magazines ToysandModels 1990
745.1 MAM Assembly Instructions - Fire Engine FE1 Mamod Limited Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1986
745.1 MAM1 Instructions for Mamod Traction Engine T.E.1. Mamod (Engineers) Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks ToysandModels 1963
745.1 MAM2 Mamod Limited Recommended Retail Price List July 2006-2007 Mamod Limited Sales Guide ToysandModels 2006
745.1 MAM3 Mamod Home Price List Effective from: 1 March 1993 Mamod Limited Sales Guide ToysandModels 1993
745.1 MAM4 Mamod Home Price List January 1st 1983 Mamod Limited Sales Guide ToysandModels 1983
745.101 MAL Home Trade Price List Malins (Engineering) Ltd. 1st August 1961 Malins (Engineers) Ltd. Sales Guide ToysandModels 1961
745.101 MAL1 Mamod Retail Price List Model Steam Engines and Working Models April, 1969 Malins (Engineers) Ltd. Sales Guide ToysandModels 1959
745.101 MAL2 Mamod Steam Engines Stationary Engines Traction Engine Marine Engines Machine Tools Steam Roller Malins (Engineers) Ltd. Brochures ToysandModels 1961
EA.01 629.2155 UNI Morgan 4/4 to Aero Unique Motor Books Books Cars Morgan - General n/a
EA.01 629.2155 HIL6 The Morgan Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1996
EA.01 629.2164 CLA1 The Morgan Three-Wheeler Gold Portfolio 1910-1952 R. M. Clarke Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1990
EA.01 629.2164 AER A Morgan Called Red Brooklands to Laguna Seca Larry Aers Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 1999
EA.01 629.215501 CLA Morgan Cars 1969-1979 R. M. Clarke Motor History Cars Morgan - General n/a
EA.01 629.215519 MOR Ultimate Waterproof Leather Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Other Cars Morgan - General n/a
EA.01 629.215521 MOR Morgan at Le Mans David Dowse Motor History Cars Morgan - General 2005
EA.01 629.216 SCA Haynes Great Cars Morgan Plus 8 A Celebration of a classically British sports car Michael Scarlett Books Cars Morgan - Plus 8 2009
EA.01 629.2155 HOL Famous Car Factories: Morgan Bengt Ason Holm Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1991
EA.01 629.2155 BEL2 A Collector's Guide: Morgans to 1997 Roger Bell Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1997
EA.01 629.2156 WOR Original Morgan 4/4, Plus 4 and Plus 8 The Restorer's Guide (signed copy) John Worrall and Liz Turner Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Morgan - 4/4 2003
EA.01 629.2158 TEA1 Morgan Plus 4 Super Profile John Teague Motor History Cars Morgan - Plus 4 1987
EA.01 629.2155 HIL5 Completely Morgan: Four-Wheelers from 1936 to 1968 (signed copy) Ken Hill Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1994
EA.01 629.21552 MOR1 First and Last of the Real Sports Cars Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Books Cars Morgan - General n/a
EA.01 629.2164 MIL Morgan Three-Wheeler The Complete Story Peter Miller Motor History Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler 2004
EA.01 629.2155 BOW3 Morgan First and Last of the Real Sports Cars (New Edition) Gregory Houston Bowden Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1992
EA.01 629.2155 ISA1 Osprey Classic Marques: Morgan Rowan Isaac Motor History Cars Morgan - General 1994
EA.01 629.2432 CLE J.A.P. The Vintage Years Jeff Clew Motor History Mechanics Engine 1985
80.01 CRA Crash Box Club of Devon Annual Historic Vehicle Gathering Powderham Castle Sunday 3rd June 1979 Crash Box Club Devon Club Publications LocalHistory 1979
629.215705 MOR Build Ticket of Aero 8 Build (02/08/01, Eng. No. 230469) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Photo archive Cars Morgan - Aero 2001
629.215705 MOR1 Build Ticket of 4/4 (28/01/02) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Photo archive Cars Morgan - Aero 2002
DA.01 40.05 WEA Damon Hill: The Fight for Victory My World Championship Year, The Inside Story (68 mins) WEA International Inc. VHS Motorsport Formula 1996
DA.01 40.13 PAR Planes, Trains And Automobiles (89 mins) Paramount Pictures Corporation VHS Motoring Fiction 1987
DA.01 621.11 OLD Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1988, 1989, 1999) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1988
DA.01 621.11 OLD1 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1991) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1991
DA.01 621.11 OLD2 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1992) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1992
DA.01 621.11 OLD3 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1993) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1993
DA.01 621.11 OLD4 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1994) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1994
DA.01 621.11 OLD5 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1995) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1995
DA.01 621.11 OLD6 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1996) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1996
DA.01 621.11 OLD7 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1997, 1998) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1997
DA.01 621.11 OLD8 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1998, 1999) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1998
DA.01 621.11 OLD9 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 1999, 2000) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1999
DA.01 621.11 OLD10 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 2000, 2001) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2000
DA.01 621.11 OLD11 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 2001, 2002) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2001
DA.01 621.11 OLD12 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 2002, 2003) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2002
DA.01 621.11 OLD13 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 2003, 2004) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2003
DA.01 621.11 OLD14 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 2004, 2005) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2004
DA.01 621.11 OLD15 Old Glory Vintage Restoration Today (Bound Volume: 2005, 2006) Old Glory Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2005
914.1 PHI National Benzole Road Maps South West England George Philip & Son, Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel 1965
629.2145 ROV Land Rover 1948-58 Series I Workshop Manual For Petrol and Diesel Models The Rover Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Land Rover 1971
DA.01 621.1 WAT Stationary Steam Engines of Great Britain The National Photographic Collection Volume 2: Scotland, Cumberland, Co. Durham & Northumberland George Watkins Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 2001
623.801 POU Marine Diesel Engines C. C. Pounder Technical and Restoration Guides BoatsandCruising 1952
DA.01 621.12 MIR An Illustrated A-Z History of Tractors Mirco De Cet Encyclopedia SteamandAgricultural Tractors 2014
DA.01 629.2394 BEA Cars and Motorcycles Volume I Lord Montagu of Beaulieu and Marcus W. Bourdon Books GeneralMotoring Transport 1928
DA.01 621.13 WOO Steam Engines and Waterwheels a pictorial study of some early mining machines Frank D. Woodall Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1991
DA.01 40.03 BBC Vintage Cars [home-recording] BBC VHS GeneralMotoring Cars 1990s
DA.01 40.01 ANT Reliant Factory Tour and Open Day [home-video] Sean Anthony VHS Cars Reliant 1990s
629.215522 MOR Morgan Motor Co. Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General 2010s
629.215522 MOR1 Morgan Motor Company Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General 2010s
629.2401 CAV On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 1, Parts 1-14) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1978
629.2401 CAV1 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 2, Parts 15-28) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1978
629.2401 CAV2 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 3, Parts 29-42) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1979
629.2401 CAV3 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 4, Parts 43-56) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1979
629.2401 CAV4 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 5, Parts 57-70 ) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1979
629.2401 CAV5 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 6, Parts 71-84) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1980
629.2401 CAV6 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 7, Parts 85-98) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1980
629.2401 CAV7 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 8, Parts 99-112) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1980
629.2401 CAV8 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 9, Parts 113-126 Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1980
629.2401 CAV9 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Volume 10, Parts 127-140) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General 1981
629.2401 CAV10 On the Road: The step-by-step guide for every motorist on how to maintain, repair and improve your car (Index) Marshall Cavendish Ltd. Magazines Mechanics General n/a
DA.01 621.1045 DOR1 Great Working of Steam Engines Stourpaine Bushes, Blandford Souvenir Programme & Guide Sept., 1969 (two copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vehicle Club Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1969
DA.01 621.1045 DOR2 Great Working of Steam Engines Stourpaine Bushes, Blandford Souvenir Programme & Guide 1970 (two copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vehicles Benevolent Fund Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1970
DA.01 621.1045 DOR3 Great Working of Steam Engines at Blandford - September, 1971 (two copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vehicles Benevolent Fund Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1971
DA.01 621.1045 DOR4 Fourth Great Working of Steam Engines at Stourpaine Bushes, Near Blandford Forum, Dorset, 1972 (two copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vechicles Benevolent Fund Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1972
DA.01 621.1045 DOR5 Fifth Great Working of Steam Engines at Stourpaine Bushes, Near Blandford Forum, Dorset, 1973 (two copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vechicles Benevolent Fund Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1973
DA.01 621.1045 DOR6 Stourpaine Bushes - 1974 Sixth Great Working of Steam Engines, 1974 (two copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vechicles Benevolent Fund Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1974
DA.01 621.1045 DOR7 Seventh Great Working of Steam Engines at Stourpaine Bushes, Near Blandford Forum, Dorset, 1975 Dorset Steam and Historic Vechicles Benevolent Fund Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1975
DA.01 621.1045 DOR8 Eighth Great Working of Steam Engines at Stourpaine Bushes, Near Blandford Forum, Dorset, 1976 (three copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vehicle Club Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1976
DA.01 621.1045 DOR9 Stourpaine Bushes Ninth Great Working of Steam Engines, 1977 (two copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vehicle Club Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1977
DA.01 621.1045 DOR10 Stourpaine Bushes 1978 Tenth Great Working of Steam Engines (three copies) Dorset Steam and Historic Vehicle Club Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1978
DA.01 621.1045 DOR11 Eleventh Great Working of Steam Engines, 1979 (two copies) Stourpaine Bushes Steam (Benevolent) Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1979
DA.01 621.1045 DOR12 Twelfth Great Working of Steam Engines, 1980 (two copies) Stourpaine Bushes Steam (Benevolent) Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1980
DA.01 621.1045 DOR13 Stourpaine Bushes '81 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair (two copies) Stourpaine Bushes Steam (Benevolent) Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1981
DA.01 621.1045 DOR14 The Great Dorset Steam Fair Stourpaine Bushes 1982 Official Catalogue Stourpaine Bushes Steam (Benevolent) Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1982
DA.01 621.1045 DOR15 Stourpaine Bushes 1983 The 15th Great Working of Steam Engines, 1983 (two copies) Stourpaine Bushes Steam (Benevolent) Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1983
DA.01 621.1045 DOR16 Stourpaine Bushes 1984 Official Programme Dorset Steam Fairs Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1984
DA.01 621.1045 DOR17 The Great Dorset Steam Fair Stourpaine Bushes 1985 Official Catalogue Dorset Steam Fairs Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1985
DA.01 621.1045 DOR18 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 1986 August 28th, 29th, 30th & 31st Dorset Steam Fairs Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1986
DA.01 621.1045 DOR19 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 1987 Official Catalogue (two copies) Dorset Steam Fairs Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1987
DA.01 621.1045 DOR20 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 1988 Official Catalogue Dorset Steam Fairs Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1988
DA.01 621.1045 DOR21 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 1989 21st Anniversary Official Catalogue Dorset Steam Fairs Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1989
DA.01 621.1045 DOR22
DA.01 621.1045 DOR23 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 1991 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1991
DA.01 621.1045 DOR24 The Great Dorset Steam Fair 1992 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1992
DA.01 621.1045 DOR25 The 25th Anniversary Show of The Great Dorset Steam Fair 1993 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1993
DA.01 621.1045 DOR26 The 26th Great Dorset Steam Fair 1994 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1994
DA.01 621.1045 DOR27 The 27th Great Dorset Steam Fair 1995 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1995
DA.01 621.1045 DOR28 The 28th Great Dorset Steam Fair ~ Fowler Special 1996 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1996
DA.01 621.1045 DOR29 The 29th Great Dorset Steam Fair 1997 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1997
DA.01 621.1045 DOR30 Great Dorset Steam Fair 30th Anniversary 1998 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1998
DA.01 621.1045 DOR31 The Thirty-First Great Dorset Steam Fair 1999 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1999
DA.01 621.1045 DOR32 The Thirty-Second Great Dorset Steam Fair 2000 Official Catalogue (three copies) The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2000
DA.01 621.1045 DOR33 The Thirty-Third Great Dorset Steam Fair 2001 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2001
DA.01 621.1045 DOR34 The Thirty-Fourth Great Dorset Steam Fair "Pre 1930 Tractor Special Section" 2002 Official Catalogue The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2002
DA.01 621.1045 DOR35 The Thirty-Fifth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2003 Official Programme The Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2003
DA.01 621.1045 DOR36 The Thirty-Sixth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2004 Official Programme (two copies) Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2004
DA.01 621.1045 DOR37 The Thirty-Seventh Great Dorset Steam Fair 2005 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2005
DA.01 621.1045 DOR38 The Thirty-Eighth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2006 Official Programme (two copies) Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2006
DA.01 621.1045 DOR39 The Thirty-Ninth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2007 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2007
DA.01 621.1045 DOR40 Great Dorset Steam Fair 40th Anniversary Official Programme (two copies) Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2008
DA.01 621.1045 DOR41 The Forty-First Great Dorset Steam Fair 2009 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2009
DA.01 621.1045 DOR42 The Forty-Second Great Dorset Steam Fair 2010 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2010
DA.01 621.1045 DOR43 The Forty-Third Great Dorset Steam Fair 2011 Official Programme (two copies) Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2011
DA.01 621.1045 DOR44 The Forty-Fourth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2012 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2012
DA.01 621.1045 DOR45 The Forty-Fifth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2013 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2013
DA.01 621.1045 DOR46 The Forty-Sixth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2014 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2014
DA.01 621.1045 DOR47 The Forty-Seventh Great Dorset Steam Fair 2015 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2015
DA.01 621.1045 DOR48 The Forty-Eighth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2016 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2016
DA.01 621.1045 DOR49 The Forty-Ninth Great Dorset Steam Fair 2017 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2017
DA.01 621.1045 DOR50 The Fiftieth Great Dorset Steam Fair Souvenir Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2018
DA.01 621.1045 DOR51 The Fifty-First Great Dorset Steam Fair 2019 Official Programme Great Dorset Steam Fair Ltd. Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 2019
DA.01 621.1045 DOR Third Grand Steam Party Great Yeatmans, Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1974 The Dorset Steam and Historic Vehicles Benevolent Fund Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1974
621.1045 MAT 10th Steam Rally Lytchett Matravers, 1981 Official Programme Lytchett Matravers Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1981
629.23 CHR1 Christie's Collectors' Cars and Motorcycles at Beaulieu, Hampshire In Association with Lord Montagu of Beaulieu (July, 1979) Christie's Auction Catalogues GeneralMotoring Auctions 1979
CD.01 629.2378 HER The Highway Code with 'Nine Lives but we have only one' (in envelope addressed to Mr. Frederick Albert James Hearmon of Callington) Her Majesty's Stationery Office Highway Codes GeneralMotoring Rules and Regulations 1957
CE.04 629.217611 REL Reliant Cars Ltd. Robin Hatchback Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Reliant 1990s
BA.02 629.2421 EXP Lucas C.A.V-Rotax Batteries Equipment and Spares 1939 (Catalogue No. 400B) Express Magneto (Repairs) & Electrical Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Electricals 1939
BA.02 629.2421 EXP1 Luvax Patent Hydraulic Shock Absorbers Instructions for Care and Maintenance (Instruction Booklet No. 199E) Lucas - C.A.V - Rotax Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Electricals n/a
BA.02 629.249676 GOO Goodyear Accessories and Repair Materials Trade Price List Effective 1st September, 1948 Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels - Goodyear 1948
BA.02 629.2496 SCH Schrader Service News British Edition Issued in the interest of Better Tyre Service Vol.2 No.4 A. Schrader's Son Other Mechanics Wheels 1939
BA.02 629.249651 FIR Firestone Town & Country The most talked-about rear-wheel tyre Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Wheels - Firestone 1960s
BA.02 629.249651 FIR1 There's a tyre for every purpose in the range of Firestone Tyres Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd. Posters Mechanics Wheels - Firestone 1960s
BA.02 629.249706 MIC Michelin Tyre Fitments Chart Cars & Estate Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles Michelin Tyre Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1960s
BA.02 629.249676 GOO1 Goodyear Marathon Range (part missing) Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Posters Mechanics Wheels - Goodyear 1960s
BA.02 629.249676 GOO2 Goodyear Accessories Trade Price List Effective 7th May 1962 Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels - Goodyear 1962
BA.02 629.249676 GOO3 Goodyear Fan Belts Trade Price List Effective 7th May 1962 Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1962
BA.02 643.13 GOO Swing to Pliobond The "Use-Proved" Adhesive that "Bonds Anything to Anything" by Goodyear Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Brochures CaravansandLiving Home 1957
BA.02 629.249676 GOO4 Goodyear Tubeless Tyre Service Manual (with enclosed letter signed by General Sales Manager, dated 31st December, 1956) Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Wheels - Goodyear 1956
BA.02 629.249676 GOO5 Goodyear Accessories Trade Price List, Effective 1st May 1956 Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics General 1956
BA.02 629.249651 FIR2 Introducing LEAKPROOF Tubes! (with enclosed instructions) Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Wheels - Firestone 1950s
BA.02 629.2496 SCH1 Trade Price List Tyre Valves and Parts Tyre Gauges Accessories Air Line Equipment August 1st, 1938 A. Schrader's Son Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels 1938
BA.02 629.2496 SCH2 Trade Price List Tyre Valves and Parts Tyre Gauges Accessories Air Line Equipment August 1st, 1939 A. Schrader's Son Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels 1939
BA.02 629.2496 SCH3 Trade Price List Tyre Valves and Parts Tyre Gauges Accessories Service and Garage Equipment A. Schrader's Son Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels 1971
BA.02 629.249706 MIC1 The Michelin Nailproof for Giant and Car Tyres Michelin Tyre Co. Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1949
629.2496 ENG Englebert Cord Motor Tyres Trade Price List No. 13 1st February, 1937 Englebert Tyres Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels 1937
629.2496 MOS Moseley Motor Tyres Retail Price List David Moseley & Sons Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels 1936
BA.02 629.249676 GOO6 Goodyear Announces Polyester Cord G8 Effective 27th September, 1967 The Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels - Goodyear 1967
BA.02 629.249676 GOO7 Goodyear Present Two Great New Tyres built with 3T Nylon Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Wheels - Goodyear 1959
BA.02 629.249706 MIC2 Michelin Trade Bulletin April 1959 Michelin Tyre Co. Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1959
BA.02 629.249676 GOO8 Goodyear Wheel and Axle Equipment Trade Price List Effective 1st. January 1951 Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels - Goodyear 1951
BA.03 796.761 SPE Speedway Star and News September 29, 1962, Vol. 11. No. 28 Speedway Star and News Magazines Motorsport Speedway 1962
629.221323 BSA BSA Service Sheet 250 SV 250 OHV Models C10 and C11 (reprinted July, 1962) B.S.A. Motor Cycles Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Motorcycles BSA 1962
629.2305 ROY Welcome to the Royal Automobile Club (including Rescue & Recovery Services Terms and Conditions of Operations) Royal Automobile Club Other GeneralMotoring Clubs 1980
CF.02 629.223405 HON Honda More sense, more style. Honda (U.K.) Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Honda 1970s
629.2482 ANG Essolube Flying Standard "Nine" and "Ten" Lubrication Chart Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
629.2482 ANG1 Essolube Flying Standard "Nine" and "Ten" Lubrication Chart Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
629.2482 ANG2 Essolube Austin "Fourteen" Lubrication Chart Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
629.2482 ANG3 Essolube "Popular" Ford Lubrication Chart Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
629.2482 ANG4 Essolube Austin "Ten" Lubrication Chart Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
629.2482 ANG5 Essolube Austin "Seven" Lubrication Chart Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
BA.02 643.1101 CAR The Caravan, Vol.7, No. 72, April 1939 The Caravan Magazines CaravansandLiving Caravans 1939
BA.02 643.1101 CAR1 The Eccles "National" Eccles Motor Caravans Ltd. Brochures CaravansandLiving Caravans 1939
BA.02 629.224306 KAW Kawasaki Z1000 Kawasaki Engine and Motorcycle Group Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1980
BA.02 629.224306 KAW1 Kawasaki KC100 Companion Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1980
BA.02 629.224306 KAW2 Kawasaki Z650 (four copies) Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1982
BA.02 629.224306 KAW3 Kawasaki Z1000 (four copies) Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1982
BA.02 629.224306 KAW4 Kawasaki Z1100GP (four copies) Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1982
CA.02 629.2482 WAK Austin A90 "Six" Lubrication Chart The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK1 Vauxhall Velox Crestqa Lubrication Chart Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1954
CA.02 629.2482 WAK2 Austin A40-A50-A55 Lubrication Chart The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1954
CA.02 629.2482 WAK3 Wolseley Fifteen-Hundred Lubrication Chart Wolseley Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1953
CA.02 629.2482 WAK4 Wolseley Fifteen-Fifty Lubrication Chart Wolseley Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1953
CA.02 629.2482 WAK5 Wolseley Four-Fortyfour Lubrication Chart Wolseley Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK6 Vauxhall Velox Cresta Lubrication Chart Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1954
CA.02 629.2482 WAK7 Wolseley Four-Fifty & Six-Eighty Lubrication Chart Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1954
CA.02 629.2482 WAK8 Ford V-8 Pilot Lubrication Chart Ford Motor Co., Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK9 Morris Minor (Series "MM") Lubrication Chart Morris Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK10 Morris Minor 1000 & Series II Lubrication Chart Morris Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK11 Hillman Husky Lubrication Chart C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK12 Morris Oxford (Series MO) Lubrication Chart Morris Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK13 Morris Isis Lubrication Chart Morris Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK14 Singer Gazelle Lubrication Chart Singers Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK15 Standard Vanguard Lubrication Chart The Standard Motor Co., Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CA.02 629.2482 WAK16 Vauxhall Victor Lubrication Chart Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1955
CD.01 629.2482 JOW Lubrication Diagram Jowett 7-17 h.p. Light Cars and Light Delivery Vans Jowett Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1933
BA.01 629.241 HUB Supplement to "Top-Dog" Brake & Clutch Lining Catalogue 1930-1935 Hubert H. P. Trist & Co. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1930
BA.01 629.228707 TRI Instruction Manual No. 17 for Triumph Motorcycles Thunderbird Tiger 110 Trophy TR6 Bonneville 120 Speed Twin (5T) Tiger 100 Trophy TR5 from Engine No. 0945 and D101 onwards Triumph Engineering Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Triumph 1961
CA.01 629.21101 BEN Solutions: Discerning finance from Bentley Financial Services Bentley Financial Services Brochures Cars Bentley 2002
BA.02 629.249706 MIC3 Michelin AllGrip Michelin Tyre Co. Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Wheels - Michelin 1964
CA.01 629.215523 MOR The Morgan Classic Range Anniversary 4/4 Plus 4 4-Seater Roadster Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General n/a
CE.01 629.210805 AUS1 Maxi 1500, 1750 & HL Leyland Cars Sales Guide Cars Austin 1978
629.214205 JAG1 Jaguar Daimler The new XJ Series Jaguar Posters Cars Jaguar 1995
CD.01 629.248201 ANG Essolube is officially recommended for all Austin cars (Oiling Chart for Austin "Ten-Four") Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
CD.01 629.248201 ANG1 Essolube is officially recommended for all Austin cars (Oiling Chart for Austin "Ten-Four") Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
CD.01 629.248201 WAK The Austin Seven Lubrication Chart (with original envelope and publication material from C. C. Wakefield & Co. Ltd.) C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. Posters Mechanics Oils and fluids 1950s
629.2494 SHE Another Winter Problem for the Motorist has been solved by the Shell Garage Heater Shell-Mex and B.P. Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools n/a
629.2358 CAR Everything for the Car! Retail List M 58 The Car Mat Co. Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
629.249401 SHE Motorist's Metric Converter Shell Other Mechanics Tools n/a
BA.01 629.2249 MAT Matchless Instruction Book Model G2 250 c.c. O.H.V. Model G5 350 c.c. O.H.V. Matchless Motor Cycles Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Matchless 1950s
629.245401 AMA1 AMAL Sectional Illustrations of Carburetters. Types 375, 376 and 389 AMAL Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Fuel and Induction n/a
CD.01 629.2137 HEI Owner's Manual Heinkel Cabin Cruiser 204cc. Ernst Heinkel Stuttgart Manuals/Handbooks Cars Heinkel 1950s
BA.01 629.21515 FAH Der Grosse Karo-Tip Owners Manual for the Messerschmitt Cabin-Scooter Fahrzeug und Maschinenbau GMBH Manuals/Handbooks Cars Messerschmitt 1950s
629.229 DOU Vespa 150 Sportique Operation and Maintenance Douglas (Sales and Service) Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Vespa n/a
BA.01 629.2358 KLA Rally-Klad real tartan seat covers (with tartan sample) Kladwell, Limited, Glasgow Brochures GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
BA.01 629.2358 KLA1 We are agents for - Rally-Klad real tartan seat covers Kladwell, Limited, Glasgow Other GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
629.2358 LUC1 Lucas: Useful Accessories Joseph Lucas Limited Parts Catalogues GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1937
629.2126 BRI The Daimlers. Nearer and nearer to the ultimate. British Leyland UK Limited Brochures Cars Daimler n/a
CA.01 629.225701 NOR The Powerchoice Norton Triumph International Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Norton 1975
629.220601 ARI Ariel The Modern Motor Cycle List of Appointed Dealers and Spares Stockists Ariel Motors Ltd. Indexes Motorcycles Ariel 1962
629.220601 ARI1 Ariel Model HT - Trials and Model HS - "Scrambler" Motor Cycle General Maintenance Ariel Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Ariel 1956
BA.03 629.22402 JAM James Intruction Manual Captain 200 1960 Model James Motor Cycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles James 1960
629.228707 TRI1 Instruction Manual No. 17 for Triumph Twin Cylinder Models "B" Range 5T 6T T100 T110 TR5 TR6 T120 from Engine No. 0954 ad D 101 onwards Triumph Engineering Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Triumph 1966
796.761 ROB Speedway Mail, Vol 1 No 49 Friday, March 8, 1974 Robolle Press, Ltd. Newspapers Motorsport Speedway 1974
629.2292 WAT Watsonian Sidecars VG21 Chassis Modified VG21 Chassis VG26 Chassis Replacement Parts Watsonian Sidecars Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles Watsonian 1952
629.2482 CAS Castrol Retail Prices with Price List No. 11 1st January, 1969 (enclosed with letter from C. J. Harris, General Manager, Castrol Division) Castrol Limited Sales Guide Mechanics Oils and fluids 1968
CA.01 629.2222 DUC Ducati 900SS 900 Replica Ducati Meccanica S.p.A. Brochures Motorcycles Ducati 1980
CA.01 629.229603 YAM The Boulevard Cruiser XS400 U.S. Custom Yamaha Motor N. V. Brochures Motorcycles Yamaha 1980
CA.01 629.2238 ITA Italjet Present the "NEW" MM 5B and M 5B Italjet Sales Guide Motorcycles Italjet n/a
CA.01 629.22535 JAW Jawa Mustang Sport Jawa/ CZ Motorcycles Brochures Motorcycles Mustang 1980
629.224303 KAW2 Kawasaki Range Kawasaki Information Service Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1988
BA.01 629.2358 KLA2 Rally-Klad real tartan seat covers 'Rally-Klad Travelling Rugs' July News Letter Kladwell, Limited, Glasgow Letters GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
BA.01 629.2358 KLA3 Rally-Klad real tartan seat covers 'Preparations for Spring Trade are Now Complete' April News Sheet Kladwell, Limited, Glasgow Letters GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
BA.01 629.2358 KLA4 Rally-Klad tartan samples Kladwell, Limited, Glasgow Other GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
629.2358 KNI Neeta Rib Cord Loose Covers for All Cars Knitters (Stalybridge) Ltd. Brochures GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1946
CA.02 629.2378 COR Civil Defence and the Industry: What the Civil Defence Act Means to Traders (Supplement to "The Motor Trader," August 2, 1939) The Cornwall Press Ltd. Magazines GeneralMotoring Rules and Regulations 1939
629.224308 KAW Kawasaki KLX250 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.224308 KAW1 Kawasaki Z650C Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.224308 KAW2 Kawasaki Z650SR Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.224308 KAW3 Kawasaki Z550A Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.224308 KAW4 Kawasaki Z500 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.224308 KAW5 Kawasaki Z650F Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.224308 KAW6 Kawasaki Z550A Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
BA.01 629.241 HUB1 "Top Dog" Factory from the Air Hubert H. P. Trist & Co. Indexes Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1930
CA.02 629.2482 MOR Lubrication Chart for Morris-Commercial "J" Type Chassis Morris Motors Limited Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
CA.02 629.2482 WAK17 "De Luxe" Ford Lubrication Chart C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids 1950s
CA.02 629.2121 CAL The 11.9 H.P. Classic Calcott with Electric Starter and Lighting Set Calcott Bros., Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Calcott 1920
CA.02 629.2482 WAK18 S. S. Jaguar 3 1/2 Litre, 2 1/2 Litre, 1 1/2 Litre & 100 Models Lubrication Chart Messrs. S. S. Cars Ltd. Charts Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
CA.02 629.2454 BUR 1936 Price List of Parts Used in the Controllable Jet S.U. Carburetter as Fitted to Various Morris Cars Series I and II W. H. M. Burgess Parts Catalogues Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1935
CA.02 629.2401 MOT "Trader" Service Data - No. 2 'Servicing the Austin Seven" Reprinted from "The Motor Trader," November 25, 1936 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Austin 1936
CA.02 629.2401 MOT1 "Trader" Service Data - No. 6 'Servicing Ford Popular and De Luxe Models' Reprinted from "The Motor Trader," January 13, 1937 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1937
CA.02 629.2401 MOT2 "Trader" Service Data - No. 9 'Servicing the Hillman Minx' Reprinted from "The Motor Trader," February 24, 1937 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Hillman 1937
CA.02 629.2401 MOT3 "Trader" Service Data No. 21 'Servicing the Morris Eight' Reprinted from "The Motor Trader," August 25, 1937 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Morris 1937
CA.02 629.2401 MOT4 "Trader" Service Data No. 74 'Servicing the Austin Eight and Ten, 1939-40' Reprinted from "The Motor Trader," September 27, 1939 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Austin 1939
CA.02 629.2401 MOT5 "Trader" Service Data No. 75 'Servicing the Morris 10 Series M' Reprinted from "The Motor Trader," October 11, 1939 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Morris 1939
CA.02 629.2401 MOT6 "Trader" Service Data No. 85 'Servicing the Morris Eight Series E' Reprinted from "The Motor Trader," February 28, 1940 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Morris 1940
CA.02 629.2401 MOT7 "Trader" Service Data No. 90 'Servicing the Hillman Minx 1940 Model' Reprinted from "The Motor Trader," June 5, 1940 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Hillman 1940
CA.02 629.2401 MOT8 "Trader" Service Data No. 129 Vauxhall Ten and Twelve 1946-7 Models Supplement to "The Motor Trader," April 9, 1947 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Vauxhall 1947
CA.02 629.2401 MOT9 "Trader" Service Data No. 130 Ford Anglia and Prefect Supplement to "The Motor Trader," May 7, 1947 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1947
CA.02 629.2401 MOT10 "Trader" Service Data No. 165 Ford Pilot V8 3.6-litre - 1948-49 Supplement to "The Motor Trader," January 11, 1950 The Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1950
CA.02 629.2401 MOT11 "Trader" Service Data No. 184 Ford Consul and Zephyr Six 1951 Models Supplement to "Motor Trader," October 17, 1951 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1951
CA.02 629.2401 MOT12 "Trader" Service Data No. 184 Ford Consul and Zephyr Six 1951 Models Supplement to "Motor Trader," October 17, 1951 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1951
CA.02 629.2401 MOT13 Service Data No. 212 Wolseley Four-Fortyfour 1953 Model Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Wolseley 1953
CA.02 629.2401 MOT14 Service Data No. 213 Dennis Centaur 6/7-ton and 8-ton, 1950-53 Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Commercial Dennis 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT15 Service Data No. 214 Austin-Healey 100 1953-54 Model Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Austin 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT16 Service Data No. 215 Singer SM Roadster Series 4AD 1953-54 Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Singer 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT17 Service Data No. 216 Morris Six Series MS 1948-54 Models Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Morris 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT18 Service Data No. 217 Perkins R6 Diesel Engine 1953-4 Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT19 Service Data No. 219 Bedford T.A. Middleweight Range 1953-54 Models Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Commercial Bedford 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT20 Service Data No. 219 Bedford T.A. Middleweight Range 1953-54 Models Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Commercial Bedford 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT21 Service Data No. 220 Morris Minor (Series II) Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Morris 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT22 Service Data No. 221 Triumph Sports Car (Series T.R.2) 1952-55 Models Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Triumph 1954
CA.02 629.2401 MOT23 Service Data No. 225 Bedford 10/12-cwt VAN Motor Trader New Wall Chart Form Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Commercial Bedford 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT24 Service Supplement No. 226/C.1 Laycock-De Normanville Overdrive Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT25 Service Data No. 227 Rover 60, 75 and 90 1954-55 Models Motor Trader New Wall Chart Form Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Rover 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT26 Service Supplement No. 228/ C.2 S. U. Electric Fuel Pump Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT27 Service Data No. 229 Standard 8 and 10 h.p. 1954-55 Models Motor Trader New Wallchat Form Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Standard 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT28 Service Supplement No. 230/ C.3 Hardy Spicer Propeller Shafts Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT29 Service Data No. 231 Austin A4 and A50 1954-55 Models Motor Trader New Wallchart Form Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Austin 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT30 Service Supplement No. 232/C4 Lockhead Two Leading Shoe Hydraulic Brakes Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT31 Service Supplement No. 232/C6 S.U. Carburettor Type H.4 Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT32 Service Data No. 233 M.G. Midget Series T.F. 1954-55 Models Motor Trader New Wallchart Form Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars MG 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT33 Service Supplement No. 234/C.5 Solex 35 and 40 AIP-2 Carburettors Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT34 Service Data No. 235 Sunbeam Alpine Mk I and III, SALOON and COUPE Mk III Motor Trader New Wallchart Form Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Sunbeam 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT35 Service Supplement No.238/C7 Borg and Beck Clutches Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT36 Service Data No. 239 Morris Oxford, Cowley and Traveller's Car (Ser. II) Motor Trader New Wallchart Form Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Morris 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT37 Service Supplement No. 240/C8 AC Mechanical Fuel Pumps, Types Y, T & U Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT38 Service Supplement No.244/C10 Clayton Dewandre V.O.M. Servo Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT39 Service Data No. 245 Perkins L4 Diesel Engine 1955 Models Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT40 Service Data No. 423 Austin A110 Supplement to "Motor Trader," 25 March 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Austin 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT41 Service Data No. 428 'Ford Consul Corsair (Std. & De Luxe) Supplement to "Motor Trader," 26 August 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT42 Service Supplement No. 430/C93 Warner Gear Automatic Transmission Model 8 Supplement to "Motor Trader," 4 November 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT43 Service Data No. 430 Hillman Minx Mk V Supplement to "Motor Trader," 4 November 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Hillman 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT44 Service Data No. 432 Leyland 20CWT Van Supplement to "Motor Trader," 30 December 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Leyland 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT45 Service Supplement No. 432/C95 Warner Gear Automatic Transmission Model 8 Supplement to "Motor Trader," 30 December 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT46 Service Data No. 434 Ford Zephyr 4 & 6 (Mk III) Supplement to "Motor Trader," 24 February, 1965 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1965
CA.02 629.2401 MOT47 Service Data No. 435 Ford Zodiac Mk. III Supplement to "Motor Trader," 7 April 1965 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1965
CA.02 629.2401 MOT48 Service Data No. 436 Triumph Herald 12/50 Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Triumph 1965
CA.02 629.2401 MOT49 Service Data No. 437 Rover 2000 Motor Trader Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Rover 1965
CA.02 629.2401 GAR Motor Trader Service Data Sheet Number 578 Chrysler/ Talbot Alpine December 1979 Garage Equipment Go-Brown Brothers Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Chrysler 1979
CA.02 629.2401 MOT50 Continental Service Data No. 16/CSD Peugeot 404A Saloon Supplement to "Motor Trader," 7 April 1965 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Peugeot 1965
CA.02 629.2401 MOT51 Continental Service Data No. 17/CSD Renault Fourgon Van Supplement to "Motor Trader," 26 May 1965 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Renault 1965
CA.02 629.2401 MOT52 Index of Servicing Data Service Data Sheets 1946-1963 Supplement to "Motor Trader," 1 January 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Cars 1964
629.2301 MEA Old Bangers' may be the answer to today's high-cost motoring Steve Meacham Newspapers GeneralMotoring Cars n/a
629.223406 HON Honda Riders News All set for '85 Special New Models Issue (contains V4-Range Poster) Honda (U.K.) Limited Magazines Motorcycles Honda 1985
CE.02 629.213637 FOR consul zephyr 5 star motoring Ford Motor Company Limited Brochures Cars Ford n/a
CA.03 629.2301 MCD Antique Automobiles Holmes McDougall Ltd. Posters GeneralMotoring Cars n/a
CA.02 629.248201 CAS Jaguar Mks I & II 2.4 3.4 3.8 Lubrication Chart Castrol Limited Charts Cars Jaguar 1950s
CA.03 629.2432 SUR Holdtite Fan Belts Surridges Patents Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine n/a
629.2432 TER "Aero" Trade Mark Valve Springs Terrys Guide to Car & Motor Cycle Valve Springs Herbert Terry and Sons Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1937
CA.03 629.2432 SUR1 Holdtite Pedal Rubbers Most Complete Range and List (List No. 34) Surridges Patents Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Interior n/a
CA.03 629.241 BRI Mintex Brake Linings A Check to Speed British Belting & Asbestos Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Brake and Transmission n/a
BA.01 629.2494 WAK1 Wakefield Lubrequipment Cabinets and Tanks C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1949
BA.01 629.2494 WAK2 Wakefield Lubrequipment Lubricating Plant & Oil Dispensers C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1949
BA.01 629.2494 WAK3 Wakefield Lubrequipment Lubrication Servicing Equipment Everything from a brake bleeder to a complete service bay C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1949
629.241 TEL3 Telamite Depot Relined Brake Shoes Price List Effective 1st January, 1964 Telamite Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1964
CA.03 629.241 GIR Girling Brake Service Kits Girling Ltd. Service Dept. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1955
629.224303 KAW3 Kawasaki Models for 81 Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.2242 JAW Your guide to Jawa CZ Motorcycling Jawa/ CZ Motorcycles Brochures Motorcycles Jawa 1970s
629.228402 SUZ Suzuki GT125 Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Suzuki n/a
629.217612 REL Reliant Review Issue 4 (January, 1997) Reliant Motor Company Ltd. Club Publications Cars Reliant 1997
629.241 LAY Layrub The Propeller Shaft without a Lubrication Problem Laycock Engineering Co. Sales Guide Mechanics Brake and Transmission n/a
629.211 PRE 1925 3 Litre Bentley Prescottt-Pickup & Co. Ltd. Postcards Cars Bentley 1960s
629.212 PRE 1934 Grand Prix Bugatti Type 59 Prescottt-Pickup & Co. Ltd. Postcards Cars Bugatti 1960s
CA.03 629.245401 SOL Solex Ltd. Letter to Hearmon Esq. (dated 31st January 1956) Solex Ltd. Letters Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1956
629.2421 AIR Air Conditioning Wiring Diagram A/CON.0001 Issue 2 Unknown Charts Mechanics Electricals n/a
629.224303 KAW4 Kawasaki Motorcycles Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Kawasaki 1984/85
CD.01 629.2482 ESS The oil for wiser drivers Essolube Motor Oil Essolube Other Mechanics Oils and fluids n/a
CDF.02 629.2347 TOT1 totnes motor museum Totnes Motor Museum Souvenir Guide GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections n/a
745.1 KEN Passenger Truck Bogies Designed by Charles Kennion Charles Kennion Sales Guide ToysandModels 1976
629.2482 CAS1 Castrol Retail Prices with Price List No. 12 1st August 1969 Castrol Limited Sales Guide Mechanics Oils and fluids 1969
629.2482 CAS2 Demonetisation Letter from Castrol Limited Castrol Limited Letters Mechanics Oils and fluids 1969
629.224303 KAW5 Kawasaki Motorcycles '89 Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Kawasaki 1989
629.230101 DAI The Daily Telegraph Motoring Saturday August 16 1997 The Daily Telegraph Newspapers GeneralMotoring Cars 1997
CA.01 629.2358 SMI WHY� you can profit from Smiths Supplementary Instruments S. Smith & Sons (England) Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories 1963
621.12 NAT Farming with Vintage Tractors A review of available equipment circa 1917 (Reprinted for the National Tractor Club (Somerset Group)) National Tractor Club Books SteamandAgricultural Tractors n/a
643.13 FAR Farm & Home Year-Book and Farm Trade Directory 1909 (Third Edition) Farm and Home Office Books CaravansandLiving Home 1909
643.13 FAR1 Farm and Home Year-Book and Farm-Trade Directory, 1905 for the farmer, stock-keeper and housekeeper Farm and Home Office Books CaravansandLiving Home 1905
914.1 AUT The Illustrated Road Book of England & Wales Automobile Association Indexes MapsandTravel 1958
629.240101 NEW Motor Repair and Overhauling Volume I George Newnes Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1940s
629.240101 NEW1 Motor Repair and Overhauling Volume II Engine, Clutch and Gearbox George Newnes Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1940s
629.240101 NEW2 Motor Repair and Overhauling Volume III Body, Chassis, and Frame Repairs George Newnes Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1940s
629.240101 NEW3 Motor Repair and Overhauling Volume IV Electrical and Accessory Equipment George Newnes Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1940s
CA.03 629.2322 RYL J.A.R. Low Voltage Inspection Lamps J. A. Ryley Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers n/a
CA.03 629.2322 RYL1 Get Out of the Coils Install J.A.R. Winders J. A. Ryley Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers n/a
CA.03 629.24975 MAG TEX Stainless New Curved Wiper Blades Magnatex Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Windows n/a
CF.02 629.2421 TUN1 Tungstone Batteries For Passenger and Commercial Vehicles Replacement Guide Tungstone Products Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Electricals n/a
BA.01 629.2421 TUN2 Tungstone Batteries For Tractors Special Vehicles and Industrial Plant Identification Chart Tungstone Products Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Electricals n/a
BA.01 629.2421 TUN3 The power behind the starter Tungstone Batteries Tungstone Products Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Electricals 1959
CA.01 629.2358 HER Suzuki Red-hot Gear Heron Suzuki G.B. Ltd. Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
CA.01 629.215524 MOR Category 5 Tracking Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - General n/a
629.2503 VAU Bedford [no covers] Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Magazines Commercial Bedford n/a
CA.01 629.229604 YAM Yamaha XT 250 Yamaha Motor N. V. Brochures Motorcycles Yamaha 1980s
629.224303 KAW6 Kawasaki Models for 81 Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.2322 VOS Vospers motorhouse Invoice No. 4610 (to Mr. J. Chadwick, 4th April 1963 for Ford Anglia de Luxe Reg. No. TDR 946) Vospers Motor House Other GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1963
629.2164 CYC Plan of Morgan Cyclecar [magazine extract] Unknown Magazines Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler n/a
CA.01 629.2358 NEW Newton Commercial Newton Commercial, Suffolk Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
BA.03/1 629.2494 CHU Garage Equipment and Accessories Weaver "Lo-way" Jack Charles Churchill & Co. Ltd. Other Mechanics Tools n/a
BA.01 629.2494 EPC This is the - EPCO "Carlift" Combination Epco Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools 1930s
BA.01 629.2494 EPC1 "Epco" Garage Light Epco Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools 1930s
BA.01 629.2494 EPC2 "Epco" Axle Stands Epco Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools 1930s
BA.03/1 629.241 ARM Armstrong-Siddeley Self-Changing Gear Box an account of its mechanism and instructions for its lubrication Armstrong-Siddeley Brochures Mechanics Brake and Transmission n/a
BA.03/1 629.2496 WAR Wire Wheel Repairs and Conversions Trade Price List Warland Rim Co. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Wheels 1930s
BA.03/1 629.2401 AUT Autovac Spare Parts Price List Autovac Vacuum Petrol Feed Apparatus Parts Catalogues Mechanics General n/a
BA.03/1 629.2482 VUL Vulcan Products Ltd. (Brixton) Special Trade List 1931 Vulcan Products Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Oils and fluids 1931
BA.03/1 629.2494 TEC Tecalemit Spare Parts for Types 3A and 3B guns Tecalemit (Willesden) Parts Catalogues Mechanics Tools 1929
BA.03/1 629.2492 STO Stone's Spring Service Largest Distributors of Springs in the West G. H. Stone & Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Suspension n/a
BA.03/1 629.241 STO Regent Perfected Axle Shafts Confidential Trade Price List G. H. Stone & Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1935
BA.03/1 629.241 FUL W. H. Fulford Motor Components Specialist January 1st, 1937 W. H. Fulford Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1937
BA.03/1 629.2403 REE Alfred J. Rees & Son, Wing and Radiator Manufacturers Mudguards Alfred J. Rees & Son, Bristol Parts Catalogues Mechanics Body Repair 1930s
BA.03/1 629.2403 MER Replacement Mudguards for Popular Cars Merrrymans (J. H. Merrifield) Largest Spare Stockists in the West Merrymans (J. H. Merrifield) Parts Catalogues Mechanics Body Repair 1930s
BA.03/1 629.2403 PER Price List of Mudguards Perry & Fudge Globe Works, Horsefair, Bristol Perry & Fudge, Bristol Parts Catalogues Mechanics Body Repair 1930s
BA.03/1 629.2403 SAU Saunders & Bliss Limited Replacement Mudguards Trade Price List Saunders & Bliss, Exeter Parts Catalogues Mechanics Body Repair 1933
BA.03/1 629.2494 DUN Operating and Servicing Instructions for Dunlop Trolley Jacks Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Tools n/a
BA.03/1 629.2494 EPC3 Epco Forton Jack No. 60 Epco Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools 1930s
BA.03/1 629.2494 EAS Tidy-up the Garage! (with letter from East London Rubber Co. to The Kingsteinton Garage Co. Ltd, dated 10th March 1938) East London Rubber Co. Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools 1938
BA.03/1 629.2494 EAS1 Flex Winders Patent No. 237715 Haslam & Stretton (Engineering and Motor Utilities) ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools 1938
BA.03/1 629.2494 GE G. E. Water Line Winders (Sturge's Patent 237715) G. E. Other Mechanics Tools 1930s
BA.03/1 629.2494 GE1 Winders G. E. Air Line Winder G. E. Other Mechanics Tools 1930s
BA.03/1 629.2494 GE2 G. E. Jacks Hydraulic and Mechanical (distributed by A. J. Dew & Co. Ltd.) G. E. Sales Guide Mechanics Tools 1936
BA.03/1 629.2494 EPC4 The Speed is in the Handle "Epco" Hydraulic Jacks R. H. Cook & Co. Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Tools 1930s
BA.03/1 629.2322 THO The "Tiltrack" Method of Keeping Stores Bertram Thomas Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1935
80.01 EXE Exeter Post No. 20 July, 1971 [feat. article on Mr. J. M. Anthony] Exeter Post Newspapers LocalHistory Company History 1971
CA.02 629.2401 MOT53 Service Supplement No. 456/ C117 Lucas Alternators and Controls (Part 3) Motor Trader, 31 July 1968 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1968
CB.02 629.245 STI The Stirling Bolt & Nut Co. (Woden Stockists) British Manufacture Goods and Guaranteed The Stirling Bolt & Nut Co., Sussex Parts Catalogues Mechanics Fasteners n/a
CB.02 629.245 STI1 B.W.C. Assortment of Cotters Washers and Rivets The Stirling Bolt & Nut Co., Sussex Postcards Mechanics Fasteners n/a
914.1 ENV Environment A States of Guernsey Government Department Twenty-Four Hour Clock Environment Department, States of Guernsey Other MapsandTravel n/a
CB.02 796.701 BRI Bridge Motorcycles Carl Fogarty and Steve Parrish Signed Brochures (x2) Bridge Motorcycles Brochures Motorsport General 2017
CB.02 629.2494 STA Letter from Gerald Stains, Ltd. Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors of Nubo Engineers Tools & Work Supplies (dated 22nd Sept. 1948) Gerald Stains, Ltd. Letters Mechanics Tools 1948
CB.02 629.2358 BOS An Aristocrat There's No Better Car Radio In Its Price Range (stamped Auto & General Electrics, Torquay) Bosch Limited Brochures GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
CB.02 629.2358 BOS1 An Aristocrat There's No Better Car Radio In Its Price Range Bosch Limited Brochures GeneralMotoring Parts and Accessories n/a
CB.02 629.2322 COU County Garage (Taunton) Ltd. Motor Engineers & Body Repair Specialists Invoice for work on Austin A.30 - TOH 261 (dated 8th, Dec. 1964) County Garage (Taunton) Ltd. Invoices GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1964
629.229605 YAM Yamaha XJ650 Yamaha Motor N. V. Brochures Motorcycles Yamaha 1980
796.721 DON Shell British Motorcycle Grand Prix Sunday, 6th August, 1989 Donington Posters Motorsport Grandprix 1989
629.224309 KAW 1984 MCN/ AVON Production TT 1st Kawasaki GPz900R Unknown Posters Motorcycles Kawasaki 1984
629.224303 KAW7 Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1981
629.228403 SUZ Suzuki GS550D Incredible Handling Smooth 6-Speed Performance Heron Suzuki G.B. Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Suzuki n/a
629.228403 SUZ1 Suzuki GS550D Incredible Handling Smooth 6-Speed Performance Heron Suzuki G.B. Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Suzuki n/a
629.228403 SUZ2 World Champions Suzuki Heron Suzuki G.B. Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Suzuki n/a
CB.02 629.2394 DOM The Dominion News, November 1937 (No. 11 New Series, Vol. 4) The Dominion News Magazines GeneralMotoring Transport 1937
629.2494 TRU Truepoint Universal Wobble Head Convex Contact Grinder Truepoint Motor Accessories Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools n/a
CB.02 629.221324 BSA BSA The World's Largest Motor Cycle Manufacturers B.S.A. Cycles Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles BSA 1950
CB.02 629.242101 LUC Lucas High-Power Three-Lamp Sets and PL40 Centre Lamp and Lucas King of the Road Bi-flex Long Range Electric Projector Type R170S Unknown Other Mechanics Electricals 1930
CB.02 629.242101 LUC2 Letter from Joseph Lucas Limited to Messrs. Kingsteignton Garage Co. Ltd. (dated 27th September 1937) Joseph Lucas Limited Letters Mechanics Electricals 1937
CB.02 629.242101 LUC1 Lucas High-Power Projectors Types P100DB and P80DB Joseph Lucas Limited Other Mechanics Electricals 1930
CA.03 643.105 MET Cymac Cycles for quality and value The Metal Agencies Co., Ltd. Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Bicycles n/a
CB.02 629.2494 TRU1 Truepoint Standard Model Convex Contact Grinder Truepoint Motor Accessories Ltd. Brochures Mechanics Tools n/a
CB.02 629.2454 SU The S.U. Down-Draught Carburetter 1936 Instruction Pamphlet List No. 37 S. U. Company, Birmingham Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1936
CB.02 629.2454 SU1 The S.U. Pressure Pump (Type "L") List 35 S. U. Company, Birmingham Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Fuel and Induction n/a
629.224303 KAW8 Kawasaki Range Kawasaki Information Service Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki 1988
CA.01 629.224307 KAW Kawasaki Street and Trail Bikes Up To 250cc 1979 Kawasaki Motors (UK) Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Kawasaki 1979
629.228403 SUZ4 Suzuki Road Tests RG250WE GSX550ES GSX750ES GSX1100EF XN85 Heron Suzuki G.B. Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Motorcycles Suzuki 1984
CA.02 629.2155 RUT The Morgang. Illustrated by Terry Quirk. Melvyn Rutter Posters Cars Morgan - General n/a
CA.02 629.2155 RUT1 The Morgang. Illustrated by Terry Quirk. Melvyn Rutter Posters Cars Morgan - General n/a
CA.02 629.212601 DAI Daimler Sovereign Series 2 Routine Maintenance, Recommended Lubricants, Capacities and Tyre Pressures Daimler Cars British Leyland UK Limited Charts Cars Daimler 1974
CA.02 629.212601 DAI1 Daimler Sovereign Series 2 Wiring Diagram (WD1033/2 Issue 2) Daimler Cars British Leyland UK Limited Charts Cars Daimler 1974
629.2328 MON Grandstand Policy A new Comprehensive Motor Insurance Policy from the XK/E Specialists Keith Montgomery Associates Limited Sales Guide GeneralMotoring Insurance 1983
629.223407 HON NF75-CBX Into the Future with Honda Honda (UK) Ltd. Posters Motorcycles Honda 1980s
629.216401 MOR Morgan Three-Wheeler Club A brief history of Morgans Morgan Three-Wheeler Club Club Publications Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler n/a
BA.01 629.2432 AC1 AC Service Book AC-Sphinx Sparking Plug Co. Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine n/a
CA.01 629.2253 WHI Moto Guzzi 850 Le Mans The Man's Moto Guzzi (14 September, Which Bike?) Which Bike Magazines Motorcycles Moto Guzzi 1980s
CA.01 629.223408 HON An allround look at Hondastyle Honda (UK) Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Honda 1978
CA.01 629.223409 HON Honda CX500 Twin Honda (UK) Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Honda 1978
CB.02 629.229606 YAM Yamaha RS100 Yamaha Motor N. V. Brochures Motorcycles Yamaha 1980
CA.01 629.228404 SUZ Suzuki� the hot one 1980 Range (with unknown signature on reverse) Heron Suzuki G.B. Ltd. Sales Guide Motorcycles Suzuki 1980
629.229606 YAM1 Yamaha XS650/500/400 Yamaha Motor N. V. Sales Guide Motorcycles Yamaha n/a
CD.01 796.721 PRI Isle of Man Manx Grand Prix 1988 3.6.8. September Print Centres Posters Motorsport Grandprix 1988
629.215525 MOR Recommended Prices for Morgan Cars with Effect from 18th October, 1976 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Parts Catalogues Cars Morgan - General 1976
629.233801 MOT Scans of Motor Cycling Magazine (November 9, 1938, Advts., 39, page 102 concerning AMAL Products, and page 68) Motor Cycling Magazines GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1938
629.241 KIR Trade Price List and Reference Book of Asteroid Crown Wheels and Pinions Supplied by Kirton of Honiton Kirton of Honiton Parts Catalogues Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1936
643.105 RUN Runwell Illustrated Buying Guide Issued May 1st, 1937 Wholesale Catalogue No. 555 Runwell Cycle Co. (Birmingham) Ltd. Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Bicycles 1937
643.13 EAS Electric 1938-39 Catalogue East London Rubber Co. Ltd. Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Home 1938
CA.03 643.13 REM The Remington and Rand Electric Close-Shavers Remington Close-Shaver Ltd. Brochures CaravansandLiving Home 1938
CA.03 643.13 MET Siemens Electric Hair Dryer, Towel Rail, "Sentinel" Electric Iron and Billiard Iron (stamped The Metal Agencies Co. Ltd.) Siemens Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Home 1938
CA.03 643.13 MET1 The Metal Agencies Company, Ltd. Bristol The Metal Agencies Co., Ltd. Sales Guide CaravansandLiving Home 1938
BA.03/2 629.215526 MOR Car fan John back with his first love (1952 Morgan plus 4) Unknown Newspapers Cars Morgan - General n/a
BA.03/2 629.2155 DAI Would you pay �3,000 for a car� and then wait 24 months to get it? And What to buy if you don't buy a Leyland Car (Daily Mail, Monday March 22, 1976) Daily Mail Newspapers Cars Morgan - General 1976
BA.03/2 629.2155 GRA First and Last of the Real Sports Cars by Ghriam Grant Ghriam Grant Magazines Cars Morgan - General n/a
BA.03/2 629.2322 ENG Bumpy ride for small firms (Engineering Today, 16 January, 1978) Engineering Today Magazines GeneralMotoring Garages/Dealers 1978
BA.03/2 629.215502 CLA Best Buy Morgan Plus 8 (Classic and Sportscar, October 1994) Classic and Sportscar Magazines Cars Morgan - General 1994
BA.03/2 629.215526 MOR1 Morgan Motor Company Limited Recommended Price List from August 1st 1998 Production Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Parts Catalogues Cars Morgan - General 1998
BA.03/2 629.2155 COU Hand-Made at Malvern (Country Life, October 16, 1986, by Martin Wainwright) Country Life Magazines Cars Morgan - General 1986
BA.03/2 629.215526 MOR2 Morgan No Compromise Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General n/a
Ollie 629.2347 COL Classic Car Museum Guide Motor Cars, Motorcycles & Machinery Lance Cole Books GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections 2020
796.705 WAD Isle of Man 1979 Motorcycle Stamps (x2) Waddington Other Motorsport Circuit 1979
CA.03 629.217613 REL Blow Your Top Scimitar From 1300cc to 126mph Turbo Reliant Motor PLC Brochures Cars Reliant 1990s
CA.03 629.217613 REL1 The Giant Pick-Up Reliant (with Quay Motors Reliant Centre stamp) Reliant Motors Brochures Cars Reliant 1990s
CA.03 629.2454 BOW The Bowden Motor Cycle Carburetter Fault Finding Bowden Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Fuel and Induction n/a
CA.03 629.2432 BES Hints for users of the "Best" Semi-Automatic Force Sight Drip-Feed Lubricator for Motor Cycle and Light Cars Best & Lloyd Ltd., Birmingham Charts Mechanics Engine n/a
629.2176 SKR "I love My Reliant, and His Carers" Forge Garage by "TV" Skribble 09 TV Skribble Posters Cars Reliant 2009
CA.01 629.215601 MOR An Exclusive Anniversary Edition of 142 4/4s - Two for Every Year of its Production Life. Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - 4/4 2000s
CA.01 629.215527 MOR The Morgan Classic Range 4/4 Plus 4 4-Seater Roadster (inc. Price List for April 1st 2007 Production) Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General 2007
CA.03 629.2413 REN Care and Repair of Motor Cycle Chains, with the compliments of John Marston Ltd. Hans Renold Ltd., Manchester Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission n/a
629.224303 KAW9 Kawasaki Kawasaki Motors (UK) Limited Sales Guide Motorcycles Kawasaki n/a
629.2164 CAS Morgan Aero Sports [Beer Coaster] Castella Other Cars Morgan - Three Wheeler n/a
CA.01 80.01 BER A Postcard from Devon� We hired a Morgan from Berrybrook in Exeter�. Berrybrook Motors Brochures LocalHistory Company History n/a
CA.01 629.21605 MOR Morgan Plus 8 Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Brochures Cars Morgan - Plus 8 n/a
CA.01 629.215528 MOR Morgan Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General n/a
CA.01 629.215529 MOR Morgan First of the Real Sports Cars Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General n/a
CA.01 629.215531 MOR Morgan Morgan Motor Company Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General 1990s
CA.03 629.222201 MOT Three-Page Road Test Special by Graham Sanderson, Motor Cycle Weekly, 27 October, 1979 Motor Cycle Weekly Magazines Motorcycles Ducati 1979
BA.02 629.224306 KAW5 Kawasaki AR50 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Kawasaki n/a
BA.03 629.242102 LUC Lucas Fitting Instructions 4BD Blocking Diode Joseph Lucas Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1975
BA.03 629.242102 LUC1 Lighting Regulations for Mechanically Propelled Vehicles (Supplement No 1 to SB515) Joseph Lucas Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1973
BA.03 629.242102 LUC2 Service Instruction Note Alternator Model 18 ACR Description Specification Operation (SI/GN/120A) November 1971 Joseph Lucas Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1971
629.2401 MOT54 Motor Trader Service Data Sheet Number 579 Peugeot 305GL January 1980 Garage Equipment Go-Brown Brothers Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Peugeot 1980
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC Lucas 12-v Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Flying Standard Twelve & Fourteen Cars (Wiring Diagram No. W.56640-1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC1 Lucas Electric Equipment Singer 15oo c.c. Saloon Cars (1950) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W79061) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC2 Lucas 6v. Electric Equipment As Fitted to Austin Eight Cars (1945) (Wiring Diagram No. W87101-1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1946
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC3 Lucas Electrical Equipment Rover Four-Light Saloon Cars (1951) Home and Right Hand Drive Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W79201) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC4 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to M.G. 10 H.P. Midget Series TB Cars (Wiring Diagram No. W58121) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1939
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC5 Lucas Electric Equipment Jowett "Javelin" Saloon Cars Standard Models (1951) Left Hand Drive Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W77762) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC6 Lucas Electrical Equipment Commer "Superpoise" Vehicles Q.25 25 cwt PHASE III Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W78621) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC7 Lucas Electrical Equipment Humber "Super Snipe" MK IV Cars (1953) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W21980) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC8 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Austin Ten Cars (1945) (Wiring Diagram No. W87721-1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1946
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC9 Lucas Electrical Equipment George Fitt Invalid Carriage (1950-51) (Wiring Diagram No. W97561) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC10 Lucas Electrical Equipment Turner "By-Van" (1951) (Wiring Diagram No. W97251) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC11 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Karrier "Bantam" Vehicles (1946) (Wiring Diagram No. W71741) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1946
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC12 Lucas Electrical Equipment M.G. 1 1/4 Litre Tourer (1949) Home and Right Hand Drive Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W76340) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC13 Lucas Electrical Equipment Singer 9 H.P. Roadster Cars (1949) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W76961) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC14 Lucas Electrical Equipment Singer 9 H.P. Roadster Cars (1949) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W76961) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC15 Lucas Electrical Equipment Standard Vanguard Pick-Up Truck (1948-9) (Home and Export Models) (Wiring Diagram No. W76900) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC16 Lucas Electrical Equipment Jaguar 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 Litre Saloon Mark V 1949 (LHD Export Models) (Wiring Diagram No. W76521) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC17 Lucas Electrical Equipment Armstrong Siddeley 2-3 Litre "Lancaster" Saloon Cars (1950) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W78081) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC18 Lucas Electrical Equipment Sunbeam Talbot '90' Saloon & Coupe Cars Mk. II A (1952-53) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W77601) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC19 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris 5 CWT. Van Left & Right Hand Drive Export Models 1947/8 (Wiring Diagram No. W74741) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1948
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC20 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris Minor 5 CWT. Van With Flashers (1953) U.S.A. Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W24680) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC21 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris "Oxford" Saloon Cars (1948) (Home Models) (Wiring Diagram No. W75161) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1948
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC22 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris 10 H.P. Series "M" Cars 1947-8 (Wiring Diagram No. W74500) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1948
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC23 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris Oxford Saloon Cars (1948-9) Left Hand Drive U.S.A. Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W76441) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC24 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Daimler Light Straight Eight Cars (1938) (Wiring Diagram No. W58001) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1938
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC25 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Rover 16 H.P. Cars (1937) (Wiring Diagram No. W.58020-1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1937
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC26 Lucas 12v. Electical Equipment as Fitted to Jowett 10 H.P. Cars (1937) (Wiring Diagram No. W.58480) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1937
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC27 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to S.S. Jaguar Saloon Cars (1937) (Wiring Diagram No. W.58360) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1937
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC28 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Rover 12 & 14 H.P. Cars (1937) (Wiring Diagram No. W.57560) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1937
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC29 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Flying Standard Twelve & Fourteen Cars (Wiring Diagram No. W.56640-1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC30 Lucas Electrical Equipment Humber "Super Snipe" Mark 2 (1949) (Home and Export Models) (Wiring Diagram No. W74800) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC31 Lucas 6v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Morris "Eight" (Series 1) (Chassis No. S1/E106747 Onwards) (Wiring Diagram No. W.58220) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals n/a
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC32 Lucas 6-v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Morris "Eight" (Series 1) (Wiring Diagram No. W.57620/1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals n/a
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC33 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris "Oxford" Saloon Cars (1950) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W78421) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC34 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris "Cowley" Van & Truck (1950-51) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W78261-1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC35 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Alvis 17 H.P. Silver Crest Cars (1938) (Wiring Diagram No. W58701) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1938
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC36 Lucas Electrical Equipment Triumph "Renown" Saloon Cars (1952-53) Left Hand Drive Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W23780) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC37 Lucas Electrical Equipment Armstrong Siddeley Cars (1953-54) 3-4 Litre "Sapphire" Saloon (With electric gear change and flashing direction indicators) Left Hand Drive and Export Models Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC38 Lucas Electrical Equipment Jaguar 1 1/2 Litre Saloon Right Hand Drive Home Models (1949) (Body No. B9981 Onwards) (Wiring Diagram No. W75061) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1948
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC39 Lucas Electrical Equipment Singer 9 H.P. Roadster (1947-8) (Wiring Diagram No. W72860) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1948
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC40 Lucas Electrical Equipment Singer 9 H.P. Roadster (1947-8) (Export Models) (Wiring Diagram No. W72860) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1948
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC41 Lucas Electrical Equipment Standard Vanguard Pick-Up Truck (1950-51) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram N. W78960) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC42 Lucas Electrical Equipment Rover "60" & "75" Cars Saloon and Sports Home & Right Hand Drive Models 1948 (Wiring Diagram No. W74321) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC43 Lucas Electrical Equipment Commer 5 & 7 Van Full Forward Control Models (Home & Export Models) (1948) (Wiring Diagram No. W74101) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1948
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC44 Lucas Electrical Equipment Sunbeam-Talbot "80" & "90" Saloon (1949) (Left Hand Drive Export Models) (Wiring Diagram No. W75361-1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC45 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Commer "Superpoise" Vehicles (1946) (Wiring Diagram No. W71481) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1947
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC46 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris Minor Cars (1951) Two & Four Door Saloon & Tourer U.S.A. Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W79400) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC47 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris Oxford "Travellers" Car (1953) U.S.A. Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W23861) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC48 Lucas Electrical Equipment Morris "Oxford" Saloon Cars (1953) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W22640) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC49 Lucas 6-v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Morris "Eight" (Series 1) (Wiring Diagram No. W.57620/1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals n/a
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC50 Lucas Electrical Equipment Commer R.6. Diesel Tractors Mk.III (1953) Types: Q3, Q4 & Q4 'J' Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W22242) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC51 Lucas Electrical Equipment Humber Hawk Mk. IV Saloon Cars (1951-52) Home and Right-Hand Drive Export Models (wiring Diagram No. W21680) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC52 Lucas Electrical Equipment Jaguar "XK120" Cars (1950-51) Left Hand Drive Models Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC53 Lucas Electrical Equipment Riley 1 1/2 Litre Saloon Cars (1949-50) Left Hand Drive Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W95561) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC54 Lucas Electrical Equipment Daimler "Conquest" Cars (1953) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W97501) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC55 Lucas 12v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Daimler Twenty Cars (1937-8) (Wiring Diagram No. W57540-2) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1938
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC56 Lucas 12-v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Morgan 10 H.P. 4 Wheeler 4 CYL. Cars (1938) (Wiring Diagram No. W57280) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1938
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC57 Lucas Electrical Equipment Commer 25 cwt. Forward Control Vehicles Phase III Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W78661) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1950
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC58 Lucas Electrical Equipment Commer Karrier Bantam Loader Carrier & Tipper (1952) (Wiring Diagram No. W78643) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC59 Lucas Electrical Equipment Commer Karrier Bantam Tractors (1951-52) Model 'Bk' and 'J' Mark III (Fitted with Control Box Model RB106) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1953
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC60 Lucas Karrier 'Bantam' Vehicles (1950) (Wiring Diagram No. W78640) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC61 Lucas Electrical Equipment Nuffield Tractor Petrol Engine - Magneto Ignition (1949-50) (Wiring Diagram No. W79260) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC62 Lucas Electrical Equipment Jowett "Javelin" Saloon Cars De-Luxe Models (1951) Home and Right Hand Drive Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W79901) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC63 Lucas Electrical Equipment Jaguar 3 1/2 Litre Saloon Cars Mark VII (1951) Right Hand Drive Export Models (with flashing direction indicators) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC64 Lucas Electrical Equipment Aston Martin 2 1/2 Litre Sports Saloon (1950-51) U.S.A. Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W79481) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC65 Lucas Electrical Equipment Wolseley "Six-Eighty" Saloon Cars (1950-51) Home and Export Models (Wiring Diagram No. W79121) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1951
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC66 Lucas Electrical Equipment Jaguar 3 1/2 Litre Saloon Cars (1951-52) Mark VII LHD Export Models (with trafficators) (Wiring Diagram No. W79620-1) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1952
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC67 Lucas Electrical Equipment Wolseley "Four-Fifty" Saloons (1948-49) (Home and Export Models) (Wiring Diagram No. W75601) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1949
CA.02/1 629.24214 LUC68 Lucas 6v. Electrical Equipment as Fitted to Jowett 8 H.P. "CB" Vans (1946-47) (Wiring Diagram No. W73580) Lucas Electrical Equipment Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1947
DA.01 745.1 STU1 Stuart Models Catalogue 76th Edition Stuart Models Sales Guide ToysandModels 2010
DA.01 745.1 SMI Building the Stuart Beam Engine Andrew Smith Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1987
CA.03 80.01 MOB Mobile Servicing and Repairs, Motor Vehicle Repairs and Chassis Welding (4 Duckworth Road, St. Thomas, Exeter) Mobile Servicing and Repairs Calendars LocalHistory LocalHistory 1976
CA.02 629.2401 MOT55 Motor Trader Nut Tightening Torque Data, Service Supplement No. 436/C97 (and Index of Servicing Data) Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Fasteners 1965
CA.02 629.2401 MOT56 Continental Service Data No. 15/CSD Renault R4L (Series R.1120 & R.1123) Supplement to Motor Trader, 24 February 1965 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Renault 1965
CA.02 629.2401 MOT57 Motor Trader Service Supplement No. 242/ C9 Zenith V Type Carburettors Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT58 Service Supplement No. 431/ C94 Warner Gear Automatic Transmission Model 8 Supplement to Motor Trader, 2 December 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1964
CA.03 629.2471 AUT Heaters: How they work and how to look after them (The Autocar, 7 November 1958) Autocar Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Heaters 1958
CA.03 629.213601 AUT Overdrive Anglia By J. R. Davey (Reprinted from The Autocar, 25 February 1955) Autocar Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Ford 1955
CA.02 629.2401 MOT59 Service Sheet Data NO. 431 Leyland 15 cwt Van, Supplement to "Motor Trader", 2 December 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Leyland 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT60 Service Supplement No. 429/ C92 Warner Gear Automatic Transmission Model 8, Supplement to "Motor Trader", 30 September 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT61 Service Data No. 429 MG B Supplement to "Motor Trader", 30 September 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars MG 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT62 Service Data No. 425 B.M.C. 1100 Models (Austin, M.G., Morris), Supplement to Motor Trader, 3 June, 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Austin 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT63 Continental Service Data No. 12/CSD Renault R.8 (R.1130), Supplement to "Motor Trader", 3 June, 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Renault 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT64 Service Data No. 424 Rover 95 & 110, Supplement to "Motor Trader", 29 April 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Rover 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT65 Continental Service Data No. 11/CSD Citroen Safari, Supplement to "Motor Trader", 29 April 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Citroen 1964
CA.02 629.2401 MOT66 Continental Service Data No. 10/CSD Volkswagen 1500S Sedan, Supplement to "Motor Trader", 25 Match, 1964 Motor Trader Technical and Restoration Guides Cars Volkswagen 1964
CA.03 629.2229 GRE Greeves Instructions and Service Handbook for Models 20TA 20TAS 24TAS 20SAS 24SAS 24DB 25DB 20TC 20TCS 24TCS Greeves Motor Cycles, Essex Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Greeves 1959
CA.03 629.220602 ARI Ariel (1932) Ariel Works Ltd, Birmingham Brochures Motorcycles Ariel 1931
CA.03 629.215201 MG The new M.G. Magnette Type 'N' and The M.G. Magnette K.N. Type Saloon The M.G. Car Company Ltd., Berkshire Brochures Cars MG 1934
CA.03 629.21801 ROL The Rolls-Royce "Silver Wraith" (Abridged Catalogue) Rolls-Royce Limited Brochures Cars Rolls-Royce 1949
CA.03 629.2246 BUT Levis Motor Cycles for the Connoisseur Butterfields Ltd., Birmingham Brochures Motorcycles Levis 1930s
CA.03 629.2246 BUT1 Road Test of the Levis 247 c.c. O.H. Camshaft Model "C.B." Butterfields Ltd., Birmingham Technical and Restoration Guides Motorcycles Levis 1935
CA.03 629.22404 JAM The Famous "James" Motor Cycles The James Cycle Co., Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles James 1932
CA.03 629.227201 ENF Royal Enfield 1937 The Enfield Cycle Company Limited Brochures Motorcycles Royal Enfield 1937
DA.01 40.03 HIS Top Marques: Morgan & Austin Healey (Running time: 94 mins) The History Channel DVD GeneralMotoring Cars n/a
Ollie 629.23 DRE Dreweatts The Transport Sale (April 2021) Dreweatts Auction Catalogues GeneralMotoring Auctions 2021
DA.01 621.11 TEE Instructions for the Working and General Management of Traction Engines and Steam Road Rollers Marshall, Sons & Company, Ltd. (TEE Publishing Reprint) Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1984
Ollie 629.2347 BOS Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz: The Book of the Museum Caroline Bos and Ben Van Berkel Books GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections 2008
DA.01 40.01 ANT1 Reliant Open Day [home recording] Sean Anthony VHS Cars Reliant 1990s
DA.01 40.01 BBC Reliant Motor 40'/ The Car's The Star [home recording] BBC VHS Cars Reliant 1990s
DA.01 40.05 PRI Spa 1998 Grand Prix [home recording] n/a VHS Motorsport Grandprix 1998
AA.01 629.21364 FOR1 Schedule of Maximum Repair Charges for Anglia Prefect 1953 onwards Escort Squire Ford Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Ford 1958
CA.03 629.2494 KIN MyTeMin The Safe Electric Chain Pulley Block Geo. W. King Limited, Stevenage Sales Guide Mechanics Tools 1956
CA.03 629.2494 WEA Weaver High Pressure Steam "Jet" Cleaners Weaver Manufacturing & Engineering Co. Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Tools 1957
629.2289 HEA The Book of the Velocette A Guide for Owners and Prospective Owners of all Models from 1930 onwards Leslie K. Heathcote Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Velocette 1940
CA.03 629.2494 FIN Instruction Sheet for Waxoyl Rustproofing Compound Finnigans Speciality Paints, Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Tools n/a
CD.02 629.2476 TRA Track One at Greens in Debenhams No. 1 in Car Audio Track One Sales Guide Mechanics Interior 1981
629.2194 HAY1 Haynes VW 1300 & 1500 Beetle 1965 to 1974 1285cc (78.3cu in) 1493 (91.1cu in) Owners Workshop Manual J. H. Haynes and D. H. Stead Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volkswagen 1976
CA.03 621.105 MIC Modern Steam Power, Light Steam Power Kirk Michael, Isle of Man Brochures SteamandAgricultural Steam Boats/ Launches n/a
CA.03 621.1 ASH Patent Four-Horse Combined Thrashing Machine [photocopy] T. W. Ashby And Co.'s Other SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery n/a
629.2494 SIE Original Sievert (Bottled Gas) L. P. Gas Apparatus Sievert L.P. Gas Apparatus Brochures Mechanics Tools 1961
Ollie 745.101 STU Stuart Models Stuart Turner Ltd. Sales Guide ToysandModels 1983
Ollie 745.101 STU1 Stuart Models 2003-2005 (75th edition) Stuart Models Sales Guide ToysandModels 2005
Ollie 745.101 STU2 Stuart Models 1971 (including Stuart Models Price List January 1971) Stuart Turner Ltd. Sales Guide ToysandModels 1971
Ollie 745.1 HAR Toyshop Steam From Birmingham Dribbler to Mamod Models Basil Harley Sales Guide ToysandModels 1978
DA.01 629.2401 ERM "The Mechanical World" Pocket Diary and Year Book for 1915 (Twenty-fifth year of publication) Ermott & Co. Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1915
DA.01 621.1045 DEV Devon County Show 1982 Catalogue Devon County Agricultural Association Club Publications SteamandAgricultural Shows and Parades 1982
DA.01 621.1101 JOH The Traction Engine Register (Worthing & Southern Counties Historic Vehicle Group, December 1973) Brian Johnson Indexes SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1973
DA.01 621.11 TRA Aveling & Porter Ltd. Motor Tractors, Waggons & Lorries Traction Engine Enterprises Photo archive SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1976
DA.01 621.11 SHE Portable Steam Engines (Shire Album) Lyndon R. Shearman Books SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1995
Ollie 745.1 BAS The Model Railway Handbook A Practical Guide to the Installation of a Model Railway W. J. Bassett-Lowke Sales Guide ToysandModels 1940
914.101 MIC Michelin Carte au 1: 200 000 Marseille-Menton Pneu Michelin Maps MapsandTravel 1975
914.101 GEO 100 Miles Around London Primary Routes Map Section 1 Geographia Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel 1970s
914.1 PHI1 National Benzole Road Maps Central Scotland Northern Scotland George Philip & Son, Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel 1965
914.1 PHI2 National Benzole Road Maps The Midlands Eastern England Wales George Philip & Son, Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel 1965
914.1 PHI3 National Benzole Road Maps Northern England Southern Scotland George Philip & Son, Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel 1965
914.101 MIC1 Michelin Afrique (Centre et Sud) Madagascar Pneu Michelin Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.1 KUM Kummerly + Frey Grece Grecia Carte Automobile Kummerly + Frey Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.101 MIC2 Michelin XAS asymetrique Pneu Michelin Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.1 KUM1 Afrique Carte Generale Politique-economique Kummerly + Frey Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.101 GEO1 Geographia British Isles Motorways and Main Road Maps Geographia Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.101 MIC3 Michelin Maroc (No. 169) Pneu Michelin Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.101 GEO2 30 Miles round London Geographia Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.1 BOU Street Plan and Guide To Bournemouth and Poole including Christchurch Bournemouth Transport Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.1 BOU1 Street Plan and Guide To Guildford Godalming and Cranleigh Network SouthEast Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.101 GEO3 Greater Bristol Index to Streets National Grid Postal Districts Geographia Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.101 SHE Shell Deutschland Shell Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.101 RAC RAC East Anglia RAC Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.1 CHA Borough of Reigate Offical Street Plan Chamber of Commerce Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.101 SHE1 The Shilling Guides Surrey Shell-Mex and B.P. Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel n/a
914.102 GEO Postal District Map London Geographers' Map Company Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel n/a
CA.03 629.2156 AER 4/4 Sport Track Day Pack Aero Racing Brochures Cars Morgan - 4/4 >2015
CA.03 80.01 BER1 Berrybrook Why dream it� Live it! (x2) Berrybrook Motors Brochures LocalHistory n/a
BA.03 621.1 LIS Instruction Book and Spare Parts List Lister Types A & AK, B & BK Petrol & Vapourising Oil Engines R. A. Lister & Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1958
629.2333 JAC Motoring Breakdowns Rodney Jacques Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1984
DA.01 621.1 STO Spare Parts and Maintenance Manual for Pedestrian & Tandem Vibroll 28W & 28R Models Mark I and IA Stothert & Pitt Limited Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery n/a
BA.03 629.2301 BRA Motor Vehicles in a Nutshell S. Bramley-Moore Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Cars 1940
CD.02 629.226401 PHI Phillips Panda Riders Handbook Phillips Cycles Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Phillips n/a
629.2258 WAR The Book of the N.S.U. Quickly All Models R. H. Warring Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles NSU 1966
629.2108 MEA Austin/Rover Montego 1.3 & 1.6 1984 to 1994 (A to L Registration) Petrol Haynes Service and Repair Manual John S Mead Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1996
621.1 LUN Machinery Vol. 60 No. 1535 March 19, 1942 "Precimax" Grinding Machines John Lund Ltd. Magazines SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1942
CA.03 621.1 MIN Machine Tools Procedure Relating to Their Acquisition, Utilization, Replacement After Damage By Enemy Action, And Reconditioning Ministry of Supply Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1941
CA.03 621.13 FOL Flakes and Cooling Cracks in Forgings (Wild-Barfield Heat-Treatment Journal) (Part-Complete) Francis B. Foley Journals SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering n/a
621.13 ELE Electical Times Vol. 105, No. 2728 Thursday, February 3rd, 1944 "The Future Depends on Our Youth" Electrical Times, Ltd. Journals SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1944
629.2194508 VOL Volvo Owner Information Pack (inc. Volvo Travellers Guide and 340/360 Owners Manual) Volvo Concessionaires Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Volvo 1987
629.2347 TOT2 Totnes Motor Museum Totnes Motor Museum Souvenir Guide GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections n/a
629.2401 SYK Sykes-Pickavant Automotive Service Tools Sykes-Pickavant Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics General n/a
629.210804 BRI Austin Morris 7 CWT 10 CWT Driver's Handbook British Leyland UK Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1977
629.213638 FOR Operator's Manual 5 & 7 cwt. Anglia Vans Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1964
629.2401 TRA Crypton Test Data 1972 a Transervice technical publication Transervice Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1972
629.2401 SUL Motor Vehicle Craft Studies 380 Workbook F. K. Sully Other Mechanics General 1974
629.2135 RUS All About Your Fiat 1300/1500 Maintenance Repairs Overhauls Adjustments Peter Russek Manuals/Handbooks Cars Fiat 1972
CF.02 629.219325 VAU Vauxhall-Opel 1988 Edition No. 2 Cars of Quality Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Magazines Cars Vauxhall 1988
CF.02 629.2347 BL Heritage Collection Collection Guide and Catalogue (Syon Park) BL heritage Limited Souvenir Guide GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections n/a
629.2401 PAL The I.C.M.E. Manual 1982 Edition (A Guide to Estimating, Costing and Charging, for the use of Motor Engineers and others concerned with the Maintenance and Repair of Motor Vehicles) The Palgrave Publishing Company Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1982
CF.02 629.219325 VAU1 Summer 1978 Vauxhall All Model Catalogue Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Vauxhall 1978
CF.02 629.219325 VAU2 Vauxhall-Opel Cars of Quality October - December 1986 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Magazines Cars Vauxhall 1986
CA.03 629.219325 VAU3 Vauxhall-Opel 1988 Edition No. 2 Colours & Trims Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Vauxhall 1988
CF.02 629.2181 JAG Rover All the difference in the world. Jaguar Rover Triumph Sales Guide Cars Rover n/a
CF.02 629.219325 VAU4 Vauxhall-Opel Cars of Quality June - October '86 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Magazines Cars Vauxhall 1986
CA.03 621.1 MYF High Speed Super Seven Centre Lathe Myford Limited Brochures SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1950s
CA.03 621.1 MYF1 The Myford Quick Setting Lathe Tools Myford Limited Brochures SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1950s
CA.03 621.1 MYF2 Myford Industrial Cabinet Stand Myford Limited Brochures SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1950s
CA.03 621.1 MYF3 Myford ML7 Heavy Duty 3 1/2" Centre Lathe Myford Limited Brochures SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1950s
CA.03 621.1 MYF4 Myford ML7 Heavy Duty Lathe Myford Limited Brochures SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1950s
DA.01 621.13 MIN Engineering Bulletin The War Effort No. 8 January 1942 Ministry of Labour and National Service Journals SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1942
DA.01 621.13 MIN1 Engineering Bulletin The War Effort No. 10 March 1942 Ministry of Labour and National Service Journals SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1942
DA.01 621.13 MIN2 Engineering Bulletin The War Effort No. 15 August 1942 Ministry of Labour and National Service Journals SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1942
629.2184 HAY Simca 1100 Covers Saloons, Estates, Special and Van Owner's Workshop Manual J. H. Haynes Manuals/Handbooks Cars Simca 1973
629.230101 HIL Fundamentals of Motor Vehicle Technology V. A. W. Hillier & F. W. Pittuck Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Cars 1975
629.240101 PAL Technical Service Data 1985 Edition The Palgrave Publishing Company Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1985
629.240101 PAL1 Technical Service Data 1969 Edition The Palgrave Publishing Company Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1969
629.2127 RUS Datsun 1300 and 1600 Repair Guide Peter Russek Manuals/Handbooks Cars Datsun 1972
629.21385 RUS Honda Civic 1500 & CVCC Repair Guide Peter Russek Manuals/Handbooks Cars Honda 1976
CA.03 629.2155 THR Morgan Three-Wheeler Club A brief history of Morgans (single-page document) Unknown Other Cars Morgan - General n/a
CA.03/2 621.13 BRI War Emergency British Standard Specification for Dimensions of Drilling Jig Bushes British Standards Institution Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1943
CA.03/3 643.13 MIL Radio for the Gas User Milnes Thermo-Electric Generator Milnes Electrical Engineering Co. (Bingley) Ltd. Brochures CaravansandLiving Home n/a
CA.03/1 621.1 MAC Practical Optics Visual precision - Unchallengeable accuracy Bulletin No. 1 The Centerscope and its General Application Machine Shop Equipment Ltd. Brochures SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery n/a
CA.03/2 621.13 HAR Locating Holes with Slip Gauges and Centerscope (Reprinted from Machinery, December 10, 1942) Harrison and Sons, ltd. London Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering n/a
CF.02 629.2301 HOD The Way We Were A look back at motoring from the beginning of the 1930s to the end of the 1970s Martin Hodder Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1996
CA.01 629.219326 VAU All-New Vauxhall Cavalier Edition No.1 1981-82 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1981
CF.02 629.219326 VAU1 Vauxhall All Model Catalogue Summer 1980 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Sales Guide Cars Vauxhall 1980
CE.02 629.2142 BL Jaguar Rover Triumph The Complete Range BL Cars Limited Sales Guide Cars Jaguar 1977
CA.03/3 643.13 BLA Black & Decker D500 For the Man with a Home to Maintain Black and Decker Brochures CaravansandLiving Home n/a
CA.03/3 643.13 BRI Bridges Better Class Tools with the Neonic Safety Eye S. N. Bridges & Co. Ltd, London Brochures CaravansandLiving Home n/a
CA.03/3 643.13 CAM An A.C. Two Valver Practical Wireless (Vol. 20, No. 453 New Series, March 1944) F. J. Camm Journals CaravansandLiving Home 1944
CA.03/1 621.1 SPE Speetog Quick-Acting Toggle Clamps Speed Tools Ltd. Brochures SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery n/a
CA.03 745.1 MEX "Mex" The Super Constructional Outfit Engineering for All British Patent No. 383, 585 Mex Brochures ToysandModels n/a
AA.03 643.13 WIR Wireless World Vol. 1, No. 1 Jan. 1944 Wireless World Journals CaravansandLiving Home 1944
DA.01 621.13 NAT Success in Engineering Guide to Careers in all Branches of Engineering and Technology (Second War-Time Edition) National Institute of Engineering Journals SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1944
DA.01 621.13 NAT1 Engineering Opportunities A Handbook on Successful Engineering Careers with a Foreword by Professor A. M. Low The British Institute of Engineering Technology Ltd. Journals SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1943
CA.03/2 621.13 MOR Cornwall Education Committee Mid-Cornwall District Technical Evening Classes J. Morley Prisk, District Education Office Other SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1937
CA.03/1 621.1 STE Stedall Machine Tool Co. List of Machine Tools Available for Reasonable Delivery Stedall Machine Tool Co. Sales Guide SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1941
CA.03/1 621.1 UNI Universal Horizontal Boring Machine (extract) Unknown Magazines SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery n/a
CA.03 745.1 HOB Hobbies Design Toy Model Modern Garage with Workshops and Showroom No. 2155 Hobbies Other ToysandModels n/a
CA.03/1 621.1 ENG Extract from Engineering Aug. 14, 1942 Herbert Motor-Driven Milling Machines and British Insulated Cables Ltd. Engineering Journals SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1942
CA.03/1 621.1 MET Electromagnetic Research and Testing Equipment Magnetic Crack Detection Apparatus Descriptive Leaflet Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd. Brochures SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery n/a
CA.03/1 621.1 AC A. C. Wickman Ltd. Coventry Wheel for Wimet Grinding British Made A. C. Wickman Ltd. Other SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery n/a
CA.03/1 621.1 CAR Carborundum British Made Grinding Wheel The Carborundum Co. Ltd. Other SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery n/a
BA.03 629.2401 ARD The I.C.M.E. Manual Schedules of Repair Times and Charges 1934-1951 Spare Parts Prices 1938-1951 and General Information with special reference to Motor Accident and General Repair Work J. Arden White Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1951
BA.03 629.2421 CRY2 Expanding Service Profits Crypton Equipment Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1961
BA.03 629.2421 CRY3 Crypton Charging and Testing Equipment Crypton Equipment Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Electricals 1961
BA.03 629.2421 CRY4 The Cryptonian Vol. 2, No. 1 "Battery Tune-Up" Crypton Equipment Ltd. Magazines Mechanics Electricals 1961
BA.03 629.2421 CRY5 Bigger Dividends From Battery Service with Crypton Battery Chargers Engine Starters Battery Testers Crypton Equipment Ltd. Sales Guide Mechanics Electricals 1961
CA.03/3 643.13 STE Startall Portapoint Cable Reel Stenor Ltd. Brochures CaravansandLiving Home 1961
AA.03 914.1 RAC1 Royal Automobile Club Guide & Handbook 1934-35 Royal Automobile Club Indexes MapsandTravel 1934
AA.03 914.1 RAC2 The RAC Guide & Handbook 1965 Royal Automobile Club Indexes MapsandTravel 1965
AA.03 914.1 AA2 AA Members Handbook 1964-65 Automobile Association Indexes MapsandTravel 1964
AA.03 796.77 HAR Le Raid Citroen La Premiere Traversee Du Sahara En Automobile Georges-Marie Hardt and Louis Audouin-Dubreuil Motor History Motorsport Touring 1923
CF.02 629.2389 BRI The 10th Bristol Classic Car Show Bristol Classic Car Show Club Publications GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1990
CF.02 629.2394 INS Milestones Summer 1987 Institute Advanced Motorists Magazines GeneralMotoring Transport 1987
CA.01 629.21369 HEA Healey Sprite Motor Company Introduce Two New Models For the 1998 Motor Show Healey Sprite Motor Company Limited Sales Guide Cars Healey Sprite 1998
CF.02 629.2301 AUT2 Morgan Sports From Three Wheels to Four Autocar Magazines Cars Morgan - General 1977
CF.02 629.2301 WHA What Car? Performance Car Buyer's Guide What Car? Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 2001
AA.03 629.2318 GRA The Bumper Book of CarToons Don Grant Books GeneralMotoring Entertainment 1983
CA.01 629.2496 AVO Fitment and Pressures for Avon 50/55/60/65/70 Steel Radials Avon Tyres Limited Sales Guide Mechanics Wheels n/a
CA.01 629.2394 DEP Department of Transport Rheynn Arraghey Time Dial (x3) Department of Transport Other GeneralMotoring Transport n/a
BC.01 629.230101 AUT1 The Autocar September 29, 1950 Autocar Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1950
AA.03 629.2301 BEE De Onschatbare Klassieker Jaarboek, Nr. 4 - 1994 Court-Jan van Beek Encyclopedia GeneralMotoring Cars 1994
DA.03 621.104 HAR Harvey & Son Bridge Wharf Brewery, Lewes Bicentenary Year Harvey & Son Souvenir Guide SteamandAgricultural Museums and Collections 1990
CF.02 629.215501 RUT Melvyn Rutter Limited Third Edition Melvyn Rutter Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General 1987
CF.02 629.215501 RUT1 Melvyn Rutter Limited Fourth Edition Melvyn Rutter Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General 1988
CF.02 629.215501 RUT2 Melvyn Rutter Limited Fifth Edition Melvyn Rutter Sales Guide Cars Morgan - General 1991
CF.02 629.2155 SPO The Morgan Year 1986 Morgan Sports Car Club Journals Cars Morgan - General 1986
CF.02 629.2155 SPO1 The Morgan Year 1987 Morgan Sports Car Club Journals Cars Morgan - General 1987
CF.02 629.2155 SPO2 The Morgan Year Volume Three Morgan Sports Car Club Journals Cars Morgan - General 1988
CA.01 629.212451 CIT Hello Dolly Become a star at a knockout price Citroen 2CV6 Citroen U.K. Ltd. Brochures Cars Citroen n/a
CA.01 629.212451 CIT1 Citroen The Adventures of the 2CV6... and the Haunted Cave Citroen U.K. Ltd. Brochures Cars Citroen 1987
CA.01 629.212451 CIT2 The Adventures of the Citroen 2CV6 and The Arctic Snowman Citroen U.K. Ltd. Brochures Cars Citroen 1985
CF.02 629.2301 ORB The Encyclopedia of Super Cars Morgan Plus 8 Orbis Publishing Limited Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1978
CF.02 629.2347 BYG Rock and Car Years Rock Music and Motoring 1955 to 1975 Bygone Times Magazines GeneralMotoring Museums and Collections n/a
BC.01 629.2301 AUT The Autocar February 14th 1936 Autocar Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1936
BC.01 629.2301 AUT1 The Autocar December 11th 1936 Autocar Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1936
BC.01 629.2301 LIG The Light Car Vol. 1 No.1290 Friday Aug 27 1937 The Light Car Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1937
BC.01 629.2301 MOT The Motor April 25 1962 The Motor Magazines GeneralMotoring Cars 1962
CA.01 629.219327 VAU Cavalier Centaur Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Brochures Cars Vauxhall 1978
CE.02 629.213504 FIA X1-9 Special Series Fiat Company Brochures Cars Fiat n/a
CA.01 629.228405 SUZ Heron Suzuki The Getaway Bike Heron Suzuki G.B. Ltd. Brochures Motorcycles Suzuki n/a
AA.03 629.2454 BUR1 S.U Carburetter & Pump Genuine Spare Parts 1930-1980 (including 1994 SU Retail Price List) Burlen Fuel Systems Parts Catalogues Mechanics Fuel and Induction 1994
AA.03 629.2301 WOO Woodall's Guide Useful Classic Vehicles Dan Woodall Buyer's Guide GeneralMotoring Cars 2014
AA.03 629.2432 CHA Champion 1974-75 Champion Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1974
BA.03 629.219328 VAU Vauxhall Victor Owner's Handbook Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Vauxhall 1962
BA.03 629.219328 VAU1 Vauxhall Velox & Cresta Owner's Handbook Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Vauxhall n/a
AA.03 629.219329 VAU Vauxhall Owner's Manual September 1978 Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Vauxhall 1978
AA.03 629.2155 GRE The Great Runabout The Magazine for Morgan Sport Car Club of Japan (Autumn 1995) The Great Runabout Journals Cars Morgan - General 1995
AA.03 629.2155 GRE1 The Great Runabout The Magazine for Morgan Sport Car Club of Japan (1991 June) The Great Runabout Journals Cars Morgan - General 1991
AA.03 629.210805 BRI Maxi by Austin Driver's Handbook The British Motor Corporation Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1969
AA.03 629.213639 FOR Ford Cortina Owner Handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1972
AA.03 629.251 FOR New 5cwt & 7cwt Thames vans Instruction Book Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Ford n/a
AA.03 629.213639 FOR1 Ford Cortina Owner Handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford n/a
AA.03 629.213639 FOR2 Ford Consul Owner Handbook Ford Motor Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1973
BA.03 629.213641 FOR The Anglia 1953 onwards Instruction Book Ford Manuals/Handbooks Cars Ford 1956
AA.03 629.218551 SIN The New Singer Vogue Series II Owner's Handbook Singers Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Singer 1962
AA.03 629.214211 JAG Jaguar XJ6 2.8 and 4.2 Models Operating, Maintenance and Service Handbook Jaguar Cars Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Jaguar n/a
AA.03 629.2138 ROO Hunter Owner's Instructions including car care and maintenance Rootes Service Division Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hillman n/a
AA.03 629.213804 HIL The Hillman Mark VIII Owner's Handbook for Special Saloon Estate Car Hillman Motor Car Company Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hillman 1954
AA.03 629.2505 ROO Commer 'Walk-Thru' Models Maintenance Handbook Rootes Motors Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Commer n/a
AA.03 629.210806 BRI J2M16 Vehicles Driver's Handbook British Motor Corporation Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin 1965
AA.03 629.2179 RIL Riley One-Point-Five Driver's Handbook Riley Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Riley 1963
AA.03 629.2179 RIL1 Riley 4/ Seventy Two Driver's Handbook Riley Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Riley 1966
AA.03 629.212407 CHR Hunter De Luxe/ Super G. L./ G. T. owner's instructions Chrysler United Kingdom Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hillman n/a
AA.03 629.21455 LEY BX 1425 Boxer Driver's Handbook Leyland Motors Limited. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Leyland 1971
AA.03 629.218601 MOT Skoda 100 - 100L 110L - 110LS Driver's and Maintenance Manual Motor Works (Automobilove Zavody) Manuals/Handbooks Cars Skoda 1973
AA.03 629.2432 BRI Driver's Handbook B. M. C. Four-Cylinder Diesel Engine Type OEA British Motor Corporation Limited Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Engine n/a
AA.03 629.214212 JAG Jaguar Daimler Series III Jaguar Cars Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Jaguar 1979
AA.03 629.2178 FER The Book of the Renault Dauphine Ferrers Leigh Manuals/Handbooks Cars Renault 1968
AA.03 629.210807 BRI WEk60, WEk100, WEk240, WEk300, FFk100, FFk240 & FFk300 vehicles Driver's Handbook British Motor Corporation Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin n/a
AA.03 629.214551 BRI Princess 1800 1800 HL Driver's Handbook British Leyland UK Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Leyland 1978
AA.03 629.216803 MOR The Morris Quarter-Ton Van (Series III) Driver's Handbook Morris Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris n/a
AA.03 629.210807 BRI1 FFk140 and FFk360 Forward Control Vehicles Driver's Handbook British Motor Corporation Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin n/a
AA.03 629.210807 AUS Austin A35 Models Driver's Handbook The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin n/a
AA.03 629.2179 RIL2 The Riley Four-Sixtyeight Driver's Handbook Riley Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Riley n/a
AA.03 629.2535 MOR Morris J4 Driver's Handbook Morris Commercial Cars Limited Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Morris n/a
AA.03 629.216804 MOR Morris 1100 Driver's Handbook Morris Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Morris n/a
AA.03 629.2535 MOR1 Morris Driver's Handbook J.2 Light Van Light Pick-Up Minibus Morris Motors Limited Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Morris n/a
BA.03 629.2502 AUS The Austin 25-CWT. Van Running and Maintenance Instructions The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Austin 1951
AA.03 629.2502 AUS1 Austin 2-Ton Lorry Engine (4 Litre) and Chassis Series II Parts List The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Parts Catalogues Commercial Austin 1950
AA.03 629.210808 AUS Austin 1100 Driver's Handbook The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Commercial Austin 1966
AA.03 629.213801 ROO The New Hillman IMP Owner's Handbook Rootes Service Division Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hillman 1963
AA.03 629.210806 BRI1 J4m10 Vehicles Driver's Handbook British Motor Corporation Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars Austin n/a
AA.03 629.2432 BRI1 BMC Operator's Handbook 5.1 Diesel Engine OEB Range British Motor Corporation Limited Manuals/Handbooks Mechanics Engine n/a
AA.03 629.2187 HAY Sunbeam Rapier & Alpine 1967 to 1976 Owners Workshop Manual (Haynes) J. H. Haynes and J. R. S. Hall Manuals/Handbooks Cars Sunbeam 1972
DA.01 621.11 PUR Lotus The Magazine of the Marque November 1967 (Road Testing a Traction Engine) David Purvis Magazines SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1967
DA.01 385.1 WEB What Engine is That? H. C. Webster Encyclopedia Rail n/a
SHOW 629.2152 HAN BMC 'B' Series MGA MGB MG Magnette Riley 1.5 Austin/Morris/Wolseley 1489/1622/1798cc Tuning and Modification J. D. Hansen Technical and Restoration Guides Cars MG n/a
SHOW 629.2152 CLA MGA & Twin Cam Gold Portfolio 1955-1962 R. M. Clarke Technical and Restoration Guides Cars MG n/a
SHOW 629.2152 GRE MGA Restoration Guide Malcolm Green Technical and Restoration Guides Cars MG 1995
SHOW 629.2152 WIL The MGA "First of a new line" John Price Williams Motor History Cars MG 1997
SHOW 629.2152 CLA1 Brooklands Books MG MGA 1955 - 1962 R. M. Clarke Technical and Restoration Guides Cars MG n/a
SHOW 629.2152 BRI MGA Workshop Manual British Motor Corporation Limited Manuals/Handbooks Cars MG n/a
SHOW 629.224311 KAW Shop Manual Kawasaki KH(S) Series Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Kawasaki n/a
DB.01 385.5/1 No. 644 Class A12 at Exeter St. Davids Unknown Photograph Rail n/a
DB.01 385.5/2 No. 654 Class A12 at Eastleigh Unknown Photograph Rail n/a
DB.01 385.5/3 No. 643 Class A12 at Awbridge Loop 27/3/48 Unknown Photograph Rail 1948
Ollie 745.1 ONE The Collector's Encyclopedia of Metal Toys Richard O'Neill Encyclopedia ToysandModels 1988
SHOW 914.101 PHI Philips' Railway Map of the British Isles Coloured to Regions George Philip & Son, Ltd. Maps MapsandTravel n/a
SHOW 745.1 MOD The Model Railway Club's 32nd Model Railway Exhibition April 23-27 1957 Official Guide Model Railway Club Club Publications ToysandModels 1957
DA.01 629.2333 WAR Manual of Driving and Maintenance for Mechanical Vehicles (wheeled) 1937 The War Office Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1941
SHOW 629.2389 SOC 45th International Motor Exhibition Motor Show Oct 19-29 Earls Court London Official Catalogue The Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders Souvenir Guide GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1960
SHOW 629.215 TAY McLaren - The Cars 1964-2009 (signed copy) William Taylor Motor History Cars Mclaren 2009
DA.01 385.1 LOC Locomotive Engineers' Pocket Book (41st Edition) The Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Rail n/a
SHOW 914.104 AA The Automobile Association Hotel Handbook 1939 - 40 The Automobile Association Indexes MapsandTravel 1939
SHOW 629.2333 BRO The Owner-Driver's Handbook Edward T. Brown Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1925
SHOW 629.218 ROB1 The Book of the Riley (reprinted 1958) J. A. Robson Manuals/Handbooks Cars Riley 1958
SHOW 629.2421 STO Automobile Electricity Textbooks The Working Principles of Motor Vehicle Lighting and Starting W. C. Stoddart Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals n/a
SHOW 629.2338 IXI Motor Cycle Cavalcade (signed by Cecil Burney) Ixion of the Motor Cycle Motor History GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1950
DA.01 385.1 SOU Southern Railway Instructions to Engineer's Department Staff 1936 Southern Railway Manuals/Handbooks Rail 1936
DA.01 385.1 VAU The Locomotive Engineman's and Fireman's Examination Guide (20th Edition) Maurice George Vaughan Technical and Restoration Guides Rail n/a
DA.01 385.1 SOU1 Practical Hints for Footplate Men Southern Railway Manuals/Handbooks Rail n/a
DA.01 385.1 FOW Modern Railway Working (vol IV) Henry Fowler Books Rail n/a
DA.01 385.1 COO London and South Western Express Locomotive No. 706 (print) Alf Cooke Other Rail n/a
DA.01 385.101 FOW Fowler's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book 1946 William H. Fowler Manuals/Handbooks Rail 1946
SHOW 629.2432 WAL Heat Engines (A First Text-Book) A. C. Walshaw Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1938
DA.01 385.1 NUT G. W. R. Two-Cylinder Piston Valve Steam Locomotives E. J. Nutty Technical and Restoration Guides Rail 1977
SHOW 629.2338 OSB The Lightweight Motorcycle Handbook Bernal Osbourne Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Motorcycles 1951
DA.01 745.1 WHI The Maintenance and Management of Small Locomotives H. E. White Manuals/Handbooks ToysandModels 1955
DA.01 385.1 PHI The Steam Locomotive in Traffic E. A. Phillipson Manuals/Handbooks Rail 1949
DA.01 745.1 PER Model Railways Handbook Basic Information on all Gauges (7th Edition) Percival Marshall & Co. Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks ToysandModels n/a
DA.01 745.1 WH W&H Models catalogue of Scale Model Equipment and accessories W. & H. (Models) Limited Sales Guide ToysandModels 1970
SHOW 629.2333 MOT The Motor Repair Manual, Eleventh Edition The Motor Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1955
DA.01 745.1 AHE Handbook of Two-Rail for "OO" John H. Ahern Manuals/Handbooks ToysandModels n/a
DA.01 745.1 POP The Model-Railway Men Take Over Ray Pope Books ToysandModels 1971
SHOW 796.778 JEN The Racing Driver Denis Jenkinson Books Motorsport Track 1962
SHOW 629.2432 JEN Automobile Engine Overhaul (Third Edition) A. W. Judge Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Engine 1952
SHOW 914.1 ROA Road Map of Great Britain None Maps MapsandTravel n/a
SHOW 629.2338 IXI1 Motor Cycle Reminiscences Ixion of the Motor Cycle Motor History GeneralMotoring Motorcycles n/a
SHOW 629.2181 GIB Pitman's Motorists' Library The Book of the Rover W. A. Gibson Martin Manuals/Handbooks Cars Rover 1960
SHOW 629.233301 AUT Complete Hints and Tips for Automobilists from the Autocar (eight edition) The Autocar Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance n/a
BA.03 629.221325 BSA B.S.A. F.W.D. Three Wheeler Replacement Parts (February 1932) B.S.A. Cycles Ltd. Parts Catalogues Motorcycles BSA 1932
SHOW 629.2432 LOD1 Lodge Spark Plug Information Lodge Plugs Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine n/a
SHOW 629.2333 BIC Faults and How to Find Them (fifth edition) J. S. V. Bickford Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Maintenance n/a
SHOW 629.2301 CAN The Small Car Handbook Candidus Manuals/Handbooks GeneralMotoring Cars n/a
DA.01 385.1 HAR Steam in the Blood R. H. N. Hardy Books Rail 1975
DA.01 745.1 HAI1 Introducing Model Traction Engine Construction John Haining Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1994
DA.01 621.11 SAL Modern Manual for Drivers of Steam Road Vehicles W. Michael Salmon Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1967
DA.01 745.102 GRE The Model Locomotive Henry Greenly Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1904
DA.01 621.13 CAM Newnes Engineer's Manual F. J. Camm Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1942
DA.01 745.102 GRE1 Model Electric Locomotives and Railways Henry Greenly Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels n/a
DA.01 385.1 YOD Locomotive Valves and Valve Gears J. H. Yoder and G. B. Wharen Technical and Restoration Guides Rail 1993
DA.01 745.1 EVA2 Simplex 0-6-0 Tank 5 inch gauge Simple Freelance Steam Locomotive Martin Evans Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1977
DA.01 385.1 AHR Steam Locomotive Construction and Maintenance E. L. Ahrons Technical and Restoration Guides Rail 1921
SHOW 629.2301 CLU1 The Vintage Motor-Car Cecil Clutton and John Stanford Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1955
SHOW 629.2152 SYM Mille Miglia H. E. Symons Motor History Cars MG 1983
CF.01 745.1 MEC Hornby Dublo Service Leaflets Meccano Ltd. Parts Catalogues ToysandModels n/a
BA.03 629.2389 PAG2 Pageant of Motoring, Sunday 9 May, 1971 Eric Barrass Club Publications GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1971
SHOW 629.2432 LOD2 Lodge Spark Plug Information (third edition) Lodge Plugs Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine n/a
SHOW 629.228708 TRI Triumph Instruction Book for 1939 Tiger "100", "80" & "70" "Speed Twin" 6S, 5H, 5S, 3H, 3S, 3SC, 2H &2HC Triumph Engineering Company Ltd. Manuals/Handbooks Motorcycles Triumph 1939
SHOW 629.2378 MOE Guide to the Road & Rail Traffic Act 1933 Part I Road Transport R. Moelwyn Hughes and Dingle Foot Highway Codes GeneralMotoring Rules and Regulations 1933
BA.03 629.2389 PAG1 Pageant of Motoring, Sunday 11th May, 1969 Pageant of Motoring Club Publications GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1969
BA.03 629.2389 PAG Pageant of Motoring, Sunday 5th May, 1968 Pageant of Motoring Club Publications GeneralMotoring Shows and Parades 1968
SHOW 796.705 MEM The Ulster Vintage Car Club book of The Ards T. T. Members of the Committee and John S. Moore Club Publications Motorsport Circuit 1978
CF.01 796.705 GOO Goodwood Festival of Speed 100 Years of Motor Sport 18th-19th June 1994 Official Programme Goodwood Festival of Speed Club Publications Motorsport Circuit 1994
SHOW 629.2152 THO Grandee Famous MG Marques John Thornley Posters Cars MG n/a
CF.01 745.1 PAR Build Your Own Stephenson's Rocket Parragon Other ToysandModels 1994
Ollie 745.1 MCC The collector's all-colour guide to Toy Trains Ron McCrindell Buyer's Guide ToysandModels 1985
CF.01 629.242103 LUC Lucas Ignition Parts for Older Vehicles 1930 - 1970 Lucas Electrical Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Electricals 1985
DA.01 745.1 ROC Historic Locomotive Drawings in 4mm Scale F. J. Roche Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels n/a
DA.01 745.1 BRA All You Need to Know About Miniature Injectors and Ejectors Bob Bramson Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 2013
DA.01 745.1 HAM Locomotives Worth Modelling F. C. Hambleton Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1977
DA.01 745.101 MAR Mechanics in Miniature Percival Marshall Books ToysandModels 1947
DA.01 621.13 STE Engineering Materials Machine Tools and Processes, Third Edition W. Steeds Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1957
DA.01 745.102 GRE2 Model Engineering Henry Greenly Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1919
DA.01 385.1 SEL The Steam Locomotive of To-Day M. P. Sells Technical and Restoration Guides Rail 1951
DA.01 385.1 AHR1 Steam Engine Valves and Valve Gears E. L. Ahrons Technical and Restoration Guides Rail 1921
DA.01 385.1 GRE Walschaerts' Valve Gear Henry Greenly Technical and Restoration Guides Rail 1977
DA.01 621.13 CAI Milling Operations in the Lathe (Workshop Practice Series 5) Tubal Cain Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1984
DA.01 745.1 CRA The Model Injector (Theory, principles of design and details for making your own miniature live steam injector) Ted Crawford Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 2003
DA.01 621.13 BRA The Compact Lathe Stan Bray Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1990
DA.01 621.13 CAI1 Workholding in the Lathe (Workshop Practice Series 15) Tubal Cain Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1987
DA.01 745.1 AUC Slide Valve & Link Motions William S. Auchincloss Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1984
DA.01 745.1 STE Model Mechanical Engineering Ernest A. Steel Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1955
DA.01 621.1301 HAR Model Boilers and Boilermaking K. N. Harris Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1971
SHOW 914.1 RAC3 Royal Automobile Club Guide & Handbook 1927-8 Royal Automobile Club Maps MapsandTravel 1927
DA.01 621.13 IND Machinery's Handbook 14th Edition The Industrial Press Indexes SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1952
DA.01 745.1 LBSC Simple Model Locomotive Building introducing LBSC's TICH (new revised edition) LBSC Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1982
DA.01 621.13 NEW Newnes Complete Engineer-Data Sheets Newnes Charts SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering n/a
DA.01 745.1 STE1 Greenly's Model Locomotive Designs and Specifications Ernest A. Steel Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1952
DA.01 745.1 GRE1 Model Steam Locomotives Henry Greenly Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1934
DA.01 385.1 GRE1 The G.W.R. Engine Book (Names, Numbers, Types and Classes) The Great Western Railway Indexes Rail 1932
DA.01 621.1 DEI Early Lathes & Machine Tools of Interest (volume 1) C. L. Deith Indexes SteamandAgricultural Implements and Machinery 1982
DA.01 385.1 BRI Handbook for Railway Steam Locomotive Enginemen British Transport Commission Technical and Restoration Guides Rail 1957
DA.01 621.13 ROL Isambard Kingdom Brunel L. T. C. Rolt Books SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1964
DA.01 745.1 EVA3 Model Locomotive Boilers Martin Evans Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1969
DA.01 385.1 DAV GWR Engines Names Numbers Types & Classes David & Charles, Newton Abbot Indexes ToysandModels 1971
DA.01 745.1 FAR Model Locomotive Boilermaking Alec F. Farmer Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1988
DA.01 745.1 LBSC1 Speedy G.W. 0-6-0 tank engine 5 in. gauge LBSC Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1978
DA.01 745.1 EVA4 Rob Roy and William Two Simple 3 1/2 in. Gauge Locomotives Martin Evans Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1987
DA.01 745.1 GOR1 Toy Steam Engines Bob Gordon Books ToysandModels 1992
DA.01 745.1 SAL Toy Trains David Salisbury Books ToysandModels 1990
DA.01 745.1 LBSC2 Princess Marina L.M.S. 2-6-0 Mogul LBSC Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1980
DA.01 745.1 EVA5 Model Locomotive and Marine Boilers Martin Evans Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1988
CA.04 80.01 PIK Receipt from P. Pike & Co. Limited, The Austin Distributors, Alphington Street, Exeter (for Registration No. GDV 972D) P. Pike & Co. Limited Invoices LocalHistory LocalHistory 1966
CA.04 629.241 ECO Documents relating to Econocruise Le regulateur de vitesse d'Associated Engineering Econocruise Limited Brochures Mechanics Brake and Transmission 1976
SHOW 385.1 BUL Master Builders of Steam H. A. V. Bulleid Books Rail 1965
SHOW 385.1 HOD Locomotive Management (eighth edition) Jas T. Hodgson and Chas S. Lake Manuals/Handbooks Rail 1942
SHOW 385.101 FOW1 Fowler's Mechanics and Machinists' Pocket Book 1945 William H. Fowler Manuals/Handbooks Rail 1945
SHOW 745.1 ESS Meccano Quality Toys Essex Sports Depot Sales Guide ToysandModels n/a
SHOW 385.1 ALL British Railways Locoshed Book Including Locoshed Directory Ian Allan Indexes Rail 1972
SHOW 745.1 OAK Hornby Dublo Post-War 3-Rail Collectors' Guide Tony Oakes Buyer's Guide ToysandModels 1990
SHOW 796.721 IRE All Arms and Elbows Innes Ireland Biography Motorsport Grandprix 1968
SHOW 629.2333 EAR Newnes Motor Cycle Repair and Upkeep Part 8 (issue includes Sunbeam engines) J. Earney Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Maintenance n/a
SHOW 629.233301 MOT Motor Cycles and How to Manage Them Motor Cycle Staff Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Maintenance 1948
SHOW 629.2401 STA Automobile Engineering A General Reference Work Five Volumes (Volume IV) Staff of Automobile Experts Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1924
Ollie 745.1 WIL The World of Model Trains Guy R. Williams Encyclopedia ToysandModels 1980
SHOW 745.1 FOS So You Want to Build a Live Steam Locomotive Joseph Foster Nelson Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1974
Ollie 643.13 KNI Mechanics Magazine Vol. 1. Printed for Knight and Lacey Technical and Restoration Guides CaravansandLiving Home 1827
CD.01 629.233801 VIN Unknown book from the Vintage Motorcycle Club to M. J. Simon, Esq, of Surrey Vintage Motorcycle Club Technical and Restoration Guides GeneralMotoring Motorcycles n/a
Matt 629.2301 CAS Britain's Motor Industry H. G. Castle Motor History GeneralMotoring Cars 1950
SHOW 745.1 LBSC3 Shops, Shed, and Road. A Handbook on the construction and fitting of details and accessories for small power steam locomotives. LBSC Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1969
SHOW 629.2305 HUL The History of the Vintage Sports Car Club Peter Hull Motor History GeneralMotoring Clubs 1964
SHOW 629.2179 BIR The Production and Competition History of the Pre-1939 Riley Motor Cars Dr. A. T. Birmingham Motor History Cars Riley 1965
DA.01 745.1 SOU Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies Directory of Affiliated Societies (fifth edition) Southern Federation Indexes ToysandModels 2002
SHOW 629.2401 NEW Motor Engineering A Comprehensive, Accurate and Practical Guide Newnes Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1931-37
DA.01 621.13 LON How to Read Workshop Drawings W. Longland Manuals/Handbooks SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1940
SHOW 385.1 AHR2 The Steam Railway Locomotive Explaining the Component Parts and Method of Working of Modern Steam Railway Locomotives E. L. Ahrons Technical and Restoration Guides Rail 1920
SHOW 629.21389 MAY The Story of the Hudson Motor Car 1909 - 1957 Mitch and Ted Mayborn Motor History Cars Hudson 1975
DA.01 745.1 ROG Painting and Lining Models (second edition) R. C. Rogers Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels 1975
745.1 EWI Making the Most of Miniature Injectors J. Ewins Technical and Restoration Guides ToysandModels n/a
SHOW 385.1 HOL Portraits of 'Kings' Bryan Holden & Kenneth H. Leech Books Rail 1984
SHOW 629.242104 LUC Lucas Service Training Centre Fault Diagnosis Joseph Lucas (Sales & Service) Ltd. Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1968
SHOW 796.778 BOD The History of Brooklands Motor Course William Boddy Motor History Motorsport Track 1957
SHOW 385.1 WHI2 Narrow Gauge Railways of the British Isles Patrick Whitehouse and John Snell Books Rail 1994
DA.01 385.1 RUS A Pictorial Record of Great Western Engines (vol. One and Two) J. H. Russell Photo archive Rail n/a
SHOW 629.2151 CLA Mercedes Benz Cars 1957 - 1961 (Brooklands Books) R. M. Clarke Motor History Cars Mercedes n/a
SHOW 629.2151 BEN Mercedes Benz Type 190SL Roadster Owner's Manual Operation Tune-Up Maintenance (Edition E) Daimler-Benz Manuals/Handbooks Cars Mercedes n/a
SHOW 629.2421 JUD1 The Modern Motor Engineer - Electrical Diagrams Arthur W. Judge Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics Electricals 1948
SHOW 629.2401 ODH Practical Automobile Engineering Illustrated Odhams Press Limited Technical and Restoration Guides Mechanics General 1946
SHOW 621.13 IMP Cassel Manual of Heat-Treatment and Casehardening Imperial Chemical Industries Limited Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1954
SHOW 629.2432 FER Ferodo Fan Belts Pocket Guide & Price List 1964 Ferodo Limited Parts Catalogues Mechanics Engine 1964
SHOW 629.21389 CLA Hudson and Railton Cars (including Terraplane and Brough Superior) 1936-1940 R. M. Clarke Manuals/Handbooks Cars Hudson n/a
DA.01 621.13 BON Bond's Light Engineering Catalogue 1964 Bond's, London Parts Catalogues SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 1964
621.13 WAL Modern Steam - An Economic And Environmental Alternative to Diesel Traction (The Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture) Roger Waller, Instititue of Mechanical Engineers Lecture Other SteamandAgricultural Industry/Engineering 2003
SHOW 745.1 GRA The Hornby Gauge O Systems Chris and Julie Graebe Books ToysandModels 1985
SHOW 745.1 PER1 Wonderful Models The Romance of the World in Miniature and a Complete Encyclopaedia of Modelcraft Percival Marshall and Company, London Magazines ToysandModels 1928
745.102 MOD Model Engineer Diamond Jubilee Double Issue Vol. 118, No. 2971 May 1958 Model Engineer Magazines ToysandModels 1958
629.2454 AMAL AMAL Section Illustration of Needle Jet Carburetter With Pilot Jet System AMAL Brochures Mechanics Fuel and Induction n/a
745.1 LES "Matchbox" 1966 Collector's Guide International Catalogue Lesney Products & Co. Ltd. Buyer's Guide ToysandModels 1966
DA.01 385.1 WEI American Locomotive Engineering Drawings by G. Weissenborn G. Weissenborn Other Rail n/a
DA.01 621.11 SOU Minimum Requirements for the Examination/Testing of Miniature Steam Boilers Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 1994
DA.01 621.11 SOU1 Directory of Affiliated Clubs/Societies (sixth edition) Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2005
DA.01 621.11 SOU2 Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies Insurance Facilities available to all Affiliated Clubs, Societies and members Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2003
DA.01 621.11 SOU3 The Examination & Testing of Miniature Steam Boilers (Revised Edition 2008) Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2008
DA.01 621.11 SOU4 The Examination & Testing of Miniature Steam Boilers (Revised Edition 2012) Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies Technical and Restoration Guides SteamandAgricultural Traction Engines 2012
Generated by wpDataTables


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